
System user who also happens to be a Dimensional Chat Group Admin.

MC was no one special, but he wishes to be rich and spend the rest of his life peacefully. One day a semi-transparent blue screen appears in front of him. [Do you want to be strong?] "Nah, I am too lazy to train or walk the path to be the strongest or something." [...] [What about a harem of beautiful girls?] [You must want that, right?] "I am sorry, but I don't think I can handle a harem." [...] [You can be a King- No, an Emperor!] "No way, why would I want to spend my time to make other life easier?" [...] [You can be a God!] "That sounds way worse than the last one." [...] [You can be rich like no other] "Now we're talking! When do I start?" [...] [Do you want to open your Starter Pack?] "Can I sell it for money?" [...] [Host, your greed is beyond what I expected] "Hey! You promise me that I can make money!" [...]

SlothElephant2k18 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

A Dimensional Chat Group is always filled with weirdos

Will hold the idea of becoming a Campione and take out the Dimensional Chat Group.

It looks like a normal black smartphone with a single camera, but there are no brand logos on it.

After turning it on a text appear.

[Auto name generator: Greedy Dreamer]

[Greedy Dreamer have been chosen as Overpower Society Dimensional Chat Group Admin]

[User receive Admin Advantage]

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin) is Online]

[Muscular Uncle is Online]

[Delusional Hero is Online]

[World Class is Online]

[Friendly Fire is Online]

[Prehistoric Virgin is Online]

[Monster Bait is Online]

[100% Miss is Online]

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Who is the bastard that dares to mock this great me!

[Monster Bait]: Did I drink too much last night?

[World Class]: Is this group for friends? Yay, I have new friends!

[Muscular Uncle]: It seems I accidentally eat that hallucination mushroom again.

[Delusional Hero]: Is this some kind of mind-related ability that belongs to a World Enemy Society member?!

[Friendly Fire]: What is this crazy floating window?

[100% Miss]: Are there any beautiful ladies around here?!

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: As I have expected, Dimensional Chat Group are filled with weirdos

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Who do you call weirdos huh?!

[Muscular Uncle]: You got gut to call me like that, hahahaha!

[Delusional Hero]: Wh-Who does you, call weirdos?!

Seeing text won't stop anytime soon Will use his right as an admin.

[Admin have mute this Chat Group]

[Only Admin can send message]

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Now let me get this straight. We are people from different worlds. [Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: How do I know this? Don't ask.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Who gives you guys a stupid name, not me, it's the Chat Group.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: How it did that? Don't know, don't ask.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: There is Massage Typer on the left top corner, press it and change [Mind Massage Type] to [Manual Massage Type]

[All member are now able to send message]

[Delusional Hero]: And I was supposed to be the Delusional one. Admin are you sure there is nothing wrong with your head?

[Muscular Uncle]: I think it's you who have something wrong with your head.

[Prehistoric Virgin]: As much as I have to admit, [Muscular Uncle] is right.

[Delusional Hero]: Hu-Huh? What that supposed to mean?

[Muscular Uncle]: If he can mute us, that means he knows more about this Chat Group than us.

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Also, to have access to something like this, he isn't anyone normal.

[Delusional Hero]: Eh... Eehhh!!!

Will doesn't understand how everything going in the direction where they think he is someone powerful, but he won't correct anything.

They are too busy making crazy theories about him right now.

[Delusional Hero]: What should I do?! What should I do?!

[Prehistoric Virgin]: You can only pray to your god that [Greedy Dreamer] isn't a petty person.

[Muscular Uncle]: Hahahaha! I don't think [Greedy Dreamer] is someone petty, but I suggest you prepare lots of money, just in case.

[World Class]: Can we just forgive each other and be friends?

[Monster Bait]: Ugh! [Delusional Hero] or whoever you are, just do what [Muscular Uncle] suggests to you, it usually works.

[Delusional Dreamer(Admin)]: How much money are we talking about?

The moment they start talking about money Will enters the conversation.

[Muscular Uncle]: See? He took the Bait! Hahaha!

[Monster Bait]: Ha! Ha! Very funny.

[Delusional Hero]: Yo-You won't do anything to me right? [Greedy Dreamer]?

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: I won't, more like I can't. We are living in different worlds after all.

[Delusional Hero]: I am glad.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: But we might find a way to meet in the future.

[Delusional Hero]: Hiii!

[Muscular Uncle]: [Greedy Dreamer] I think you have scare [Delusional Hero] enough.

[World Class]: That's right! You can't bully your friends [Greedy Dreamer]!

Will doesn't know what to say about this group of weirdos anymore.

