

"What the hell am I doing here man. You didn't call me for like 2 weeks and when you call its to study. Kaen, have you given up on basketball already?" Aomine looked at me.

"Bro, our exams are next week and all you think about is balling. We actually gotta study or our parents are going to get pissed." I replied.

"Yeah Aomine, not everything is about basketball you know. If I remember correctly, your mother promised to buy you a new pair of shoes if you got an A." Satsuki added.

"Wait what. Aomine how spoiled are you, just a single A and you get a pair of shoes. This world just ain't fair man." I said exasperatedly.

"Like you are one to talk Kaen. You live in a mansion and every time I see you you have a new pair of sneakers on. I don't think I have seen you wearing a pair of shoes more than once." Said Satsuki.

"Nah. I'm sure I have the same number of shoes as Aomine. Its just that we have been seeing each other less recently. Oh I got good news for you Aomine, my body finally adjusted to the trainings. Tomorrow wanna meet at the old court to ball?"

"Wait Kaen, you serious. Let's goo man!" Aomine shouted excitedly.

"Kaen don't change the subject. How many shoes do you actually have?" Satsuki said narrowing her eyes at me.

Ding Dong*

"Oh I guess my friends are here, sorry Satsuki, I'm gonna have to answer your question another time." I said.


I ran out of the room before she could continue. I then opened my main door and saw my group of friends. Everybody was here, even Karma.

"Sup guys, come on in. We are gonna be studying in the main room. There's quite a bit of space for everybody so get comfortable." I said as I invited them in.

I then brought them to the living room where they saw Aomine and Satsuki, after round of introductions we were ready to start studying.

"Ok, so who will be studying with who?" I asked.

"I suggest we split ourselves into groups. There can be a dumb group for people like Aomine, an average group and an elite group for people like Kaen and I." Satsuki suggested.

"Great Idea. Karma is also in the Elite group. Raku and his gang should be in the average group and Miku which group do you think you will fit in?" I asked.

"I-I think I am in the poor group." Said Miku nervously. Crap, I forgot that she was nervous around people she did not know well. To be honest she was not close to any of us. She didn't really talk to people in class and during recess she would sneak off, probably to be with her sisters. It was a miracle that Raku actually managed to get her to come.

"Hm, how about this then. Satsuki will teach Aomine. Karma you should be able to handle Raku and his gang since they are decent and I will teach Miku. Anybody have any objections?" I said.

I looked around and everybody shook their heads. Nicely played Kaen, I thought to myself.

We then sat down in our respective corners and started to study.

"Kaen, please teach me well. I'm not good in math and physics." Said Miku as she took out her textbooks. Damn she was pretty cute. Well, I was thirteen and starting to go through puberty, my hormones were getting the better of me.

" Alright, relax I got you. So shall we start with math?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Ok so lets start with simple algebra. So we have an x variable and a y variable. These two form an equation...."

Damn this is easy to teach. I mean I have finished the entire curriculum until age 16. At that age we will be learning factorization of cubic equations, these simple simultaneous equations were nothing.

After an hour of studying we had more or less finished studying for math. Since this was the first exam of the year, the amount of content we actually had to study was pretty meagre.

"Ok so Miku, do you understand everything I just explained to you?" I asked.

"I remember everything." She replied.

Deciding to test her, I gave her a couple of math questions for her to do. The result was pretty shocking.

"Erm Miku, I see you can remember every formula and method I taught you, but why are you not applying it?" I wondered.

"I can't seem to see a way to use them, is there even a way to solve this question?" Miku asked.

What the hell is this. Don't tell me she is one of those people who have an insane memory but sucks in application skills. How the hell does that even happen. If I recall correctly, memory was directly related to IQ. So why the hell is she so slow.

This would take a while, I thought to myself.

"So can you do all the questions now?" I asked her. I had decided to use a brute force method to teach her. Basically I made her memorize the steps to solve every single type of question. We were still young so there was a pretty obvious pattern in the questions.

Miku nodded her head eagerly:" Thanks Kaen, this has never happened to me before. I can actually answer the questions now."

"Alright, now its time for physics, I'm going to teach you the formulas exactly the same way that I did for math." I said.

This is going to be a long day.


Power stone or your life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

JW_Ngiamcreators' thoughts