
Surviving in Monster Girl world as a Slave.

Mature Content~~ Living in a world where everything is boring but peaceful while there maybe incidents some times but other than that peaceful, but who the fuck would have that that world become like this. Novels, light novel, the one we read as a kid and even now as adult for entertainment and enjoyment, where monsters, magic, other races and many other things. Now that fantasy world has become reality, where other world has merged with ours making things more evolve and now seeing things like magic in daily tv episodes and talk about other races. While that may look like some fantastic world but don’t be mistaken, it isn’t. I was struggling to get a job in this age and day, when I find the job I was very happy that now I will become successful and live very beautiful life but that thought too like that wasn’t for too long. Because the job was very different from the one I thought, though I am not complaining who would or can reject a fantastic job like this where I can enjoy the day and night with very beautiful girls and Monster sexy beautiful girls from other worlds. “So tell me, How does my Pussy looks.” “Don’t just stand there and look at me chest, it is very embarrassing.” “Yes… yes that is the spot.” This is the story of my job with Beautiful girls and Monster girls.

subaru_oni · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 6: How does my Pussy looks?

"If you're going to hurl," a voice advised drily, "use this." An envelope was tossed in my direction.

I recognized it immediately—a black envelope, one I'd seen countless times before. Without hesitation, I brought the envelope to my lips and retched into it.

My meals that day had been minimal, limited to random snacks, so there was hardly anything to expel. Still, the act of purging a few times seemed to ease the sickening sensation that gripped me.

Taking a moment to collect myself, it became clear what had just transpired. Spatial transportation—a form of advanced magic that only beings of significant power could wield.

Though I had heard stories about the disorienting effects of such magic, especially on those without any resistance to it, experiencing it firsthand was an entirely different beast.

It was as if I'd been caught in a whirlwind, spun around endlessly, and then abruptly set down. My head still reeled from the aftereffects, and it took several minutes before the world stopped spinning and my breathing normalized.

"Feeling better now?" The same voice that had given me the envelope inquired, now sounding somewhat concerned.

A shiver ran down my spine as I realized that my benefactor—the one who had whisked me away from that perilous situation—was still with me.

Yet, despite my apprehension, I couldn't ignore the fact that I owed this being my gratitude. Taking a deep breath, I raised my head to address them.

I knew I owed this stranger my gratitude, so I lifted my gaze to thank her, only to find myself face-to-face with a strikingly beautiful woman. I involuntarily caught my breath.

Her raven-black hair cascaded down to her waist, contrasting with her pale skin. She wore a skirt so short it could almost be mistaken for a belt, and her ample boobs was barely contained within the confines of a delicate bra. She squatted before me, sucking on a lollipop, her piercing eyes locked onto mine.

Pulling the candy from her mouth, she offered it with a playful tilt of her head. "Want some? Sugar might help with the dizziness."

Caught between her overpowering presence and the slightly odd offer, I hesitated. "No, thank you. I'm alright," I finally managed to reply. While a part of me was oddly tempted—drawn to her surreal allure—I couldn't help but think of the implications of accepting candy she'd just been enjoying.

She raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. "Really? That's a shame." She popped the lollipop back into her mouth, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

Her voice, laced with amusement, teased further, "Don't be so shy. You can look if you want. It won't change anything." She adjusted her posture, inadvertently giving me a glimpse under her already revealing skirt.

I quickly averted my eyes, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. This was certainly not how I'd imagined the day unfolding.

As my gaze unintentionally ventured further under her skirt, my eyes widened in shock. Her next words were almost a whisper, teasingly mischievous.

"I seem to have forgotten my underwear today."

True to her words, there was no hint of any undergarments beneath her skirt. She seemed entirely unfazed by her revelation, scratching her head nonchalantly.

"Well, there you have it," she chuckled. "What do you think?"

"Pardon?" I stammered, taken aback by the directness of her inquiry.

Her eyebrows arched playfully, "About my... absence of underwear and your thoughts about my pussy?" She said widening her leg a bit more to show me.

A wave of embarrassment washed over me. Here I was, faced with an undeniably attractive, immensely powerful woman who had just used spatial magic, and now she was teasing me about her lack of undergarments.

It was absurdly surreal. I struggled to find the right words, my brain failing to provide a suitable response to her unexpected question.

Seeing my obvious discomfort, her expression softened, and a hint of amusement danced in her eyes and in her voice as she says, "You look like you're overthinking it. Relax."

I gulped, desperately trying to regain my composure. "It's just... I wasn't expecting that," I finally managed to reply, hoping my answer wouldn't land me in any more peculiar situations than I am already into.

"Really? I'd hope you'd feel comfortable being genuine with your response," she responded, the tone of her voice hinting at playfulness and mischief.

So, there was a hidden implication that she might be upset if I wasn't at least slightly cheeky with my response?

I wrestled internally with how to proceed. On the surface, she appeared entirely human, breathtakingly so. But the fact remained that she had wielded spatial magic effortlessly, a feat beyond the capabilities of any human I knew.

No human I had ever come across could invoke such powerful spells without incantations. The conclusion was inescapable: she belonged to another race, one far superior in magical prowess.

Considering that, her unconventional questions might be entirely routine by the standards of her culture. The new reality of our merged dimensions had repeatedly demonstrated that conventional norms could be upended without warning.

Taking a deep breath to muster some courage, I said, "May I truly be straightforward and honest?"

Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she nodded. "Of course. I'd love to hear your true thoughts."

Choosing my words carefully, I admitted, "It's... strikingly beautiful. A pussy with a shade of pink that's both delicate and vibrant." I couldn't believe I was describing it like that, but her unique beauty left me little choice. It wasn't just physical allure; there was an air of mystique that rendered her even more captivating.

The subtle pink hue of her intimate area was so pristine, it almost seemed untouched. It held itself with a sort of tightness that seemed invulnerable, like a fortress that hadn't been breached. Surely, a woman who flaunted herself so openly couldn't be completely innocent, but there was an undeniable allure to the scene in front of me. It was beautiful, in its own unique way.

Her soft voice broke through my daze. "Did you really just say what I think you said?" The tone was one of disbelief mixed with a hint of amusement.

Truth be told, I hardly believed it myself. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I shut my eyes, half expecting a spell or some other form of punishment to be hurled at me. Yet, when none came and I cautiously reopened my eyes, she was there, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"You're quite the funny and entertaining person," she remarked, her voice dripping with mirth.

I hadn't planned on being entertaining, but she seemed to find my reaction intriguing. As I tried to recover my composure, she extended a delicate hand towards me, her slender fingers beckoning.

Confused, I looked from her hand to her face, trying to understand her gesture.

"Would you rather remain on the ground, or perhaps you'd like to continue admiring the view?" she teased. "Although, if you plan to stay here, you'll need to be a bit more productive. Do you remember why you came?"

'Ah, that's right. My purpose. The reason I found myself in this extraordinary situation to begin with.'