
it's been 3 years

"man! good morning. so, what are the plans for tonight?" Abhishek asked me.

"hmmmm.... plans?.... roam on streets, get drunk." I replied.

it is our weekend plan for last 2 years.

he is Abhishek, Abhishek Gupta my bestfriend from last 15 years. He is a man who really means whenever he says "I'm with you man."

So at 7 we went out in our car, we grabbed some beers and moved towards the country side I parked the car off the road and we started drinking and talking about our lives.

"So, how's Kavita." I asked (Kavita's her recent girlfriend it was for the first time for him to be in a relationship)

"Fine, everything is going as well as you said." he replied.


"yes you had told that it will happen, she will start ignoring me, less talks, less of hangouts"

"oh man"

"leave it, you told me it will happen, you say how's your going? got anyone"

"I'm out of this you know n"

"hmmm but man...."

"please leave it right here"

"but it's been 3 years"

"No it's been 3 years 5 months and 14 days"

"come on let's go"

at this point we were 6 beers down.

So you must be thinking what had happened 3 years ago? So she got disappeared.

we reached home at 1 and I opened a bottle of scotch and poured into a glass, I took a sip and went to balcony lighted up a cigarette and I was drinking that night till 5am. I regularly don't drink this much, even I don't know why I wanted to get drunk so much that night. Maybe because it was really hard to accept that I've lost her.... now she belong to me anymore. you know when you have love to give anyone but that person says I don't want it, it hurts it really hurts.

I went to bathroom and got fresh, then I went to kitchen made a lemonade and took a aspirin with it.

I was having a very bad hangover. then Abhishek woke up

"good morning" he said

"hmmmm" I replied

"what happened" he asked

"headache" I answered

"hmmmm, I'm too having hangover" he said

then I made Breakfast for us, scrambled eggs and toast with coffee. then I got call from my mother. she was asking to come, she was all trying to convince me to come there and that frustrated me so hanged up the call. I didn't wanted to go there that place.... that place had so many memories related to her.

my parents were in Dumraon, Bihar. I met her in Dumraon but when this all ended up I never went back there.

yes it's been 3 years to be there.