
summoning system:waifu is here!

kuro an ordinary student living an ordinary life. Now drastically changed the struggle for power, wealth and love. will begin

Human_Imagination · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Yuri is a heroine?

if they traveled at night, the risk was high and the monsters were more active at this time.

Instead of looking for death, it's okay to be slow as long as you are safe, why hurry if you end up losing your life.

Standing in front of the cave, Kuro lowered Yuri from his shoulder and said "we will rest here"

Yuri who had come down nodded his head.

He looked at Kuro "Kuro why are we running? Isn't the monster already dead? Is that what appears when the monster dies?" He felt strange about Kuro's attitude.

"It's a demon caterpillar, the monster will appear when the adult demon butterfly dies, during the first 10 hours of its birth it can move quickly" said Kuro who was still panting.

He was so tired of running so fast and so long and now he didn't know where it was.

"If you are entered by the caterpillar in a matter of 2x24 hours, it cannot be handled by a parasite expert or a doctor unless he has high strength, it is certain that he has been controlled by the demon caterpillar, the caterpillar will eat the brain of its host" explained Kuro while looking at the sun and determining his position. .

"ah, it's only right that you panicked and we ran for hours" yuri looked surprised and her body was shaking with fear.

'If Kuro didn't carry me I would have died' said Yuri in his heart.

Seeing Yuri who was shaking, Kuro hugged and stroked her head "don't be afraid I'm here to protect you" Kuro said softly.

Feeling the warmth of Kuro's body, Yuri slowly stopped shaking.

"Thanks Kuro for saving me" Yuri said with affection for Kuro.

"It's okay we are friends" said Kuro.

Hearing this Yuri was very moved and started crying.

"uu hiks thanks uuuu hiks" she cried while hugging Kuro.

seeing this Kuro is helpless and can only win it.

After a few minutes of crying, Yuri fell asleep then Kuro put Yuri to sleep on the mat he was carrying.

laid him on the mat Kuro saw Yuri's beautiful and cute face with swollen eyes from crying.

because he couldn't stand her cuteness, Kuro pinched her little nose "This little girl is very cute and a bit crybaby" Kuro smiled slightly then looked around.

He looked into the cave, it was dark and nothing could be seen inside.

"I'd better prepare dinner for me and Yuri" said Kuro to himself.

For some reason Alice can only communicate briefly with Kuro.

When Kuro asked the reason Alice said 'Summoning book level is still small' and she was silent again.

Kuro can only wait to level up the summoning book.

"Hmm, what are you cooking?" Kuro thought about what dish to cook.

after thinking of easy and delicious dishes,

Kuro took out 2 packs of noodles, 2 packs of chicken sausage, 2 carrots.

He also took out a pot and a portable stove, Kuro filled the pot with water and placed it on the stove that was already on.

The water in the pot was already hot and Kuro put 2 packs of noodles into the boiling water, cut the carrots into small cubes, Kuro put them into the pot.

The noodles that Kuro uses are spicy fried noodles.

After the noodles were chewy, the kuro removed it from the pot with a noodle strainer.

seen carrots and noodles above the filter smoke.

waiting for the noodles to really drain, Kuro opened the marinade in a large bowl.

stir until smooth then pour the drained noodles into it, stir again until the spices mix with the noodles.

after mixed kuro divide the noodles into 2 plates, one for himself and one for yuri.

Don't forget to put sausage slices on top of spicy carrot fried noodles.

Take out the kuro fork put 1 fork on each plate.

Yuri who was sleeping smelled the sweet smell of tarbangun spicy fried noodles.

when he opened his eyes he saw that Kuro was holding a tray with 2 plates of fried noodles and 2 glasses of warm water.

If you eat spicy food, it is advisable to drink warm water to relieve the burning sensation on the tongue.

"Kuro, this smell is very delicious! You are very good at cooking" Yuri said with drooling.

He slightly rubbed his eyes and yawned then looked back at Kuro.

"It's just instant noodles with carrots and sausage" Kuro said casually.

"This is eating" Kuro gave the plate of noodles to Yuri and took another plate for himself.

"Thank you" Yuri said taking the plate from Kuro's hands.

"Same is the same" Kuro replied then ate the noodles slowly.

seeing the kuro who had eaten it yuri took a big mouthful of noodles and put it in her mouth,

when the noodles touched his tongue he felt a hot and burning sensation.

Quickly chewing and swallowing the noodles Yuri weaved warm water in a hasty "ah spicy" he said after drinking a few sips of water.

after drinking the spicy taste in his mouth feels weaker.

"Ah, this is very spicy, what level of spicy fried noodles is this?" He usually only eats spicy fried noodles of level 2, but the noodles in his hands taste 100 times more spicy.

"hehe this is level 1000" said Kuro with a smile hehe.

"Wow, you're really bad, but why aren't you spicy?" Yuri said pointing at Kuro's noodles.

must have kuro not spicy!!' said yuri in her heart.

While pointing at Mei who was in Kuro's hands, she smiled hehe and moved quickly to grab the plate

Kuro's hands.

Kuro was shocked and his forehead was full of black lines.

after grabbing the kuro plate, yuri ate the noodles on the plate with two gulps suddenly her face turned red.

Seeing Yuri's face turn red, Kuro jumped back a few meters.

after kuro landed, yuri opened her mouth and let out a blast of fire for 3 meters.

"hahaha hahaha" seeing this Kuro laughed as he rolled over.

"Kuroooo, why is this spicier?" Yuri shouted angrily and drank all the water in one gulp.

feeling his mouth was still spicy, he drank the water had kuro with two big gulps.

but not so easily his mouth swelled with spiciness.

Seeing this, Kuro took the milk box

from his bag while laughing and then gave it to yuri.

"huh.. watch out for you, I'll reply later" said yuri annoyed.

drinking the milk that Kuro gave him he felt the heat and irritation in his mouth subside leaving only a slight burning feeling.

but his mouth is still swollen "Kuro how is this my mouth is still swollen, if anyone sees it I'm very embarrassed" said Yuri sadly and looked at Kuro with an expression like a cat abandoned by his master.

Seeing this, Kuro smiled and stroked Yuri's head "Calm down, just apply sugar to the swollen mouth, but I don't have sugar so I just use honey" said Kuro taking a bottle of real bee honey.

poured it on his index finger and smeared yuri's now swollen little lips until smooth.

while applying honey to yuri's lips, she felt the softness of her lips.

this makes what in Kuro's body lights up, after finishing applying honey it didn't take long for Yuri's lips to return to normal.

Seeing Yuri Kuro's cute lips couldn't take it anymore and he kissed Yuri's lips aggressively.

because they were carried away by the atmosphere, Yuri replied to Kuro's kiss and finally they "fought until morning".

Author's note: Recommended for readers who have already
