
RUINED WORLD [3] Performance

South East – Erica's group together with teacher Gen secured the surrounding 50-meter perimeters circling the undead dimension gate.

Clash… Peng! Peng!

The blade hopper swung its sharp arms straight to Marian.

Marian anticipating the incoming attack readied her shield to defend.


The blade hopper's attack was strong, but not enough to pushed Marian back.

Just as she received the attack, dozens of plant like vines sprung out of the ground, immediately grabbing the blade hopper's limbs.

The blade hopper struggling trying to shake off the entangled plant vines but couldn't do so.

Karen was the one who cast the vine like plants, limiting and restraining the blade hopper's actions.

Liza on the back quickly dash straightforward to the restrained blade hopper.

Unsheathing her saber, the blade hopper felt its life being threatened.

Liza increase her momentum executing a technique, Critical Flash Step.

The blade hopper tried struggling strongly and more, giving it's all to shook off the restraints.

One of the vines located on its left got cut.

Liza sword is about 1.2 meter close, near reaching the blade hopper neck.

The blade hopper swung the freed left hand, launching straight to Liza.

But before the sharp hand could reach her.

Bang! Swoosh…!

The sound of gunshot echoed.

A bullet was shot straight to the blade hopper's descending sharp hand.

Interfering negating the blade hopper attack.

Tia was the one who shoot the bullet.

She's a marksman and an assassin trained to support the front-line fighters from a safe point.

Trusting Tia's accuracy, Liza didn't hesitate in diving in.

Liza successfully reached the blade hopper's neck, her sword blaze in flames.

Liza is both a mage and a fighter, people called them battle mages.

She didn't hesitate on swinging the blazing saber horizontally, instantly decapitating the insect type creature.

Green blood shoot out of its neck, Marian and Liza quickly stepping back avoiding the insect monster's blood.

Liza shook her blade cleaning the blood stains onto it.

"Good job everyone, we'll be keeping this phase for the time being."

Liza said in a commanding tone.

The other three nodded, agreeing to Liza's statement.


South West

Different from what Liza's group is fighting, Lina's group is confronting a group Minotaur.

Minotaur is a monster that has a body of a man and the head and tail of a bull.

The Minotaur in front of them is a four feet variant, his arms, and legs were like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazine, his skin was vein-webbed.

Minotaur a Half-man, half-bull fierce creature it possessed immensely strong physical prowess, able to lift a car over their head and throw it across fields.

The monster didn't literally feast on human flesh.

It commonly lives and lurks within maze's and dungeons guardian something.

Ten small fireballs shoot straight to the three Minotaur's head, the attacked monsters eyes turned red in anger.

The three Minotaur is a monster that's constantly angry and hungry.

Seeing a small group of tiny human annoying them, the Minotaur's didn't hold back as they dash straight to the group gripping their massive war axe's trying to strike the small humans.

One of the three Minotaur's quickly reached Lina.

The terrifying axe descended enough to crash a small building into ruins.

Yet Lina that one who's been attack didn't even bother forming a barrier.

Lina is a mage and if we're to struck by such strong attack she'll die in an instant.

But as the attack descended nearing Lina, a silhouette passed through the monster back.

The next instant the battleaxe that supposed to kill Lina dropped.

Crimson blood splash out of the Minotaur's back, its spinal cord and nerves we're severed immobilizing the monster.

Joanna was the one who cut the Minotaur's spinal cord and nerves, she excelled in critical assassination.

Lina then step front, sending her palm to the Minotaur chest.

[Explosive Palm]


Lina struck the monster immobile onto the chest, exploding its heart.

The two remaining Minotaur's clearly see the whole scene how their compatriot died on the hands of the crimson red haired Lina.

They held their battleaxe's dashing in more vigor.

Peng! Peng!

Two women appeared on the sides blocked the Minotaur's terrifying battleaxes.

The two women is Sakura and Jessamine both fighters.

Seeing two humans blocked their attacks, the two Minotaur's we're a bit flustered.

They tried shacking off their battleaxe attempting for another attack.

But it was at this moment when [Blazing Javelin] numbering in ten shoot off from Lina's hand, straight to the faces of the two Minotaur's.

Boom! Boom.

The two had their vision blacken, they tried rampaging out of rage.

But the two women Sakura and Jessamine struck down their swords ending the monster's lives.

In a matter of less than a minute three A Tier Minotaur's died.

"That's all for this area, let's rest for a bit to recover out mana and stamina before heading out for another hunt."

Lina ordered, being the acting leader of the group assigned by Liza.

Liza has been her mentor, teaching her ways to lead the group in the most efficient, optimal and safe way.

The other's didn't have a say to how she led the group as they're amazed and agreed that she's the better person leading them next to Liza.


Teacher Gen aside didn't have a show-off in teamwork or any strategy as he's a lone man.

Teacher Gen is an S Tier assassin moving in the shadows cutting and retreating as he disposed the monsters and beast he come across.


The group split into three teams.

First Team – Liza [Mage/Fighter], Marian [Guardian], Karen [Mage/Support] and Tia [Marksman/Assassin]

The first team is led by Liza.

Liza's team is assigned to the South East part from the undead dimensional gate.

Second Team – Lina [Mage], Sakura [Fighter/Assassin], Joanna [Marksman/Assassin] and Jessamine [Fighter/Guardian]

The second team is led by Lina.

Lina's team is assigned to the South West part from the undead dimensional gate.

Third Team – Teacher Gen [Assassin]

Teacher Gen aside

They've split in three different directions, each team possessed a power to subjugate an A Tier and Lesser Level S Tier beast or monster.
