
Tails of Haven

Join Helena on her adventures at the Haven Guild where everyone has an interesting story to tell. ----- This story's characters were HEAVILY inspired by fairy tail hence the tag. Where Ryan is similar to Natsu and Helena to Lucy.

Mcintoshstar · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 03 | Welcome to Haven Guild


"Welcome home Ryan." 

Various shouts greeted Ryan in return not fazed by the fact he had thrown open a door almost ten times his size. 

"Who's the pretty blonde?"

"Is that your girlfriend?"

The loud shouts and music along with Ryan pulling her further into the chaos became too much for Helena's ears and brain causing her to become disorientated and lose her footing. Ryan of course caught her. 

"Settle down." Irina yelled, causing the guild to go silent. The guid may or may not have a slight fear of her. She was in the top ten for a reason. "This is Helena and she is interested in joining the guild. Is the Master in the office?" 

"You can go right up Irina." Felicia, the resident bartender, replied with a smile while drying a glass. Irina nodded, throwing Helen over her shoulders causing the blonde to squeal before heading up the stairs.

"Careful with the beautiful lady." Levi, short for Leviathan yelled. He was the resident cook and women spokesperson. Some would call him a womanizer, but he was faithful to his grumpy, drunk, samurai Ayla.

Helena was dazed, were they always this rowdy? But somehow, it had her feeling warm, she hadn't been here more than fifteen minutes and she could tell they were a close knit family.


Irina was snapping her fingers in front of her. She didn't even realize that they entered an office, much less that Irina had placed her on the couch. "Oh, sorry. Didn't think the guild was that rowdy, it feels like family though." Helena blushed embarrassed, causing laughter to echo throughout the room. 

Helena, for the first time since entering the room, raised her head. Directly across from her was a buff short haired man. He looked like he could rip someone in half without really trying. The Only thing preventing her from crying in fear was the fact the man was smiling. 

"Why do you want to join the Haven Guild?" he asked, in contrast to his rough and manly look, his voice sounded tired. He sounded like he was lacking a week's worth of sleep. 

"This might sound-" Helena was cut off by Irina's glare.

"I mean, someone who I once knew has family in this guild." she explained avoiding Irina's scolding eyes. Helena closed her eyes waiting for the rejection, she was just waiting for the guild master to start questioning her and her background.

"Good enough for me, come and get your mark stamped." He replied, beckoning her over.

Helena looked at him bewildered but did what she was told regardless. "Where do you want it?" He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a magic stamp. 

"The back of my shoulder please." Helena turned around, dragging down the neckline of her blouse so he could stamp it in the correct area. 



The stamp felt cold against Helena's skin and the guild master couldn't help but laugh. "I could've stamped it through your clothes, it's magic." he laughed. Helena turned red, embarrassed and she gave off an embarrassed laugh. 

"My name is Syrius Silver, you can call me Master Silver, Master, Silver and sleepyhead." 

Helena gave him a confused look on the last name but nodded regardless. 

"Now, let's go announce our new member." Silver smiled walking behind them as they exited his office. He motioned for Helena to follow him as he made his way over to the small balcony that overlooked the guildhall before yelling.

"Let's welcome our new member Helena in a Haven-ly fashion, with beer and music." 

The guild roared in excitement as Irina brought Helena down to the first floor and over to the bar. "What can I get yah?" Felicia asked with a friendly smile as another bartender was assisting the other guildmates. 

"Do you have vanilla-cinnamon milkshake?" She wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, it was a bar after all. 

"Yup, we serve every drink you can think of." Felicia smiled heading around back to prepare the drink. 

"So how do you like it here so far?" Irina asked, eating a slice of what looked like cheesecake. Helena looked at her confused, where did she even get that? 

"So far so good. I can certainly say the guild is lively." she laughed. Irina nodded, taking another bite and Felicia returned. 

"Vanilla-cinnamon, here you go. My name is Felicia, you can just call me Fel for short." 

"Thank you Fel."

Before Helena could take a sip of her milky desert a shirt hit her on the side of the face and Levi's voice could somehow be heard over the chaos of the already loud guild.

"You hit the lady you exhibitionist."

"It was an accident."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mcintoshstarcreators' thoughts