
Swayed Offcourse

The road to success needs focus but when you change path in an attempt to follow friends, you might fall into a massive ditch. That is exactly what happened to Seyram, a student on scholarship to study in Harvard. How will she find her way back to the path of success.

Maria_Dey · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Chapter 11

'You can't be serious',he stood up with his face ranging from shock to anger.

'I am as serious as the word serious ', I replied still remaining as calm as I can be. 'I am not ready for a baby',he raised his voice. A tone I never once imagined he would use on me.

'Would you bring your voice down? I am also not ready for a baby but we both enjoyed the sex so we both take responsibility', I yelled back.

'Estúpida. You better shut your mouth before I make you close your mouth'.

I was so shocked. How could he speak to me like that? The audacity he has to even raise his voice at me is making me speechless. 'You are an imbecile. Do you know that. We have a serious problem on our hands and you think talking trash would solve it', I further scolded him.

'You need to get an abortion'.

'What? No, I am not getting an abortion', I refused.

'You better change your mind before I decide to leave you on your own', his voice got deeper.

'You wouldn't dare. Besides I could just head to your house anyday and tell your parents '.

He looked at me and said nothing but his silence is more nerve-racking than him using his words.

'Listen, we do love each other, don't we?'

'He suddenly broke out into laughter. I couldn't even understand if what I said was funny. 'You really thought I loved you?' He kept laughing until he was breathless. 'I am a good actor. Aren't I?'

'What do you mean?' I felt outraged.

'You fell for me so deeply. I used it to play with you and get in your pants'.

I couldn't contain believe he actually said that. It's true, I did love him and the way he treated me, I assumed he loved me back. He even said he loved me countless times in our relationship. His words echoed in my mind and each word was like a sharp knife stabbing my heart. My heart broke because I loved him and gave my all to him over Amahle who has been my rock through thick and thin.

'So all the things you said to me. The "I love you's". It was all a lie', I said nearly breaking into tears.

'Sorry but you associated yourself with the wrong group of people. Becky is the mastermind of all this'.

'B-Be--cky', I said in a shaky voice. I couldn't believe my ears.

'Before the party that you and I met at. She told me about you and how you sicken her. She believed your presence in the room would hinder her freeness so she came up with the scheme to mess you up. She was right you are gullible'.

'You are monsters. You and Becky are all evil and I hope karma hits you both were it hurts the most', I blurted out with all the pain in my heart. The pain that was almost unbearable. Why did I fall for a playboy. I was warned but I decided to follow this badboy over my own friend.

'You know what, go away. Go and rot in hell. You, Becky and everyone who is an accomplice', I kept rattling out my pain. He seemed unconcerned,unmoved by my outburst. He rather smiled at my misery.

'I will take care of this baby. I don't know how but I will. I don't need a useless, double-faced loser like you'.

'You are really funny today. I have rich parents unlike you a poor peasant. That embryo in your womb will even get you kicked out of school plus you followed us to the point of declining in your grades', he gloated.

I run away still crying every tear my eyes could release. I feel stupid and used. How could I had been so stupid? Is that what they meant by love is blind because I see now that I was clouded by the thoughts of dating that handsome Mexican boy, I completely forgot how cunning boys can be. He was a predator and I was the prey that was consumed. To make everything worse, the devil herself sleeps in my room everynight.

No wonder she was so quick to lash out on me about my pregnancy drama. She wanted me pregnant but what did I ever do to her. Who knows maybe they tempered with my birth control. At this point those two are capable of anything evil.

I moved through the Adams House Hallway, going to Amahle's room. I wanted to apologize to her. I don't know if she would forgive me and she is right not to. After all the things I said to her that evening, I lost all my chances of ever calling her a friend. I stood infront of her door. The possible images of her reaction almost made me change my mind. I took a deep breath before knocking her door.

The door opened wide revealing her beautiful face. Her big top and shorts wrapped around her petite body well.

'What are you doing here?' her voice sounded cold. No sign of happiness was in it. Her face gave the impression that I wasn't welcomed.

'Can I talk to you? That's if you are not busy'. I tried to wipe away the signs of me crying but what could possibly hide the swollen and red eyes.

'Sure', she moved away from the way and allowed me to come in. I was still deciding if I could sit on her bed since I am no longer worthy of doing that.

'You can sit on the bed', she sat on her roommate's bed and she looked at me.

'I just wanted to apologize; you were right all along. I was friends with Satan's children and they are more evil than Satan himself', I started.

'Have you been crying?'she asked.

'Yeah, I am just going through the most unbelievable period in my life', I further explained.

'What happened', she further asked.

'I...am pregnant Amahle', I once again broke into tears.

'What?... I don't understand. How?'

'Richard and I started having sex. I was thought a very hard lesson about birth control and their failure rates! I thought he loved me Amahle. He showed me how it was to be truly loved by a boy. Only to find out after getting pregnant that he just wanted to make me fall in love with him so that he can sleep with me . Becky was in on it too. They are both good actors', I complained.

'I warned you but you decided to go ahead with them and even said hurtful things to me', she rebuked me.

'I know, I know and I am truly sorry. I don't know what to do. I just need someone to talk to since I have only you here. I don't have the courage to tell my parents about my pregnancy and sooner or later I might lose my scholarship. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do now', I sobbed.

'Well, you are going through a lot so I am not going to scold you any longer. However, you have to face the consequences of your actions'.

'I am not going to have an abortion. It's against my culture. I am just going to take care of this baby on my own since the father has refused to have any responsibility. I don't even want to associate with that playboy.

I felt happy that she was not grumbling and growling at me like I expected her to. This is why we became friends in the first place.

'I want to know something Amahle'.

'What do you want to know?'

'How did you know that those people are not good people. I remember when I introduced you to Tristan and Becky it's like you knew instantly that they were trouble. You said Tristan had done something to you.

'You have a good memory don't you?'

'Its as sharp as a dagger', I chuckled.

'The story will shock you. You won't believe it'.