
Tales From The Alphaverse: Rising Of The Aberrant

( This book contains dark themes, as well as that, the book has no romance for the MC, I own the alphaverse and the ocs there, however I do not own any other being, this book contains ocs like a lot of ocs ) The destruction of the All-Verse, and then the reformation of it creating the new Alphaverse, a mixture of all the verses within the once amazing All-Verse. Many evil beings who were once dead are now back, bigger than ever, a being will rise... He will come out of the very depths of the abyss and claim himself at the peak of the alphaverse... This is the tale of Aberrant Akar. _______

Indie_Excursion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2, A Body, A Mind, And The Abyss.

| Chapter 2, Volume 1: A Body, A Mind, And The Abyss.


The ground was covered- No it was made out of millions if not more corpses, each corpse was strange and inhuman, their bodies were pitch black and looked like it was made out of a thick armor plating, their arms, and legs were nubs, and their head was pure white, they all had long horns that took a myriad of shapes. Their empty eyeholes leaked out a black liquid, suddenly something moved underneath the pile of corpses, the flesh monster crawled out of the pile and then looked around.

It was clearly surprised about its new surroundings, everything was black, blacker than the forest he lived in. There were waterfalls of pure black liquid that went into a lake of darkness, the worm smelled something, it was meat, slithering towards the source, the worm found the corpse of the fat man that harmed him. The worm instantly went to consuming the flesh of the being, within a few moments the worm was bigger and stronger than before. However, then something strange happened, the worms mind began to expand, it learned many things in mere seconds.

It stood still processing all the info it had just been given, it was really only given the basics of a human mind, how to create, how to think, how to learn, and how to speak, everything else that the fat man had the flesh creature still did not have. But it was still a lot for this creature, it suddenly grew a mouth on the front of its face.

F.M: ".... H-hello?"

The flesh monster spoke in a dark deep voice, however underneath that voice there was a much lighter softer one, the monster looked around for any responses however none came its way, the meat monster moved towards one of the corpses on the ground and then touched it with a tendril. Feeling the cold hard exoskeleton of this creature the flesh monster pulled its tendril back and then looked at it.

F.M: "Cold....so....cold...."

The flesh monster would then hear a slight groaning sound coming from behind it, quickly turning around it saw nothing but a big version of the little corpse. Its exoskeleton was much thicker than the rest of the small corpses, it was also much taller, its left eyehole was cracked, as a long dark purple and black cloak covered its body, it also had four long horns, two of them sticking out from its head, and the other two were sticking out of its cheeks. Getting an idea the worm slithered towards the tall insect being and then started to put its tendrils over the beings body, its tendrils went inside the beings body, as the flesh monsters whole body started to go inside of it.

Soon enough all the flesh monsters body was inside the being, moving its large body to fill most of the being, the flesh monster then started to manipulate the new body that it had. Standing up the being stood very tall, his feet crushing some heads underneath it, the flesh monster sighed as it raised its boney arm and scratched its skull. The biomass would then fill the skull, from the outside the vessel looked nigh completely normal from what it looked like before, however now between the joints you could see dark purple and black pulsating flesh.

The being walked forward but then tripped, the flesh monster growled in pain as it stood up once again, for some reason each time the flesh monster walked forward and failed it got better at walking the next time, soon enough to being mastered the art of walking.

F.M: "What... should I call myself....?"

The flesh monster thought for a few seconds, before it snapped its new bodies fingers.

Aberrant: "From now on... I am Aberrant!"

( Aberrant POV from now on )

I jumped up in happiness of my newfound name, I felt more of those strange skulls crush underneath my feet. I then stopped jumping when I felt something strange inside of me, it was like a something was being fused with me, it felt strange to say the least, I tried to leave the body I put myself within however I couldn't. I was surprised as I put my hand onto my chest and then tried to rip off a plate of my exoskeleton, I groaned loudly in pain, the pain of trying to pull it off was too much for me as I stopped and then fell onto my knees groaning in pain.

Aberrant: "D-damn it..."

I stood up once again, and then I thought 'well... there goes my old body... ei...but this body is good too... if not better... So nothing lost'. I wanted to leave this pitch black area, something about it made me feel very, very uncomfortable, I looked around once again and saw a massive hole in the wall. I instantly rushed towards the said hole and then entered it, the hole turned out to be a tunnel, I walked through the tunnel very slowly, the walls of this tunnel were spiky and covered in silk.

The sticky strings latched onto my foot and held onto it, I yanked my foot out of the strings and continued my movement, at this point I just wanted this to end. Loud humming came from my right side as I looked at it, a simple light blue crystal that was piercing out of the wall, ignoring the thing I continued to move forward.

Soon enough I came out of the tunnel as I was hit with a bunch of lights, the long thick plants that were sticking out of the rock glowed, it was very strange to say the least. I bent over and then grabbed one of the plants and ripped them out of the ground, I then looked forward and saw a pitch black area. I used the light that was emitted from the plant to light the way forward.

Tunnels, holes, spikes, and small creatures with spikes on their backs were everywhere, the sounds of crawling and chittering made me feel very paranoid. I turned around suddenly as I heard the sound of a snapping stick, there I saw a small spider that quickly scurried away.

Aberrant: "Well that was something..."

I would then slowly walk forward, crushing smaller insects underneath my foot, as well as collecting any glowing plant I could see. I looked around and noticed I was in the same place I was twenty minutes ago, I growled in pure annoyance as I stomped onto the ground. After a couple of moments of rage I would then choose another tunnel to travel through, I hoped that this one would bring me somewhere new. If it didn't then I would most likely lose it.

I was walking through the long tunnel, this one was FAR more different than the other tunnels that I went through, there was silk limited only to the roof of the tunnel and the walls were covered in thin stone plates that had some bugs crawling over them. As I moved forward the tunnel got larger and larger, as statues of a strange spider were starting to show up, I put my foot forward as I felt something click.

Then suddenly the floor broke, I quickly moved backwards and fell down and looked at the big hole in the ground. I wiped some nonexistent sweat off of my forehead, I stood up and then looked down the big hole, on the bottom there were sharp spikes sticking out, some corpses were impaled onto these said spikes. 'Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make this!? Though actually, it does seem kinda useful for catching prey...' I thought as I jumped over the spikes and then began to run forward.

Soon enough I reached the end of the tunnel and then saw a massive area, everywhere there were small sphere shaped homes make out of grey silk, there were also some spiders crawling on these homes. Up above there was some light being emitted by some crystals, honestly, I was amazed by this place. I placed my hand on one of the big homes and felt how warm it was, I pulled my hand off of it gently.

Aberrant: "Wow... this place is amazing..."

I continued to look around, until I came upon a big house, I entered into the house, the floor was made out of smooth peach wood, I continued to explore the house, and it was very big to say the least. I ended up heading to one of the bedrooms and flopping onto the soft bed.

I was tired... so very tired.... I then proceeded to go to sleep....