He just simply tell them that they can-

"Oh, I understand now. But I will just stay silent and let everything go with the flow."

After talking with them for more than 3 hours Will understand some basic information about their condition.

In [Prehistoric Virgin] world there was a supernatural war that ends with most Divine creatures sealed in artifacts

As a participant in that war, she also ends up sealed to this day.

That is why she feels glad to be this Group Chat member since now she has something to entertain herself instead of sleeping for another decade.

[Delusional Hero] was from an alternative Earth, where people with a strong desire can manifest a superpower.

She was a Psychiatrist that tries to make a persona with enough strong desire, strong enough to gain a superpower.

She succeeded, but it ends with her having a split personality.

[Muscular Uncle] is the older brother of the King of Aresia Kingdom, he was supposed to be the king, but since he doesn't want to, he let his brother take the throne.

Now he was the general of Aresia, the strongest beastman Kingdom on Olympia Continent.

Sadly his brother is sick and now it was his oldest Nephew who fills the throne.

[Monster Bait] was also from alternative Earth, but in his Earth strange energy make animals and plant on the planet change into Monster.

Humanity now is either hiding underground, take protection behind massive energy walls, or become a nomads tribe.

The only Humans who able to fight monsters are The Big Eater, those who can absorb the strange energy from the Monster and awaken special abilities after eating them.

Sadly [Monster Bait] ability name is [Atract Predator]. It causes him a hard time getting enough Monster meat to awaken second ability. To make it worse, other Big Eaters don't want to work with him because he causes one spot to have Monster 5 times more than the usual.

[100% Miss] is a scout for a Holy Knight squad.

Every time he shot an arrow, it will absolutely hit his target.

But when he flirts with a girl, he will absolutely miss their heart, and cause them to get angry with him.

[Friendly Fire] is a massive dragon who became an adventure.

The problem is many want to kill him so they can take his body and make super powerful equipment.

Of course, adventure is prohibited to kill each other, but the problem is many still dare to try to do so, using dirty tricks.

[World Class] is a pilot for some kind of exoskeleton suit.

The exoskeleton was used to destroy giant aliens that came from the sky.

The problem?

[World Class] is the strongest pilot, but she also the biggest idiot, and has the biggest breast Will have ever seen.

How does he know her breast?

He asks everyone to post their pictures (He wasn't sure how [Prehistoric Virgin] take a picture from inside an artifact. But the background is all black).

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Well I will read the tutorial now.

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Wait, where is it?

Will take a screenshot, mark the tutorial and send it to her.

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Wait, how did you do it?

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Just swipe down three fingers at the same time.

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Oh, this is more interesting than what I expect it to be!

[Greedy Dreamer]: Well I need to go now.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin) is now offline]

Will leave the Chat Group and read the tutorial.

[This is a Chat Group to connect many people from different worlds]

[Collect Dimensional Coins to travel to another world, train in private space, or test your luck and role the lucky wheel!]

[Dimensional Coin can be earn by doing Quest or sign in every day]

Will check the Quest and find many simple actions such as help [5 grannies across the street], to weird Quest like [Sleep with a lonely local milf], to bizarre ones like [Kiss your Math teacher, Miss Green].

'The last one is sure sounds troublesome, and oddly specific.'

Will sigh and take [Work at McDonald for an hour].

This is the easiest and less odd he can.

He isn't sure about the other, but he thinks they still have a hard time believing everything they just learn.

Except for [World Class], she just happy to have more friends.

Will have worked at a McDonald before, but only to get extra pocket money.

But now for Dimensional Coin, he works again

'System how much money I can get from a Dimensional Coin?'

[1.000 Dollars]

'And how much I get from doing this quest again?'

[20 Coins for an hour]

'20 X 1.000 = 20.000.'

Will stop thinking and focus on his job.

He knows giving extra effort won't give extra Coins, but he sure since the payment is big (For him at least) he will work his best.

His boss wasn't sure what got into him, but he won't say anything since he works so hard.

Later that night, after Will's shift end.

'Around 5 hours. So 5 X 20 X 1.000 = 100.000 Dollars!'


Will who was on his way home get so happy and kiss a random stranger nearby.

The good news is, it wasn't a guy, but the bad news is it was a woman he knows, to make it even worse it was Miss Green.

[You get 100 Dimensional Coins for kissing Your Math teacher Miss Green]

"Mister Fitzgerald... I-I-I- WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!"

"Wa-wait Miss Green, it was all misunderstanding! I swear!"

Miss Green begins to scold him, but Will's boss from Mcdonald came to them.

He grabs their shoulder and smiles kindly at them.

