
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


Of course Skylar convinced Portia to go back to school, mostly because she had unconsciously wiped everyone's memory of the event during their first kiss and she still needed as much know how to learn how to use her growing ability.

But something was different by the time they entered the school building...they were holding hands.

Everyone's attention was shifted to the hottest guy in school, holding the hand of the least desirable girl, what happened the previous day?

While they were still walking to their classes, a banshee appeared and screamed then ran to bother them like a poltergeist.

Princess squished Skylar in a tight hug then examined him all over then said,"I was so worried when I couldn't find you at school yesterday, where were you and...what is that?"

Portia was just about to put that drama queen in her place when Skylar stepped in and said,"That is Portia, my new girlfriend."

There was a loud gasp from all the corners of the hallway and Portia was surprised at how many people were eavesdropping, but Princess just smiled then said,"Okay, we had a good run and I wish you are happy together, bye."

She gave Portia two disgusting kisses to each side of her face then sashayed away.

Skylar looked even more surprised than Portia, but smiled then kissed her forehead and said,"I guess the hardest part is over now."

If that was the hardest part, their relationship would be even happier than a fairytale.

He then started walking to his classroom but she didn't let go of his hand, he looked at her and smiled then said,"You can let go now."

"What? Of course I can."She said.

Her hand passed right through his and she smiled widely then said,"See, I told you so."

He chuckled and that made her feel butterflies in her stomach as he walked away.

She found herself mooning over him, long after they parted.

She was still distracted by her daydreams of him in class, but this time, they were real.

A new student was introduced into their class, by name Yaa.

She was bonded to a Seismare,which meant she caused earthquakes...big ones, she could also grow several hundred meters in height, turn invisible to most people and destroy anything by the tremors she caused even before touching them with her frightening strength.

She went to take a seat three rows behind Portia and a column to the left.

The teacher began the lesson and Portia was spinning her pen between her fingers, turning it into a gigantic, string like multi dimensional, rotating disk for half the lesson.

She was doing that to train her transitions between dimensions and the range of dimensions she could go through.

The disk only looked like a segment of the pen appearing, twisting and disappearing and of course she let the part she was holding stay three dimensional, but that meant the pen could break apart, eventually she settled on something...

"Ajeish!"She yelled.

She had cut herself, deeply, by the pen.

It turned out, when she placed two dimensional objects into three dimensional spaces where they could move in all three axes and yet retain their properties, they became sharp, really sharp.

After class, she went looking for her boyfriend and saw him pinned to a wall by Kofi and his two minions.

She wanted to do something when Skylar winked at her then pushed the guy backwards with immense force, then stretched out his wings and flapped them, throwing the three at a wall and nailing their clothes to the wall with his own red- orange feathers.

He came and held her hand then said,"Follow me, I want to show you something."

The moment they got into the compound, he began flying then Jessica asked,"Aren't you supposed to pick me up or something?"

"Why? You could follow me on your own."He said with a smug look on his face.

"I'm still not that good at teleporting."

"I mean, flight!"

He then took off, blowing a powerful wind then she yelled,"What?! I can't fly!"

"Yes you can!"He yelled, circling the sky in his usual hawk like manner.

"At least wait for me you bird brain!"

He began laughing and she could even hear him from a hundred feet below him.

She tried brainstorming how to use a void crystal to fly, then she figured it out and went to the fourth dimension.

Having stabilized herself in the place or...realm, she reached into Manfred's mind then asked,"Please could you tell me how I could fly using my symbiote?"

"Why? Having boy problems?"He asked, in a better sounding voice than usual.

"Don't patronize me, but I really need your help, please."

"Okay, give me a second..."

He then spoke aloud,"I'm sorry ladies, but daddy has to leave for a short while."

The three beautiful women and nymphs looked at him with puppy dog eyes, not wishing him to leave them, one said,"Please don't leave us, we'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more."Another said.

"I'll miss you most of all."The third said.

"I'll miss you more than these two."The first said.

"Girls, girls, don't fret, there's more than enough of me to go around, besides, I'll be back in a few seconds."

They giggled as he put on a shirt, then winked at them before leaving.

He then sat before a computer while his figure changed to his usual but false avatar, then, typing away, said in Portia's mind,"Okay, there are many ways for you to do it, you just need to keep an open mind."

"Why am I not any happier that you are finally talking? The dude's laughing his head off, no riddles, just tell me!"

"Fine, fine, You could increase the space between the atoms behind you, making a sort of pressure wave and to conserve momentum, you will be pushed forward, like a rocket, but due to the massive air resistance you would experience, try making a vacuum before you, or a void, pushing all the air molecules away, this will create a pulling force that will make you go really fast, really fast."



"I have no idea how to do any of that."

By now, she saw Skylar cruising upside down and teasing her.

She took a deep breath, then stretched her arms down, then looked up, she tried to do both things at the same time then closed her eyes, before hearing a loud booming sound then appearing besides Skylar and still moving.

She screamed as she lost kinetic energy and began falling and he dived to catch her but she was able to regain her balance.

"Wow, I didn't think you could do it."He said, honestly surprised.

"Why? Because I'm only a beginner?"

"No, because I actually didn't think voids could make you fly."

She made a look on her face which made him run...fly away, and she chased after him.

She wanted to dress him, use his plucked out feathers to make a pillow, then eat him up, medium rare, looking and tasting like that, he ought to taste even better cooked, she grinned at this thought.

He landed and she was confused as she had been chasing him...right?

He then said,"Look..."