
Sword Chaser PT 2

This part of Sword Chaser takes place 2 years after Mazza and Amera's escape they hope to find a way to gain more power to defeat the protagonist Zero and his only two friends left who spent those years rebuilding the Forsaken Chasers to put an end to the walking evil that roams the world Mazza.

Anthony_Galloway · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


After the first headaches I limped home and needed some rest I had no idea how to get rid of it so I hoped to sleep it off I then get to my doorstep I get another headache and this one topped it then a voice makes an appearance again.

"This pain will not stop until you feel what I felt."

And I drop to my knees and I groan in agony, then I stand back up then open the door and enter walking up the stairs and then I flop onto my bed and the pain comes once again and I am in so much pain that I couldn't think of anything and I yelp in pain. This headache felt more like death than I have ever experienced up close to it. I twist and turn throughout the night and the more the time came by the more the pain had come by. When the moon came at its peak the pain stopped and I only felt my bulging head, and only saw a spinning world around me. For five minutes I see spinning and then I pass out.

In the morning I have a message on my doorstep and it's from Cedric and it reads.

"The southern territory has dropped its border."

I put my hand on my aching head and I close my door and walk to a chair and sit and my head is still throbbing but at the very least I could think, for the time being, I don't know when Mazza's spell will go active again. I get ready and leave my home and walk to the vault but in the action of doing so everything starts to fidget and shake and I fall to the ground and all I hear are people of this city asking me if I'm OK but then I pass out.

**Two Hours Later**

I wake up in the doctor's home and Jax is sitting at the foot of the bed I then sit up and she rushes over to me and she asks me what happened and I reply.

"I think Mazza did something to me."

She says "Did what Zero?"

"I think he put some spell on me," I add

She asks "W-What when how?"

"I think he did it when we attacked him and Amera."

She leaves and informs the rest of the leaders and as she walks out the doctor walks inside.

"Well, that's quite some spell he put on you." The doctor said

I say "What how did you-."

He said, "Know, well I'm no ordinary doctor I'm a witch doctor, I could only suppress the spell for two whole days that damn spell is too strong to remove."

"Thank you," I say getting up feeling clear.

He looks at me and walks to his desk and says.

"Well I may not be the most clever person in the world but time is ticking."

I looked at him weird because it seemed like he knew what we were doing and he smiled back and sat at his desk then I run out to find one of the leaders and I run into Jack and tell him to gather all of the members and send them to the conference hall. He did so and we talk once again but this conversation was brief because we needed to find Mazza immediately.

The main task at hand was locating him once again but it is going to be harder since Amera is dead and is no longer with him. We scavenge for ideas but none came to mind but then it hit me what if I ask Dixon and Cast they might know since they were being used by him they must know so I put the meeting on hold and tell everyone to stay near and I went to get the pyramid.

Once I have gotten it I ran outside and aimed it towards the sky and nothing happened but then I think of Dixon and Cast together and the pyramid shines and I am pulled into the bright white plane and there they stood Dixon and Cast. I quickly about to speak and Cast says.

"We know why you came just now, and we have an answer for you."

Dixon adds "We know his location, but there is a downside."

I ask "What downside is there."

"Only one person can go," Cast added

"It's called Land Of Hell." Cast followed

"Mazza put a spell that if more than one person teleport's to him then all but one will die, it's a rather tricky spell but there's no way around it," Dixon mentioned

I thank them for their information and the plane disappeared and I am back in the regular world. I rushed back to the meeting hall and discussed to the members what the plan is for me to do and the plan is that I go alone to fight Mazza but they try to track me and get there as quickly as possible. The plan is set and all of the leaders are at the entrance of the city and I teleport by myself to Land Of Hell and on my arrival, I feel the air is hot and molten like the dragons could live here. But the first living thing I saw was Mazza himself and he shoots a spell in the sky and it becomes cloudy and rainy once the rain hits the ground steam and smoke rise so I launch towards him and he smirks and says.

"You know I would like to fight you but not now the time isn't right."

I swing at him and right before my sword hit him it bounced off the air and came right back then he waves his wand and my body falls stiff and stands straight up and I lift off the ground and Mazza begins to talk.

"I wish only to fight you alone not interrupted, a one-on-one fight so I've decided to take over the southern territory and with one simple mind spell I started a war between the southern territory and the City Of Forsaken."

He adds "This is kind of like adding more wood to a fire... It will always continue to grow."

