
System Of The Fallen

Please support, WPC entry. Kael Ravenwood, your ordinary teenage boy's life was cut short by a rare and incurable illness. He expected death as the only option to rid himself of the suffering. Finally, it came but not in the way he expected. At the point of death, he regretted living a plain life, but things didn't end there for him. Instead, he had been transmigrated into a fantasy world where the impossibility was just an illusion. In this new world, Kael discovered he had inherited the body of a Fallen, a body with mysterious origins, cursed yet powerful, granting him extraordinary powers. Kael found himself in a realm where legends and myths from his former world had become reality. With his newfound abilities and discoveries, he sets out to defy the odds and become the strongest! Dragon, demons, gods, angels, all shall bow before his might! ---- 100 Power stones= 1 extra chapter 200 Power stones= 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones= 4 extra chapters 10 golden tickets= 1 extra chapter 20 golden tickets= 2 extra chapters

Toppy_GF · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs


With Kael announced the winner of the little contest and the day of the marriage announced, the crowd was dispelled. Kael was taken to one of the rooms in the palace for treatment.

__ __ __

"Ugh," a figure lying on a large bed groaned softly, lifting his body upwards. "What the hell happened," he thought, rubbing his temple softly. Scenes from the fight that occurred a day ago began playing in his head, causing him to fully sit upright.

"I... won. I f*cking did it!" He exclaimed in excitement. Not wanting to alert the others he was awake he finally calmed down. "The rewards from the system, I better check that now."

Calling forth the system status, the screen appeared before his face with the notification bar blinking.

"You better give me amazing gifts," he muttered, clicking on the blinking lights.


[Defeat the worshipper of Hera - Completed]

[Gain knowledge about the world - Completed]

[Participate and win the event coming up - Completed]

[Chain Quest Completed]

[Calculating rewards...]


[Host has received extra rewards for an amazing result]

[Exp reward: +7500 exp for winning the contest, +1500 for defeating a follower of the Wukong sect, +2000 for defeating the dragon prince]


[Level up!]

[Exp: 9800/16000]

[Quest Rewards: Void barrier skill, advanced space manual, advanced gravity manual, +25 stat cards, god killer scythe]

"System status," he muttered, struggling to contain his bubbling excitement.

[Name: Kael Arkon]

[Race: Fallen]

[Talent: SS]

[Luck: SSS]

[HP: 200/200]

[Exp: 9800/16000]

[Rank E+]


[Strength: D-]

[Agility: D]

[Stamina: D-]

[Intelligence: D]

[Abilities & Skills]

[25 stat cards available]

[Space Manipulation (SS)]

- Blink: Enables the host to teleport within short distances.

- Void eyes (low): The void eyes enable the host to sense and see the energy within the surroundings and in one's body.

[Warning! Each use brings the host closer to the abyss]

- Void slash: The host can manipulate the spatial energy to create a sharp slashing attack.

- Void Sense (low): The host can sense all things within his surroundings (limited to a certain region due to the host low level)

[Void Barrier: Enables host to create a void or empty space around himself]

[Gravity Manipulation (S)]

- Gravity Aura: The host can surround and manipulate the gravity around him.

-Gravity Pull: Enables the host to attract objects towards himself.

-Gravity Repulsion: Enables the host to repel/push objects away from himself.

-Gravity Shift: The host can create a small area in which he can freely manipulate gravity force on himself and others.

[Abyssal Energy Manipulation (???)]

- Abyssal Heart (Passive skill): The host has developed a cold and ruthless heart/personality due to his past experiences and time spent in the Abyss. The abyssal heart is where the host abyssal energy and powers are stored.

[More about the abyssal heart has been locked. The host needs to increase his strength to learn more]

- Abyssal Regeneration: The host can make use of the abyssal energy to heal wounds.

-Abyssal Dominion: The host is now in control of the first layer of the abyss.

[To unlock more skills under abyssal energy manipulation, the host must first learn the basics about abyssal energy and gain control over it]

Going through all his skills, he decided to focus on the availability stats cards. "System, how does it work?" He asked, waiting for the system to reply.