"Miss Green right? I know will can be lazy, forgetful, and annoying sometimes. But when he doing something, he will do it till the end."

He grabs their hands and forces them to shake their hands.

"Now please get back together."

Both Will and Miss Green give him awkward smile.

"Boss, this is my teacher."

His boss suddenly looks shocked but smiles again at them.

"It will be hard, but don't let age and position separate you two. Don't worry, I won't say anything to anyone."

His boss believes they are secretly a couple.

Since Miss Green is older she tries to break up with Will, but Will doesn't want to.

Will boss give them motivational speech for 12 minutes, hoping they will give their relationship another shot.

When he leaves Miss Green's face was bright red.

They walk together since they head in the same direction.

"He was a nice boss."

"Yeah, he let me work every time I need extra money."

"You two seem close."

"Yeah, he was a figure closer to a Father for me than my own Father."

They end up talking about how nice Will's boss is.

Near Will's house, Miss Green stop.

"Will, listen. Both of us won't work."

Will look at her with a confused face.

He doesn't know how everything goes this way.

"I, I am too old for you. Please look for someone around your age."

She runs as fast as she can, leaving him alone and not sure should he laugh or feel sad.

"I just hope she doesn't react badly to me next time we met."

[Time skip]

After receiving a System and a Dimensional Chat Group Will live doesn't change much.

He has enough Dimensional Coin for Gatcha, but he prefers to use them for money.

Today he meets Miss Green on his way to his class.

"Go-Good Morning Mister Fitzgerald." After greeting him she quickly left, not waiting for him replying to her.

Two hands suddenly grab Will's shoulders.

"Don't mind bro, she is just shy to you."

"Will, my pal! You make me proud! At least one of us still have hope!"

Harold Smith and Steven Jackson.

Both of them are his friends.

Both are your usual horny teenager, the difference is Harold good at sport and Steven is from a family with financial conditions above average (Not to the point he was rich).

Their similarity?

They have average looks, like Will.

They (Two of them) try to get laid or at least get a girl, sadly just like [100% Miss] they fail.

"Bold move, and a bit stupid, but I must say your brave bro."

"Oh, don't mind him, pal, he is just jealous of you."

Harold was slightly annoyed with Will, but Steven sounds supportive of him.

They keep talking about how jealous they are of him, but he never replies to them.

They don't seem to mind it since they believe he was shy about the topic, so when they are near Will's class they leave him.

"Okay, see you later pal!"

"Hey, maybe you can teach me how to attract older girls later bro!"

"Ye-Yeah sure."

"You are the best bro."

Will wasn't sure about what he should teach him later, but he will give him his best.


[Give your friends love advice]

This bastard aims for more money of course.

He will still help them even if the Quest doesn't exist but with it, he has a bigger motivation to do so.

Even when he doesn't have any idea or advice to give!

Many gossips about him like older women begin to spread.

But since there is no harm done to him he stays silent.

[Another time skip]

Lunchtime, at School cafeteria.

"Bro how did you get close to Miss Green?" Harold asks with a voice a little bit louder than a whisper.

"Easy, go directly for the kiss."

Hearing Will's words Harold and Steven weren't sure if he was joking or them or something.

But when they see his face, they see he was dead serious.

"Any step before that?" Steven asks him.

"Nope, just search, aim and kiss."

They have tried to do this in the past, sadly it ends with a slap on their cheek.

'This world is unfair.' They thought.

"Anything else to do?" Harold asks again, not satisfied with his answer.

"Meet by accident, and give another kiss. Make sure there is someone nearby, so she will hear embarrassing comments."

They give Will a suspicious look.

They don't believe any of his bull.

Knowing this Will sigh.

"You two, love is not only about look, talent, popularity, or money. No! It's about timing."

They begin to think about it.

"There are women who stay with an abusive husband, why? Because of timing."

"Either he appears when they need someone, they don't have anyone at that time or they are the only choice."

"Above that is guts! Be brave! Be confident! Be your true self, but don't look weak. Show them your best point at the best time!"

Will wasn't sure if they can make it or not.

It won't be surprising if they end as female natural enemies.

But he has done his best.

Without Will knowing they will get not only one girl each, but they have several girls fall over their heels for this two.

They also turn into successful people.

Future Harold was interviewed.

"In my youth, my best bro, my children's godfather says to me "Go for the kiss!" I thought he was joking, but it seems he wasn't."

Future Harold next to him who was also interviewed.

"He tells us to be brave! And look at us now! Pal, you sure are one hell of a man."

But hey that's for the future. For now, three of them are your average look teenager.