
Into the Nexus

Aldrich stood at the bottom of his Crypt, doing what he did best: observing. He had expected to be dumped straight into a natural Null Zone.

He did not know exactly what Null Zones looked like, but if rumors on the Net had any weight behind them, they were supposed to be areas filled with giant Null Ore that protruded from the ground in forests of blacklight crystal.

There were also rumors that monsters even more terrifying than variants roamed them, but these were entirely unfounded.

Considering Aldrich was underground, he figured he would have been in some kind of cave filled with the crystals.

That got him excited about the possibility of taking some for himself, but no, beneath him was a metal floor, around him were metal walls, and above him, far, far up, at least a hundred and fifty meters up, there was a series of giant metal ceilings that locked together to form a thick, entrapping seal.
