
Tale Of The Adamas

The world shall test your limit. By sacrificing your time, blood , and even those who you hold dear. It is a must, for you to walk on the world who keep rejecting your existence.

EFEMES · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Arrive In The Destination

It's been 1 hour since we start walking toward my village. But it seems like Sir Cristian love the quiet scenery rather than talking, because he haven't said anything since we leave the cave. I thought every human will feel lonely and will start talking to ease that feelings, but it seems like Sir Cristian didn't try to ease his loneliness. Inside his eyes, seems like a empty castle. There's no joy, happiness, or even sadness. It just a castle stand alone, trying to fight off the intruder who ever thinking about bringing the castle down.

As i continue to observate him, it cross my mind. Another question about him. Will he answer my question? Or will he ignore it?

I just need to ask it to him to find out, right?

Hesistanly, i brave myself and ask him the question on my mind. "Um, Sir Cristian?". It took a couple of seconds before he reply to me. "What is it?" He ask, seeming uninterested about whatever i have to say next. He just waiting for me to say the word, and he just need to answer them if he know the answer.

"What do you do before meeting me? Are you working for a kingdom or some army? Or are you a mercenary?"

I want to know. I want to know who this man is, and what kind of reason he have for fighting. Sure, he's not the noble knight i always think about, but he surely must have his own reason to fight.

Sir Cristian is surprised by the question, as he turn his eyes and stare at me. For a moment, he changed.

Someone who seems have no interest about anything i said, change. The look on his eyes especially. It seems like a sinister, and unimaginable dark person is residing in them. If i didn't know any better, i could mistaken him as a demon or some kind. His body tense, while veins on his arm seems like they about to burst anytime soon. I'm scared. I know i did nothing to upset him by now, but maybe he will actually kill me for asking that question. I almost wet my pants again, because the look he giving me.

"S-sir Cristian?" I try to snap him out of it. I fear that he may kill me, so i better try my luck by calling him out. If he snap out of it, then i be more at ease rather than faced with this version of him. I rather him stay silence than brutally killing me.

As if my pray been heard, his eyes return to normal. The darkness reside, leaving from his eyes. As if nothing happen, both his face and eyes is filled with emptiness again. As he returning to his normal state, he turn his head away and look at the road infront of us. There's continue a silence in our journey. As i think he will not answer the question, he started to speak.

"Nothing interesting. I'm just... trying to survive... That's all." He said without looking at me.

Survive? From what?

Are he some kind of monster hunter? or he's actually vagabond and just happen to reach this land?

As i thought, his answer is vague. There's so many question coming from that answer of him, but didn't bother asking anymore. It seems like this person is sensitive about his past, and it is best for me to avoid talking about it. As we continue to walk in silence, a second pass. Then a minute pass. And then a hour pass. We just walk in silence, and taking a break sometimes to eat or drink from a nearby lake. By the time we arrive at my village gate, there's come a person carrying a sword on his hand, accompanied by 8 peoples behind him. The peoples behind him also carrying a weapon for each of them, mostly sword and spear. As we getting closer, the man yells in our direction with pointing his sword, "State your business here!". As he yell that, the peoples do the same as him and also point their weapon to our direction. I continue to step forward, while raising both of my hands to reassure them i mean no harm. After i think i have enough distance from them, i state to them. "I'm Clementine." As he hear that, he looks relieve to see me. But before he lower his sword, he see Sir Cristian behind me and his eyes is widen with shock. It is sure to be expected, for Sir Cristian armor is so dirty and his entire body is covered with his armor, making people think of him as a threat most of the time because his intimidating aura. "Don't attack him, he's with me. He save me from a monster when i was in the forest alone." I say to make them lower their weapon. The man hear me, and lower his sword slowly, despite still acting wary of Sir Cristian. His eyes watches him carefully as to anticipate a sudden attact which Sir Cristian may do. But after seeing him doesn't do anything and just standing still, they breathe because it is confirmed that he is no threat. "I'm sorry for my rudeness, Sir knight. My name is Corvan Torrn, i'm the leader of this village called Norrman. Clementine said that you saved him from a monster before, correct? If that is true, then i want to repay you. If it okay, how about you rest in our village for a short time before continuing your journey? " Corvan wait for Sir Cristian response and offering his hand to him. Sir Cristian just looking at his hand, before finally shaking it. As he shake it, he respond "Then i'm taking that offer." I can only smile at this situation. Sir Cristian must be exhausted, despite eating all that food because we had to sleep in the cave. But now that we arrive on the village, i'm sure Sir Cristian can enjoy a well deserved rest in a proper bed.

