
Chapter 1: Beginning After The End

Winston introduce Kelvin to five other players. These people all seemed to be around the same age as Kelvin and Winston, making for a perfect group of individuals. Some were quite buff while others were a bit chubby or thin. Kelvin didn't judge too much, he was a bit slim and only maintained a standard amount of muscle.

"Hello there, Kelvin. My name's Daniel." A tall and muscular player spoke.

"Hello, Daniel."

"Well the others have started building their characters, so come join in on the fun!"

Kelvin went to the large circular coffee table and looked around for a paper sheet. There was a lot of different things on the table, including some dice, books, figurines, foam swords and maps; but there were no character sheets to be found.

"Ah, are you looking for a character sheet?" A voice asked.

Kelvin turned to his left to see a man with glasses and a standard black T-shirt and cargo pants.

"Here's one." The man pulled a character sheet from under a pile of books and figurines, handing it to Kelvin.

"I am Steven, but you will call me the 'Glorious Pyranicus'." The man announced.

"Chill. The campaign hasn't even started and you're already role playing." A skinnier looking guy spoke.

"Jake, it is better to get into habit now." Steven responded.

"Sure, sure... I will just make my dream character ready." Jake said.

Kelvin looked at his sheet and browsed through the book. The book seemed to be as thick as a Bible, fitting as many as 1000 pages of instructions and information. Kelvin quickly read the contents that seemed the most important and tried to formulate the most effective character in his head.

"By the way, you can choose your stats instead of rolling them, but keep them from 5-15!" Winston spoke from the kitchen.

Kelvin darted his eyes through the manual, looking for an appropriate race and class, skipping through any irrelevant pages. Eventually he managed to find an obscure page with information that he needed.


"Also, make sure to write up a backstory! It helps when giving out extra bonuses." Winston shouted again.

Kelvin quickly read through a page which talked about playing as an elemental and began creating his ultimate character. The night went by quickly as everyone wrote and erased things from their sheets, trying to create their dream hero. Kelvin finished creating his best ever build at around 10pm, leaving 2 hours for play if everyone else finishes on time.

"DONE!" everyone shouted happily.

"Great, let me sweep off the unnecessary items off the table." Winston said as he removed most of the items from the table, looking through everyone's sheets as he went by.

"Okay, so the story begins in a large cavern. Moisture is dripping from the ceiling, gently splashing on the puddles on the ground. You find yourselves in this mysterious place, together, but do not know the reason. Before you have time to speak, a large figure falls through an already made hole in the ceiling, crashing to the floor. All of you start to hear the clashing of metal and the sounds of screaming from above you." Winston announced.

"You may now do as you please."

"I move towards the fallen figure." Kelvin spoke.

"So you move towards the fallen figure. Upon a quick inspection with your eyes, you see that the figure is a human male with full plate mail.

"Is the plate mail better than mine?" Kelvin asked.


"I will use it."


The year went by like a quick breeze of wind, before they knew it, the characters had all reached well into the level 90s and were just about to encounter the final boss. Kelvin enjoyed the past year, appreciating the time he spent with his new group. A small touch of sadness went through his mind however, making him remember that it is nearly the end. The group had been his home away from home, it provided him with friends and fun, and it was going to end in just one more session of play.

For the last time, Kelvin went into the elevator and went up to the penthouse floor. With some sadness in his expression, he tried to keep himself excited for the final boss fight of the campaign. Perhaps he will be able to make one more life long memory from this group.

He knocked on the door like usual, waiting for a response.

"Hell there, Kelvin! Come in, it is time to finish the campaign!" Winston spoke in a happy voice.

Kelvin sat in his usual spot and played the game intently.


"COME ON! KELVIN, STEVE! FINISH HIM!" Everyone shouted as the boss was on his last sliver of HP.

Kelvin struck his foam sword in between Winston's sword and shield, hitting him on the chest.


Kelvin rolled his damage dice, amounting to 10450 damage points.

"The Great One falls to the ground as XXXXX skilfully cut his sword through the former's defences, dropping the villain to the ground!" Winston announced.

"I congratulate you all on completing Grand World!"

Everyone suddenly turned glum after hearing his last sentence, remembering the times that they had enjoyed up until this point. Everyone knew that the campaign is now over, concluding their time with the wonderful game master of Winston.

"Do not be so sad! I have one last gift for all of you! Now please, move back to the table." Winston spoke.

Everyone sat back at the table, awaiting Winston's words.

"The game is over, but the story continues."

"My story is over, but your story begins now!"

Suddenly a powerful gravitational force started to pull the players closer to the table.

"You tell the story now."

Kelvin felt his entire body being sucked into a vacuum of emptiness. Reliving his memories of the past year, he remembered all of the good times he had with Winston and co, letting a single tear leak from his right eye.

"Bye Winston."


Kelvin felt a warm and comfortable sensation, refusing to open his eyes, he continued to rest. Something didn't seem right though, it almost felt like Kelvin didn't have a single uncomfortable thing on his body, almost as if he had no body. Kelvin attempted to open his eyes, revealing nothing. Was he blind?

"Young Brother, hast thou awakened in the shrine?" A voice asked.

The setting of a shrine felt familiar somehow.

"I see, thou must have no sight still, follow my voice, I will guide thee."