He drops me to the ground and blows me away with a spell and my friends finally arrive and he shoots a spell in our direction and we are teleported to Forsaken and the city is under attack by southern invaders and our knights and guards are defending the front gate some of the soldiers from the Kingdom of Bane come from over the wall I send the leaders to the inner edge of the wall to protect the city.

I am angered because Mazza has started an unnecessary war between two heated populations and now we have to fight a kingdom that is one of the most formidable kingdoms in the southern territory. After 15 minutes of fighting my friends came back because the sides were all cleared so we all approached the front lines and forced Bane out of Forsaken we fight and fight until the last warrior drops and now there are bodies left and right up and down in our city.

Next, we had a clean-up crew get rid of all of the bodies, then had a public meeting with all of our citizens and we announced that.

"This city is now under war with the southern invader's Kingdom of Bane so everyone is not safe here, but we ask you not to leave your home but to stay indoors and board up everything and keep yourself safe during this period."

Everyone's reaction was not well, they ran yelling and screaming and some even cried as they ran home and boarded up and the city was almost dead and ghostly like there is no one here. From there we the leaders made a plan to strike the southern invaders at their land so we put together the army and sent a wave of warriors to lead by Flake to hit their front line and the knights hit their backside so we can catch them blindsided.

I remained in the city with Jax, Jack to defend the city from any other attack and we had guards and warriors covering the entirety of the city. But the city was not all I worried about I still had Mazza on my mind and I wondered how he intended to fight me in the middle of a war.


Mazza is in the southern territory and he plans to attack the city of Forsaken with his creatures. with a wave of a wand Mazza conjures up a mass amount of monsters and he sends them to Forsaken


In the city, we have had no attempted attack on the city and it has only been an hour but I and the army remain in position until we are sure that Bane will not come again. Then the ground rumbles and shakes and monsters start to rise from the ground and we immediately start to attack them and prevent them from attacking our citizens but we couldn't the monsters appeared in May of their homes causing them to run outside and putting them further into harm's way.

Innocent people dying left and right and the one thing that made me lose my sanity was a child running away from one and the monster killed her right in front of me and that very moment made me more dangerous to be around than the monsters. The wind blows off of me and it sends many surrounding items away from me my head turned down and my armor is fire black again I take one step and the monsters around me were sliced in half.

Jack looks at me and is shaking not knowing if it's me or not and I reply.

"He wants a war with us then he is going to get one."

I vanish to the southern territory and I see the Kingdom Of Bane on fire and I hear fighting so I go inside and I see our army fighting Banes army and at the top of the castle Mazza stands with his wand shooting spells down at the two armies fighting and I teleport up behind him and I swing at him and he turns into smoke and appears behind me and knocks me to the ground and holds his wand to my face and I close my eyes accepting fate then it hit me fate is what I needed.

I equip the blade of fate and I slice his hand off with the wand in it and it goes flying to the ground Mazza backs off and is yelling in pain. I stand and say.

"Maybe fate wants you dead Mazza. "I want you dead Mazza."

And I raise my sword above him and I swing an out of nowhere a figure blocks that attack and to my surprise it's Cast but then he disappears right in front of me, it's another of Mazza's illusions I drop my blade and walk over to him and I start hitting him in his face over and over again and he waves his hand and knocks me back to a ledge and he disappears again and there I am the one who has lost to him once again when I think of this moment I get all worked up and can't think straight.

*After The Battle*

We returned home and the monsters were all killed and we came back with less than half of the army that left everyone who fought were either critically injured or dead no one was left untouched. As for the Kingdom Of Bane, they lost their entire army and are but defenseless. But Forsaken is left defenseless as well we have no one who can fight to defend from any other attack. I had gotten patched up and I left to find Mazza my friends tried to change my mind but I couldn't because he put murder in my head and it will not leave.

I went back to Land Of Hell and his little home was still there I used magic and lit it on fire not checking if he was in there or not, then I felt something burning inside of me and a portal opens in front of me and it looks like a portal of fire. I wouldn't call it a person who walked through but it was a monster who is described as follows tall, muscular, body tone is red like blood, he had horns on top of his head no shirt but had a sort of sarong around his waist but it was tearing up, he has a tail with a point on the end of it and fire surrounds his weapon which is a spear with three points on the end of them. And the only thing I could say was.

"Who the hell are you?"

*End Of Chapter 4*