After shaking hands, Corvan told me to brought Sir Cristian to Mayyer house, as she have a vacant room in her house. When i want to take Sir Cristian there, i see Corvan gathering with the rest of the village guardian. I don't know what they will be talking about, but i bet it is something related to the village so i didn't care much for it. As i thinking that, i slowly walk with Sir Cristian to lead him to Mayyer house. As i walk, there's a lot of people who calling out to me.

"Hey Clementine! The first thing you brought back to the village from the forest is a knight?"

"I bet he want to make his own kingdom!"

"Then having that knight is his first step!"

"Oh no, we will be ruled by Clementine the Tyrant! May the Gods bless us!"

"Oh, shut it all of you!"

I smile. It just been 2 days, but it feels like months for me. After seeing that monster yesterday, i...

I doubt i can go to the forest again.

I don't want to experience it again, as once is enough for me. As i thinking that, the smiles in my face almost fade away.

"They sure love you, huh." Sir Cristian said out of nowhere, with his face still hidden inside his helmet. I'm surprised, this is the first time that he talking to me without having me to start it. Maybe he start to relax after getting out of forest because there's no more danger?

"Yeah, but they mostly just make fun of me." I said while pouting. It's true that they like me, but they like me because they can make fun of me. But it doesn't matter, as it means they care about me. Sir Cristian nod after hearing my response, and he just say "Protect them if you love them." Huh, that's weird coming out of him. Not any different from when we walking through the forest, the silence keep on going for minutes until we arrive at Mayyer house. I get to the front door and knock the door of her house. First time knock, no response. Second time, still no response. And as i was going to knock for the third time, the door hit my face and i was sent flying to the nearby bush.

"Oh shut it, i thought i already told you-" Mayyer said as she storming out of her house angrily. But after seeing Sir Cristian, her eyes widen and she keep saying "Huh?" over and over. Sir Cristian just point to the bush, where i was lying. Mayyer pull me out of the bush and start saying things like i'm too old to pull a prank and playing hide and seek. If only she knows... I think while holding my tears.

Mayyer is a beautiful women indeed. Her age is still young too, around 19 years old. She has a red hair and gorgeus brown eyes. If you ask everyone who is the most beautiful in the village, then they will most likely pick Mayyer. But despite having a beautiful face and figure, she is a brute at heart and can do work which usually done by men like cutting tree or hunting. Nobody want to mess with her, because one person have tried before and... It is been believed he can't grow any more hair as Mayyer shave them all off so he didn't want to meet other people again. Such a poor guy.

"I think you was Corvan, so i got angry. Sorry, Clementine. And uh, who is this?" She ask as she scanning Sir Cristian from head to toe. Well, mostly his armor though. "Cristian. Cristian Navarro." The knight said, not bothering to be polite towards her. "Okay then." Then she look at me. "So, what bring you here? Want some food?"

"No, it's not food."

"Then what is it?"

"Um, can this knight live with you? I know you have a vaca-"


Oh my god, i hope my ears didn't bleed. Her scream are so loud that the baby in the village start crying. I'm sorry, for all of you young ones, for having to live your life with her in this village when you all grow older. I pray for your safety and may the Gods bless you with luck so you will survive living with her in the same village.

After she scream, she continue saying, "I'm not going to let any stranger live in my house! What if he stab me when i sleep?" She speak, clearly annoyed by the request. Even if i said Corvan is the one who told him to sleep in her house, i doubt she will change her mind. That old man is really scared of her.

Man, why does the strongest in the village is a women?

After hearing her answer, i shaking my head, dissapointed by the answer. "It should be him who is scared of you killing him in his sleep, not the other way around..." I said while closing my eyes and placing my hands on my waist. She hear what i said and she raise her hand, wanting to punch me for the statement i give. "What did you say?" I shriek, afraid she will actually punch me. That door hit me and i was sent flying, i don't know what if her actual fist is the one who hit my face. My jaw may be dislocated.

Before she could hit me, Sir Cristian speak up. "It's okay if you don't want to let me sleep in your house... I will be leaving the village then."

Continue? Even when it is sunset?

