

Where I am?

I then Immediately scrutinized my body touching every part of it.

What? Did I transmigrate? I then stand up and closed my eyes.

I opened it again, what? I did transmigrate "hahaha," tears flowed through my face towards my neck.

My position was situated in a dark room with dried vegetables as I smelt the bad Fragrance.

Did I transmigrate in the body of a peasant? Why does these clothes so smelly and Fu*k, does this guy didn't bathe for decades?

Suddenly memories emerged in my mind.

He reincarnated into a white skin 17 years old boy. Had long curly black hair, thick eyebrows, thick lips that perfectly fit his face, and a long nose that was almost perfect because it was straight down but the little bumpy on top of his nose ruined the perfection.

While inspecting my body I heard the door'sqqquek'

A guy with a bowl haircut, a bulky body with a fierce face appeared from the door.

The bulky guy looked at me and said.

"Go fetch the swords in Old Han workshop we have a new trainee in a few hours." Said of the bulky guy.

I then nodded and walked out of the room filled with dried vegetables.

I already have the memories of the former owner. Hence, I easily knew what to do

The former owner of this body was a peasant doesn't have parents, live in slums, only by being a lackey he would get money and can buy food.

According to the former memories, this world is moved by my energy called mana

In front of me, while walking towards the place, three youngsters are blocking my path.

I just continued to walk but when I almost pass their ground they stand.

The kid with green hair, a smelly clothes put his arms onto my shoulder.

The kid said with threat, "Does Mr. Khrus pay you already?"

I replied, "What does matter with you if Mr. Khrus pay me?"

The green hair kid moved his head towards my face and loudly said, "Do you want another beating?"

The kids behind then laughed, "Maybe this guy had already forgotten the taste of our fist."

I then rolled my eyes and hold the green hair kid's left arm and I used my momentum to slide its body on my back and smack it down on the ground.

The ground is filled with stones I bet if he landed with stone the pain would be extreme.

The two kids then rush at me.

"You Fu*cker"

"You dare to fight back"

I then slide down my feet in the ground to make him fall on the ground.

After doing the kid butt hit on the ground.

The kid is down, only one left.

I then jumped and held the kid's middle body like a bull.

When the kid hit on the ground I then locked their feet's and at the same time, I smack my two elbows on his chest.

"Gwuraaah." Sound of the unlucky kid.

The green kid from earlier Immediately stands up and jumps at me.

I then countered it with my right fist.

The fist hit on the face and the nose started to bleed.

The green hair kid fell on the ground again as for the other kid, pick up a stone as if like going to smack me.

I then shielded my left hand to defend against the incoming attack.

When the hand and stone collides I felt like my hand going to break as Immediately punched him with all my strength.

The kid then fell on the ground again because my punch is not to be belittled.

I then stand up and fixated my clothes.

Before I left I said to those kids, "Next time, death is the only way."

The kiddos I beat showed a surprised face and some of them growled with pain.

I turned and glimpse then I continued to walk normally as if nothing happens.

I didn't kill the kids because I heard that there is a high penalty. Hence I just let it pass like winds.



When I arrived I saw the same in former memories, a house with a name on top of it,' Gordons Shop'.

An old man with a long beard and wrinkle on their face spoke, "Oh! You're already here kiddo."

After I fixed his body I then asked, "Does the sword already prepared?"

"Yes, Go fetch it, in the left door." Said Oldman.

I then nodded and proceed to walk inside.

When I arrived I saw was nothing but a bed on the side of the wall and two doors, the right and left door.

When I saw the left door I then trod towards it.

When I arrived I saw countless swords laying there and there's even rustier.

I moved my eyes as finding where are the swords he mentioned.

"Oh!" When I saw it left I then trod towards it.

The swords were placed in a 7 inches box on all sides.

"This is many I don't know if this body can lift."

1,5,10,16, hmmm 16 swords?" I then lift the box and put on it my shoulder.

I got surprised by the weight of the box because it's like 8 kilos of rice. 

This body is skinny and weak. I should make more money and inspect what's elements I have so I could become a Warriors or Magician hehe.

"Oh! Be careful." Said of the old man.

I then nodded and said, "Thank you, Old Han."

When I walked back, I didn't experience the same from earlier.

My path is smooth like butter.



"Sir, where should I put this?" I asked.

"Put it on practice yard." I then walked straight into the practice room.

The practice yard is a bit big fit for 30 people.

When I arrived, there were already people so I just put the box on the ground.

I still didn't have much more to do so I got the sword in the box and I try to practice.

I slashed, fighting the imaginary. I had impressed with the sword because it's so light. Old Han is a really good blacksmith.

After slashing for hours my stomach began to sounds,'queeerk'

There's still dried vegetable left, I guess that can still be eaten, "Haha."

But before I goes to eat the dried vegetables I heard a voice.

"I still have boar meat left go to the kitchen." Said of Sir, Khris.

Before I left, I bow down to him for thanks.

When I arrived, the kitchen was disheveled with plates that like almost decades for not washing.

The food has fruits mixed on it. I thought it was delicious because of meat but when I put it in my mouth.

"Don't judge the books by their cover.". The quotes perfectly fit here.

I don't have a choice either so I just eat even though the taste was bland.


When I arrived at the practice yard, there were already people lining practicing swords.

In every line, the group contains 5 people, there are 3 lines. When I gazed on it, "Oh! Only one left.

In front of them was Sir, Khris.

"Watch me carefully." Said of Sir, Khris.

He then slices horizontally and the 15 people also do the same.

I stand on the side watching their moves.

But then I saw the sword of Sir, Khrus holding slowly glowing covered by transparent blue energy.

"This is what we called,' Aura Mana' even if you are relentless you still can do this." He then slashes straightly, horizontally. 

The people's agape of amazement even I standing on the side.

"Sir, Khris you knew how used to Aura Mana." 

" I guess our 500 silvers coins is not a waste hehe." 

The 15 people's happily watched Sir, Khris slashing.

After an hour passed Sir, Khris said, "That's all for today." He then turned his head on me."Drankenstein go fetch me Refresher."

I then Immediately get the Water in the kitchen.

When I get back I hand the container containing water.

"Church." Sounds of the water clashing heat in the mouth.

This is my moment hehe. I want to earn Sir, Khrus's affection for me. So learn from him.

I want to ask him but I'm scared if he will become angry as I, I don't have money.

The former owner of this body has started working here 6 days ago so asking him. Hmmmn I will bear the consequence.

"Sir, Khris could you teach me how to use Aura Mana?" I asked.

He gazed at me and said, "Mastering Aura Mana is harder than you expected. that's why I didn't teach because it's useless. People here in place talent is Trash." 

He stopped talking and I turned gloomy but he suddenly continued, lightening my mood.

"But you worked hard, so I won't mind showing you this once."

Hearing it I then smiled," Thank you, sir, Khris." I said.


"Watch me carefully." He then closed his eyes and the sword started to glow a blue transparent luster.

He continued speaking, "Everyone can do it even a mortal just use your body as a bridge."

I've had read all the books left behind by my Grandpa so understanding the words he said was just like a frog in the well teaching a sage.. hehe you even didn't explain clearly? Probably why people didn't able to learn from you was because your context is lacking and you want your words to be mysterious.

I then borrowed the sword, while holding I said, "Sense mana in surroundings and use your body as a bridge to let the Mana you sense flow towards your sword." I then add another sentence," Even a mortal who only uses a stick can do this."

Then the same happened, my sword started to glow a blue transparent luster.

His face showed a surprised face as his mouth widen with amazement