
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


Yokkan's gem had tripled in size and now contained Rydona, who was in a sleep like state.

He looked at the two below him, then at Kofi, who asked,"What is going on?"

"It seems he's undergone his metamorphosis, without Rydona, he's taken her power too."Skylar said.

"He can do that?!"Kofi yelled.

"Apparently, he can."

Blazing red lasers were fired at them from his eyes and they both dodged as they immediately melted a hole several kilometers deep.

Kofi appeared at the gate while Skylar flew high above his head, then yelled,"Yokkan, calm down, you'll kill everyone!"

Yokkan's eyes darted at Kofi, as he said,"I will only kill him."

He broke through the walls of the mansion and started walking towards him then Skylar flew into the rubble to get everyone out, but they already were.

Skylar came out and saw Jonita and Vulcan had gotten them out and he made a sigh of relief, at least they also weren't fighting.

Jonita talked about how strangely Toyoran was acting but Skylar found some people missing..."

"Where are Dollovan and Randall?"He asked.

"We didn't find them, anywhere, I've not sensed them anywhere in the entire multiverse apart from in the other realities they exist in."

Skylar looked as a column of lightning descended on the giant in the middle of the forest, but the giant absorbed all that electricity and tripled it, before firing it back at Kofi and taking a huge chunk of the earth with it.

Kofi reappeared besides them and said,"He throws beck everything I throw at him and makes much more collateral damage."

At that moment, one of the two they had been looking for appeared.

Jonita asked Randall where Dollovan was and all he did was point toward the giant, where a small, salmon coloured being made a small white flame in his hand then shot it through the chest of the creature trying to attack Kofi again.

The ice in Yokkan's heart melted and all the bitterness was immediately gone and when he realized what he had done to Rydona, he was full of resent and demanded that they ended his life as he was a threat, but they didn't, because his life wasn't of any less value.

Yokkan then went to Kofi and said,"You were right, I don't deserve Rydona, but you do."

Kofi looked at her as she asked,"Did you mean what you said about me?"

He was silent, how was he going to say the truth?

"Actually Rydona..."Looking at Yokkan, he said,"...n..."

He found himself standing without anyone in front of him and looked at his watch, time had been reversed.

He made a deep sigh of relief and hoped no one would remember anything that had happened, but Dollovan did, and Randall, Jonita, Skylar and Vulcan, and Ms Terratikka...


Felix held an onion in his hand, then twisted it into the air and it was peeled and sliced into uncountable rings of its own doing and as it flew to a plate, water boiled off of its surface with spices diffusing into its cells, making air fried onion rings.

Water and ingredients swirled around in the air and into a sauce pan where a blue flame cooked them from all around the pot.

Indian tamarinds and black velvet tamarinds had their essence dissolved in boiling water before their seeds darted out the window to a forest nearby and an African peach and pink dragon fruit were sliced by the water in their own cells before floating into a plate.

After he was done, he carefully took the three trays of food out of the kitchen and had to dodge several floating furniture articles as Nisha was renovating the living room.

Everything went to a different place and even changed colour and design, even the paint and couch fabric.

He ducked below a flower pot and she apologized when it bumped into a coffee table and poured moist soil allo over him.

He thought lightly of it as the sand just spread off his body and back into the pot, leaving his clothes and the food spotless.

She asked Doorman to open for him and the door obeyed her command as he made his way through the crazy cacophony of the mansion to the gazebo in the garden.

Dragon flies kissed the pond and lilies painted it in a pallette of colour from whites to purples to a fiery gradient of red and yellow as Felix placed the food on the table and went to his father and brother, who were sitting by the water's edge.

He sat besides them then said,"I miss mom."

Both of them looked at him and he at them, they smiled then Alex said,"Well I could have been the more emotional brother and said I missed her more but deciding to be the braver and more mature one again, I'll say...grow up."

Felix chuckled then smacked his head, so hard, he fell into the water, then Indigo and he burst out laughing.

Alex got out frowning, then grinned and shook himself vigorously, splashing water on the two, then a wave immediately crashed on him and dragged him back into the water and Felix and Indigo laughed again.

After the cold water war was over, they went to have lunch and Indigo felt a burst of nostalgia looking at the ampesie before him.

He looked at Alex, who was busily shoving the boiled plantain pieces down his own throat and Felix who couldn't eat because he was busily laughing at his brother.

Indigo smiled and while in the middle of his first bite, the three looked back drastically...Alexa and Carna were back...

Everyone gathered before the spider web like portal before them and saw them exit, then they looked at each other and Alexa said,"Guys, we're introducing Darlok's daughter..."