
Chapter 509 – Gratitude

As all the warriors cheered around him, Shang only released a deep sigh.

He had come too close to death too many times in the last couple of seconds.

Shang only looked at the dark sky above him.

'The two Mages that killed George and Mattheo are dead.'

'Duke Torrent and Duke Mithril are dead.'

'The Council is dead.'

'Susan is dead.'

'Everyone that was involved in George's and Mattheo's murders is dead.'

Then, Shang looked to the place where George's spear had died.

'I guess it didn't have much reason left to live. It only lived for revenge, and when it saw that the revenge would soon be completed, it went in to attack Susan on its own.'

Shang sighed.

"Count Sword, you saved my life! I can't thank you enough!"

Shang looked to the side as one warrior ran up to him, some tears in his eyes.

Shang didn't know who this was.

"Count Sword, I don't know how to repay you! You saved my life!"