"But, the road will be dark and it's hard to continue. Mayyer, just let him stay for a co-" I say to Mayyer, afraid that Sir Cristian will really leave. Not letting me finish, Sir Cristian turn around and prepare to leave. But as he walk, Mayyer call out to him. "Really, you! Alright alright, i will let you stay in my room!" She agree as she stomp the ground. Sir Cristian then turn to us again and start walking to us. When he in front of Mayyer, Mayyer is scared. "W-what?" Mayyer said as she look up to him. "Thank you" Sir Cristian said. Mayyer sigh, and then point at Sir Cristian helmet. "Remove that. I want to see if you a criminal who is wanted on the list or not. I don't want to have a criminal on my house." Sir Cristian nod, and slowly removing his helmet. As his raise his helmet, his face is visible for Mayyer to see. Mayyer gasp in amazement as he look at Sir Cristian face. Surely, everyone will be mezmerized by the visual of his face. As he get no response from Mayyer, he speak "What's wrong?" while keeping his stoic face. Mayyer shake hear hand and pull me aside, so Sir Cristian can't hear us. "Hey, where do you find this man? He is sooo handsome! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" She said to me, while keep taking a glance at Sir Cristian. "I-I didn't know you would judge people by their looks..." I honestly don't know what her type is. She never reveal her private information to people. "Oh my God Clementine! Whatever your type is, it is imposibble to not be captivated by his face! Are you stupid?" Mayyer said to me as she grab me by the shoulder and shake me repeatedly. I'm getting dizzy, but i can't go against Mayyer. Sir Cristian, help...

As she done talking to me, she start turning toward Sir Cristian again. "Ehem! Alright, now that i can confirm you not a criminal, feel free to use the room! Also, if you want to do something with me at night, just go on! I will make sure the door is not locked!" She said as she closes her eyes and putting her hands behind her back.

What the, why do you requesting him to assault you! I knew it, something is wrong with Mayyer head! I need to put her in a cage so she won't run wild and bite people out of nowhere... Damn, why it seems like she can read my mind!

As she glare at me, Sir Cristian shake his head. "I will never do anything like that, i promise you that. However, i will do whatever you asked from me for the next couple of days if it is within my capabilities to do them." As he said that, he bow his head toward Mayyer. Now, this Sir Cristian is front of me seems like a real knight. A noble one, who always stand by the side of justice. Both Mayyer and me are captivated not only by his looks, but also by his words and demeanor. I thought he is a brute who only know fighting, but it turns out he know the proper ethics of a knight. I guess what they say by "Don't judge a book by it's cover" is true.

After that, Sir Cristian stand up straight again and waiting for Mayyer to show him the room he's going to stay in. Mayyer who still shocked by the previous scene, hurriedly saying "T-this way." to Sir Cristian while opening her door. Sir Cristian look at me and nod, which i reply with a nod too myself. After Cristian enter the house, Mayyer about to close the door. But before that, she suddenly smirking at me. I can only hope Sir Cristian know how to fend himself from her, or there will be some brawl going on inside the house.

"Man, maybe it's time for me to return to my house too." I said. And as i walk, i keep kicking the rock in the path to keep my thought off when i walking toward my house. As i gaze towards the sky, i can only hope that this life will be going on forever.

~Cristian POV~

As i bid goodnight to the girl who own the house i will rest in, i close the doors. I slowly examine the whole room to familiarize myself with the space i about to stay in for a while. There's a single bedroom, a table and chair, a bookshelf, and a window which show the scenery of the outside of the house. Alright, this is more than enough for me.

I walk to the bookshelf and pick one of the books myself, and read the title of it. Out of the 4 books there, i pick one random book which titled "The Kingdom Of Emortheous".

This books... i have heard the title somewhere. If i recall correctly...

As i about to try to remember it, a sudden pain burst out on my arm.

A pain so intense i can only be forced to kneel, for the strength on my legs have already been gone. I try my best not to scream and cause disturbance, so i can only bite the wood of the bookshelf to muffle my mouth, preventing any sort of sound coming out. I can't move my arm anymore, as the pain is too intense. At that moment, i can only beg for the Divine Beings to...

"For me."

A sudden voice resounding inside my head.

As if it was a cure, it soothe out the pain and ease my arm so i can no longer feel pain on it no longer.

The voice... Why... Why just by hearing it... I'm... I'm...

Suddenly putting my hand on my chest and squeezing it so hard, as if i try to conceal something from leaking. Like a dam which keep a lot of water from breaking out.

The voice is something i never heard, but somehow i feel like i missed it and want to keep on listening to it. A voice so gentle and tender, which i feel overjoyed at the chance to remember it. But as i try to keep on remembering it, my hand squeeze my chest harder and harder, trying to suffocate it.

Human can't suffocate themself. But for now, it's not the case for me.

I don't know if it's because my body try to erase that memory and stop it from coming back to me, or it is because i'm no longer a human.

All that i can feel now is my conciousness slowly fading, as i fall to the floor without anyone realizing it, that even the moon have reject to reflect it's shine upon my body.