
Chapter 5: School Starts

In the Hogwarts library, at the counter, Lucas sat there with a book on potions open, while in his mental world, he was learning stuff about Rituals.

'So, in about three and a half months, I will be able to do my first ritual. Of course not on myself, but my magical owl. Why should I put myself at risk when I have such an excellent test subject? *Ahem. Guinea pig*'

'It isn't anything harmful but a basic ritual modified by yours truly. It increases the subjects mental aspect to quite high levels and my modification was to instill loyalty to me as well. It basically makes a dumb guy a genius and can make a pet have human intelligence.'

'I modified it so that apart from that, the owl will also have a very high intellect simulating my talent <King of Wisdom> to my pet so that I will have a cool and powerful pet and not just a messenger. I know that I have very high hopes for it, but I also have the knowledge to do so.'

'Mind Arts gave me an inspiration when I saw one of the intermediate spells which was to share one's talent or intellectual capacity to others temporarily and another one which boosts the mental aspect. I just made it permanent with the ritual, or at least that's what I am hoping for.'

Throughout this month, Lucas had studied and practiced a lot of things. He was done with mind arts in three days to the level he wanted to. He checked by mind reading Dumbledore and wasn't found out. Yep. That's how OP the knowledge and the ability to understand and use it efficiently is. Though he dis not delve too deep into his memories.*Shivers*

He was done with Occlumency, Legilimency, mental radar, which helped you know when someone or something has the intent to approach you in a radius of 10 meters, aura recognition, thought communication with the pet owl, though that only let him know the simplicity of the owl which had a 3 year old's thinking capacity.

Lucas remastered all the Hogwarts courses, even the ones he did not select or the banned ones to the level that he could pass with outstanding (O) in everything.

He learned a lot of daily and household spells which he uses everyday from the time he learnt them as in his words...

'Why do it yourself when magic can do it for you? It's my magic. I'll use it how I want.'

After mastering the courses in Hogwarts, he realized a pattern in every subject, which seemed to be common in every spell, potion recipe, rune arrangement, ward, or rituals. After some research with the basic knowledge of all the magical arts that he got with the Akashic Record, he understood what the connection was.

'Modifying anything, be it a spell, potions recipe, alchemy rune sequence, wand movement or rituals involve knowing how each element present works in the process and what changes the inclusion or exclusion of the same could bring in the process.'

'Once you understand that, the rest is easy to do because once you have the foundation and building blocks down, you can build anything'

For normal people, it may be nigh-impossible, or take decades to do, but with the unique talents of Lucas, for the rest of the month, he did precisely that, completely mastering the basics of charms, wand movements, potion stirs and ingredient sequences, runes and everything else that he could get his hands on, which has given him the ability to understand and modify spells, potion recipes and rituals freely in a very short amount of time.

The first thing that he did after learning this, was to automate his spells.

'Yep. I'm lazy. Deal with it.'

Lucas automated his spells so that when he woke up, the spells will take care of everything for him till he is completely dressed, after which he just walks out the door, which is also made automatic with his magic sensor which works on his magic signature from aura recognition.

Even if he could make a powerful spell that can obliterate a while floor, or make a spell chain for dueling, but no. His first priority is his own comfort. That quality is a good thing as with this quality, he won't get too arrogant or power hungry as with power, our priorities preferences may change, but habits, values, principles and personality, are what makes us at our core, which don't change.

That is what makes everyone a unique individual. It is also what will help him from getting power hungry after he is done with everything he could do in the world. As for how and what happens? That is a story for another time.

Apart from that, he made a memory crystal, used to store information, one time use, multiple use and permanent one as he could most likely sell them and earn more money along with an automatic writing pen with a memory crystal, which can write, draw, paint what you have stored in the memory crystal it has, but you have to have clear information and not half hearted or vague picture or else it will fail.

It also accepts some simple commands in the memory crystal like repeat writing, copy paste, and completion or interrupt alarm.

It also comes with the automatic paper flipping or changing function. He is going to make it public after he has made his personal version of the pen which has a lot more abilities, but that's for later as he still hasn't finished making that and it is an ongoing task.

Lucas also had it start writing novels, another for manga and comics, and another for animation and movie plans to give to his entertainment invested industry to execute with scripts of movies and TV shows.

He is planning to also make a better fashion style for wizards once he gets on track with his main plan as the current one us just absolutely horrible. As for where the experiments are done? Of course Room of Requirements. He is determined to make his own residence the best he can after he has all the knowledge on that and make it the 'Slacker's Paradise' where he can relax as he likes without any worries.

'Ah, someone is coming for the book already? Why tho? It is only the first week of the year. Anyway, I'll have to start doing my job and pause the research for a while.'

"Hello. Which book would you like to borrow?"

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Reader_With_Ideascreators' thoughts