[The stat cards can be used in increasing host Stat ranks]

"Ohh," he muttered and decided to give it a try. "Add one stat point to the strength stat."


[One stat point has been added to the strength stat, one more is needed for an upgrade to occur]

"Hmm, add one point to the strength stat."


[Strength stat has successfully been upgraded]

After trying it out a couple of times, he finally figured out the calculations. Two stat points lead to an upgrade from D- to D+. Three led to an upgrade from D+ to D, and finally, five upgraded the D rank to C-. Quickly, he distributed the points effectively while taking note of the most important stat.

His stat point had gone through a change after he was done.


[Strength: C-]

[Agility: C-]

[Stamina: D]

[Intelligence: C-]

Feeling the warm energy coursing through his body, he let out a soft sigh before swiping off the system screen. Now done with the stats tab, he decided to check out the other rewards. "Void barrier skill, huh?" He muttered, his mind already conjuring various areas he could utilise the skill after going through the description.

"I'll get back to that later," he thought. Glancing through the next set of rewards, his eyes finally landed on the last reward in the tab.

"The space and gravity manual can wait." Clicking on the tab, a bright light shone before his eyes revealing a long dark handle with a curved sharp crystalline blade which dropped softly on the bed.

"A weapon," he thought, picking it up. 'This isn't an ordinary weapon.' That was the thought that echoed in his head immediately after he held it.

Although the weapon appeared ordinary, there was something about it he couldn't decipher. Getting off the bed, he casually swung the scythe around in a fluid motion.

"Eva, do you have an idea about this," Kael asked, still staring in awe.

[Godkiller scythe: A scythe forged from the blood and souls of hundreds of gods]

[All the weapon skills are currently sealed and will be opened once the host reaches the prerequisites]

"Damn! I'm starting to question this shitty luck of mine." He muttered with a sigh.

[You have no idea what you're holding right now. Even without the skills, the god killer scythe is still a formidable weapon to use]

"Is that so? Well, I won't know until I test it out. But that can't be now. Now, how do I store this," Kael thought, scratching his head. As if reading his mind, the weapon transformed into a dark tentacle-like energy coiling around his wrist like serpents down to his forearm. It finally took a crystalline form, pulsating with a soft dark glowing energy.

"I think I might need spatial storage sooner or later." Kael muttered, turning towards the door, which was pushed open.

"I see you're up already," Queen Otrera said with a chuckle. "And quite stronger, it seems. Alright, we have no time to waste. While you were busy having a nice rest, the city had been preparing for your ceremony."

"That's true," Kael groaned in his head. 'So is this how I'll spend my entire life? Stuck within this kingdom with my dreams cut short. No! They've to be a way! I might just have to follow up with whatever schemes she throws at me right now and grow my strength secretly for a successful escape.'

"It seems there's something on your mind," Queen Otrera said, walking further into the room and slowly approaching him.

"Nothing, I'm just anxious about the future," Kael said with a strange smile.

"Don't worry, you won't regret any of this. I would help you achieve your wishes while in this city."

"Is that so?" Kael asked with a raised brow. "Well... forget about it. You're here for a reason, and I believe it isn't about this." He said, shaking his head.

"Yes, you're right. You need to be briefed and fully prepared on that day. Come with me, we have a lot of catching up to do."

Kael never had a chance to go through the remaining rewards since he was occupied throughout the remaining days. In the remaining days that passed, he didn't catch a glance of Princess Aretha.

Finally, the long-awaited day had arrived, and the designated venue was transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful setting. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation, yet surprisingly, only a select few were granted entrance to the exclusive event.

Among them were Duncan and Lucius, who had chosen to stay and witness the ceremony before departing for their kingdom. In a heartwarming gesture, Duncan had offered to escort Kael down the aisle.

As the distinguished guests took their seats in the carefully arranged rows of chairs, the air was filled with an air of expectation. The gentle hum of hushed conversations and the soft ripple from the ocean beside created a soothing atmosphere for the event. With all the key figures in place, the stage was set for the ceremony to commence.

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