
Sonzaigan: Eye of existence

(A/N: Huahua! Welcome, the thoughts behind this dojutsu comes from the idea of time. I couldn't come up with good time abilities and I didn't want to give the MC future seeing skills so I changed it. Thus, with the help of dojutsu generator. The Sonzaigan was born. Literally translating to Eye of Existence.)

About one week before this, he had seen a dream of himself in a large room with a table that had a drawer coming out of it. The rest of the memory of that place was hazy but he remembered it writing, "Life however you want, free."

'Is there a point of life?' he thought. And just like that, one question became another and caused a snowball effect as Hitori's stress built up more and more.

"However you want..." Hitori spoke out, "What does that mean?"

He then remembered a scene that occurred yesterday. He was walking around the streets of the village when he saw a father and son pair. The son showed extreme determination to study in the academy and expressed his thoughts to his father in public. His father smiled and laughed as he patted his son, he looked at the son with a smile and said, "I am proud to have such a good son. But you must remember, in this world, without strength, one will not be able to live well and freely."

[Memory fragment will be revealed]

A voice suddenly rang out in his head and a strange memory appeared on Hitori's mind.

He was in an empty room with a man who was wearing robes. His face was empty and no eyes, nose or mouth could be seen, he only had long brown hair covering his head.

As Hitori was about to speak out, he saw a boy who looked just like him crying on what looked like a ledge.

The boy cried loudly as he cried, "Why should I live? All I do is get mistreated here. I get bullied by my sisters and brothers."

The faceless man walked towards the boy and sat down next to him and Hitori could somehow tell that the man was feeling deep pity for the crying boy.

"Now now, little guy. There are many reasons to live," the man spoke and he began to recite a speech, "Listen carefully little one. We live because one day in early childhood we realise that we are alive and already have lots of reasons to go on living. These include the fact that there are many things about life that give us pleasure and happiness – even if sometimes we are sad, too, and sometimes ill: but these bad things pass. We live because of the happy things.

We live because there are people who love us, and people we love back. We live because we want to find out things, and learn, and become able to do things that we would like to do. We live because others want us to, and we want them to live along with us.

We live because we have hope, and want to see what happens next. I hope that lots of people live because they know life at its best can be wonderfully good, and want to help make it so: and that is a great reason for living."

After he said this, Hitori's consciousness became hazy as he closed his eyes and opened them again. He was back, resting on the rock, staring out into the vast blue sky.

"Why do I live?" he mumbled himself as he felt inspired by that faceless man.

[Host's memory will be restored without anime]

As he was thinking about the past events of his life flooded back as if the dam was broken and memories swept into his brain as he realised what happened.

It took about two minutes for Hitori to process all the new information that he had just obtained. His head quickly went through his memories as he searched for the answer to his life.

The faceless person who had told him that speech was the previous orphanage keeper. He took care of every child and loved him especially. After that day in the orphanage roof, Hitori's life got better but no good thing lasts forever as the owner died two years later and Hitori's life fell back in oblivion.

Thinking of this, Hitori's face changed as he looked up and a resolute expression appeared on his face.

'This life will be different,' he thought.

'I have people who love me again. Another chance at life. I will not let them take them away from me now,' he thought with resoluteness.

He slowly got up, standing forward heroically and confidently declared, "This life will be different. My purpose to live in this life is to enjoy it. I will begin by protecting all my loved ones. Never again!"

At this specific moment, his right eyes began to get irritated and it began to itch like crazy.

"What is happening? AGHHHH!" Hitori shouted in pain as fell to his knees and he desperate scratched his eyelids.

[Dojutsu unlocked~Knowledge unlocked]

As that sounded, the itching in his eyes disappeared and it was replaced by a quick cool sensation as Hitori's right eye slowly opened.

His usual black eye was replaced by a glowing green iris. It had changed.

"What just happened?" Hitori asked curiously, hoping for an answer.

[Host has unlocked Dojutsu. For further info, please say 'Dojutsu' in your mind]

Hearing this, Hitori immediately did so and a series of information was displayed to him.


Sonzaigan: Eye of existence

Power: Enables user to be able to see the chakra and chakra systems of an object/person

To use, user can activate whenever needed but it will use up chakra


Hitori stood there emotionless... He could not believe that he had just unlocked a dojutsu...

'This must be related to the white room in the void,' he thought as he was sure that the experiments in the lab could not have possibly given him a dojutsu eye.

He looked around curiously as he activated his eye, his vision was still normal. He saw an insect crawling on the ground and he decided to try it out on it. He picked up the small locust in his hand and sent a small wisp of chakra in to it. And as he concentrated his attention on the insect, the insect's body slowly became illusory as he was able to see the chakra which had spread all around the insect like a spiderweb.

Amazed at what he had just seen, Hitori's face lit up happily. But then he felt the chakra in his body slowly starting to deplete and he immediately stopped it.

