
New Planet, New Life

Ethan took in the oxygen filled air with glee, never had he smelt such clean air in his life. Being in a jungle was not even part of this,but was because human life or any intelligent life had not started to pollute this planet. He heard the scientists called it X-E Doppelganger because of how similar it was to Earth!

With the destruction of the planet so close, humans decided it was time to vacate but they didn't know which planets are hospitable and which are not. With the dread of doom in sight, they decided to use scums of society to increase their chanc s of survivor. So, criminals with long sentences were used for experiments and Ethan was one of them.

Two hundred years of agony and they finally got what they wanted, a perfect killing machine. His body was fused with a sentient parasite that changed his already powerful body to a killing machine. They then sent him to X-E Doppelganger because it was the most hostile planet and his job was to kill everything that was a threat to the human race without bargain. He didn't even get to curse at them before he was shot out o space! Now, he was in the planet and he would be damned if he allowed HIS planet to be occupied by them.

While Ethan was as deep in his thoughts, something was watching him from the treetop. It was a large catlike creature that had scales instead of fur. Its whole body was black as night, camouflaging seamlessly with the dark canopy. All its teeth were like fangs and its claws like knives. Its body screamt of speed, power and stealth and it was currently creeping towards him, its black eyes concentrating wholly on Ethan.

The prey felt the hair at the back of his neck raise and he frowned. He waited for a few seconds then rolled away just as the predator pounced on him. Ethan looked up and saw a catlike creature the size of a panther glaring at him.

"Not today," Ethan said as his left hand started squirming. His fingers faded away as his skin turned black. His hand became broader but sharper along the edges till it became a blade as big as his body. The scaled panther was quite surprised to see this but then charged anyway. Ethan gritted his teeth as he waited for his opportunity. The panther pounced on him and he slid under it with his knees, his left hand going to cut its underbelly. What he expected didn't for the moment his blade touched the scales, it produced a grating sound and sparks! Ethan got up quickly and looked at his hand in shock. He then looked at the panther that was now slowly going around him, its ink black eyes staring at his hand in trepidation.

"It must have felt that," he said to himself as the blade faded away back to his hand. Instead, his finger became longer and turned into blades. The panther hissed at him before charging. With a battle roar of himself, Ethan charged too. When they clashed, the panther had bitten into his large left shoulder as his right hand finger blades had sank into its side. The panther increased its bite force while Ethan"s left hand started punching it on its ears. The third blow staggered it, making it let go and he used this opportunity to deliver an axe kick with his leg literary turning to an axe right on its shoulder.

The panther gave a roar of pain as his leg sank into its neck before crumpling mignon the ground. Immediately, Ethan collapsed too because of the exhaustion as his body started healing his shoulder. While he was still gasping for air, he looked towards the panther, his mouth watering. He dragged himself towards it and when he reached, his lips went to the black blood oozing out of its wound. With big gulps, he started guzzling it down, his body gaining energy with each gulp till he was lifting the whole carcass in the air, letting the black blood trickle down his throat! When he was done with the last drop, Ethan put it down as his teeth changed to became sharp raws if fangs. With ravenous fury, Ethan tore into the meat of the panther which was black also, never leaving a piece of meat on any of the blue bones. Done with his meal, Ethan sat down as he felt the heat he was so familiar with spread throughout his body.

The virus he was infected him changed his DNA to became malleable. That means, be would evolve with each task he does so that he can become faster, stronger and smarter in order for him and the virus to survive. Some of the side effects included enhanced strength that he could lift upto 1200 tonnes with much effort, run to speeds of 40km/h, climb walls like a hey we're floors, jump a distance of fifty meters, his limbs can turn into blades sharp enough to cut through iron, regeneration in exchange for energy and sometimes protein from his body when he doesn't have enough energy, his body produced very little lactic acid and he could see in the dark just as well as he could in the day.

Now that he was full, he had to spent the next three days before he ate again productively. First, he decided to look for shelter. Being in another planet, he didn't know the habits of creatures here so he decided to be careful and not light a fire. First, he dug a burrow big enough for him, thanks to his transforming hands. Then, he filled it with twigs then dried up or drying up leaves in the ground before closing the mouth to the burrow what with a boulder. He made sure to make air pathways or else he would kill and cook himself down there.

"Feels homie enough he said to himself as he fell asleep on his bed made of leaves.

With X-E Doppelganger being so similar to Earth, it experienced the same hours of a day this, Ethan woke up at dawn break ready to start his new life. With the issue of home not a problem for now, he needed to scout the area he was in. He had to know what creatures are his neighbors, what characteristics they have, which territories he had to avoid and if he needed to eat, where he would get meat, what kind of plants can be eaten and many more.

"This will be so exciting!" he told himself.