"Today is the best day ever!" he chanted happily as he then shifted his concentration to something else.

'Puppets don't have much of versatility and there is too much work required. So I will try something else,' he thought as he turned his attention to the sword.

"Can I also apply chakra threads to this as well?" he wondered and he attempted it.


The single thread that he had just sent managed to connect with the handle of the sword.

"Time to go ham,"

At the Kage building of Sunagakure, Chiyo had just arrived and the scene in the room was quite chilly and tense.

'Somethings up,' Chiyo immediately knew.

"Welcome, Lady Chiyo. Please take a seat," the Third Kazekage spoke blankly as he instructed Chiyo to take a seat.

"I wonder what you have called me for," Chiyo spoke, wanting to know why the scene was soo tense.

"I have some rather disturbing news," he answered and leaned forward onto the table, "Sasori of the Red Sand was gone rogue."

"WHAT?" Chiyo exclaimed in shock. Her eyes turned serious as she asked, "What happened?"

"News just got here today. During the last battle, Sasori was seen defeating the enemy and after meeting up with our other commanders, he told them that he is going to leave and left. We haven't heard from him since and he even killed one of the commanders who tried to stop him."

Hearing this, Chiyo fell to her knees. She had a feeling that this would happen. Ever since Sasori was sent to the battlefield, his mind and body became wilder and wilder. He displayed much hatred towards the commanders and soldiers as well as they were unhappy with being led by such a young shinobi.

"You knew that Sasori would rebel, didn't you? I had told you multiple times," Chiyo spoke with a cold glare at the Kazekage, "I remember specifically warning you about his feelings."

"I didn't have a choice. There was going to be a great attack towards us and I had to send him," Kazekage replied with a helpless expression.

"I see..." Chiyo replied and tried to put up a strong front as she spoke, "So he did eventually betray the village."

Chiyo then turned her attention to something else, "Kazekage-sama, I have a request."

Hearing this, the Third Kazekage was immediately interested, "What could it be? It is not often that you ask for favours."

"I want my grandson to attend the academy. I hope that you will allow it as his background is unknown, I can only rely on you for this," Chiyo requested.

The Kazekage was immediately surprised, "Interesting... I have heard of your grandson."

He spoke very slowly and suspensefully as he brought out a small scroll, "Hitori Kodokuna. He was adopted by you about five months ago. His backgrounds are indeed unknown and he does not seem to be from any particular clan."

"Why did you adopt him?" the Kazekage questioned, "When I found out this news. I had wanted to take him for interrogation but you stopped me. Tell me, why is he so special?"

Chiyo froze up, she did not expect the Kazekage to be this direct and it seemed like he himself was curious about Hitori. She took a deep breath and spoke, "He is an orphan that was thrown away from an underground lab project that was our border with Ishigakure. I received a letter from Sasori that he located the lab and he destroyed it. That was my last contact with him and he told me that I can rest easy, Hitori is not a spy."

"Why did you adopt him?" he asked.

"I adopted him because of his manners and the pity I felt for him. He reminded me of Sasori as a child and I had hope that he would be able to bring life to Sasori again but it seems it is too late now. I'll have you know that it seemed like Sasori cared about his little brother," Chiyo replied, coldly staring at Kazekage with anger. She probably could've attacked him but he was too strong for her to handle and she knew she just needed time to process and cool down.

"Why do you want him to join the academy?" the Kazekage asked.

"I originally didn't want to as I thought he would be better off with a peaceful life but he is showing exceptional talent in his skills," she replied.

"Haha. For you to praise him to such an extent, I would like to meet this boy, let me see him. I'll test him and if he is good enough then I will let him join the academy," he replied as he turned to his assistant, "Are there any immediate tasks that I will have to look at?"

The assistant immediately shook his head and answered, "No, sir. There are no more."

Hearing this, the Kazekage smiled as he stood up and spoke to Chiyo, "Well then, Chiyo. Let's go and see your adopted grandchild. I have also been curious to meet him."

"He can control two puppets," Chiyo added as she slowly stood up and led the Kazekage to the training ground that Ravid was training in.

"I am getting more and more excited to meet him," the Kazekage spoke with a smile.

'A five-year-old that can already control two puppets. This could be a good seed for the village,' he thought.

The younger generation of the village was not particularly promising for Suna so this was massive news for the Kazekage. Sasori himself was enough to make up for Suna's shortcomings but now that he had defected, the village was left with only their older shinobi to rely on.

"Wait a minute. Have you tested his chakra natures yet?" he asked.

Hearing this, Chiyo suddenly realized that not once had she ever done so, she had only helped him control puppets, "No... I can't believe that I've never done that before."

Sorry, for not updating it earlier. I've been reading other Fanfics :) I want to write another fanfic soon :)

Yrmynoodlescoldcreators' thoughts