
The beginning

Kaine was a normal highschool boy living a repetitive, but not bad, every day life. Yes, you could say that beeing repetitive makes it boring. But for Kaine it wasn't. On the mornings he wen't to school. He didn't pay hat much attention to his classes since it wasn't hard for him to learn. So instead of listening to the professor, he would just think about random things. On the breaks he would just use his cellphone or read a book. Beeing an introvert, he didn't take the initiative to talk to anyone, and because they also didn't try talking to him, he would just stay alone.

Beeing alone all the time is indeed a bad thing, Kaine also didn't like it, but there was nothing he could do, so he just accepted it. After school, he would walk home. It was not too far away, and since the city he resided was safe, there was no problem at all to walk all the way. From time to time he would stop at a bookstore on the way and buy something new to read.

At home, Kaine was an only child. He had a normal and good relationship with his parents. He spent most of his time playing games, reading or listening to music. Now and then he would study a little bit just to get an ok score at the tests.

That was Kaine's life. Although simple and repetitive, he considered it good. Of course, there were things he would like to change. For example, his lack of friends at school. If Kaine tryied speaking with his classmates, it wouldn't be hard for him to make friends since he had many things to talk about. On his free time, aside from playing, he sometimes would read some philosofy or physics articles, so he had good bases even if the conversation deviated from the usual highschool student topics. Beside that, Kaine was very good looking. If it wasn't for his distance from his classmates, he would be extremely popular.


It was just another day at school. Kaine left his house early and walked all the way. He arrived a few minutes before class. When entering the classroom he was a little surprised since everyone was already there. Usually, there would be a few who would enter on the last minute, but today it wasn't the case. He sat on his seat by the window and started to look a bird singing on the three not too far away from the building. Sudenly, he and the whole class heard a noise:


Exactly at the time the class was supposed to start, a vortex appeared on top o their head. Everyone except him were stunned. Noticing it, he rushed to one of his classmates who could be said to be one of the most populars. The reason he did this was because, although they weren't friends and didn't talk, she would often try to help him with school activities and assingments. So, from all his classmates, she was the one with most reason for him to help.

Holding her in his arms, everything went black. After a few seconds, he could feel his body again. Opening his eyes, he saw a large room with many people dressed like medieval knights around them. Getting a better look at the room, it was a throne room. A few meters away from the guards, there was a big thronew with a blond bearded guy sitting on it.

[Ka-kaine, Can you let me go now?] he heard a girl's voice.

[Oh. Sorry, Elys. Are you okay?]

[Yeah, but where is this? How did everyone get here?]

[I don't know either. I'm guessing that blond guy is responsible for this.] he sad looking directly at the man sitting at the throne.

[Hey, you! Stop staring at the king!] said a guard as he pointed his spear at Kaine.

[Lower your spear right now. We summoned them and they are our guests, it is only natural that they act this way.] a good looking lady around their age sad while looking at him with a smile. Now looking at everyone who got there, she continued. [Hello everyone, my name is Octavia. I am the fifth princess of this kingdom and we summoned you, heroes, here so you can help us with our crisis.]

The princess said this with a calm voice, wich conforted many who were anxious.

[It should happen in a few seconds.]

Just as she finished saying those words, the whole class felt their body changing. What was happening? They were turning into their respective races. On earth, there was an unknown element wich negated any magical manifestation. Thus, every humanoid race was transformed into humans. Why? Because humans were the original basis for other humanoid species. From them, the other races muttated thru magic.

Everyone was shocked, but surprisingly, most were exited. They read about this races on fantasy books and saw it in games, so they were happy to turn on one of them. Seeing that it happened, the princess smiled and sad:

[Great, now lets open your status to see how much strong you are. All of you, say "Status".]

Almost on the same time, everery one said it


Kaine looked at hte blue semitransparent windown that opened up in front of him.


Name: Kaine Edwar

Race: Holy Angel/Ancient Demon (mixed race)

Class: None

Status: Fine

Lv: 1

Hp: 50

Sp: 50

P Def: 50

M Def: 50

Str: 50

Agi: 50

Int: 50

Dex: 150

Passive skills:

Holy Angels' blessing -> This skill increases the amount of exp the owner recives, it is also valid for skills. This skill cannot be seen by other races. *Bonus effect: +5 on each stat per level up.

Ancient Demons' blessing -> This skills alow the owner to adquire skills from the beeing he injest or absorbed it's energy. This skill cannot be seen by other races.


(That's pretty op. I guess I must be one of the strosgest here.)

Looking at this skills, Kaine knew they were pretty much like cheats and this made him very happy. Now he wanted to see his classmates status to see just how much strong he was.

[Wow, you are so strong Jake]

He looked at the direction of the voice and saw a small crowd gattered.

[Hahaha, I'm not that strong, you are overreacting.]

[Of course you are, all your stats are over 600 and you have a bunch of skills.]

[Haha, guess it is true. But I'm not the only one, Elys seems to have pretty nice stats too. They are all over 500.]

[What?? Elys, your class is Nine Elements Sage? That sounds so cool.]

After a moment of silence, the princess went to talk with the two. [Seems like you two are even stronger than expected. I'm sure you will do great. Now, please, everyone else who hasn't showed your status, come foward and do so.]

One by one, his classmates started showing their stauts. The average was around 350, wich was pretty high for this world standarts since an lv 1 adult person would have around 100. Not only that, but everyone who showed their status had various skills, from advanced swordsmanship to high lightning affinity. If trained, they would be among the strongest individuals on the world.

Everyone had spoken and only Kaine was left.

[So there's only you left, can you show us please?]

[Hm, sure.] he said, not really caring. He thought it didn't really matter his stats since they already had so many strong people.


[Why did such a useless person got summoned among the others?] the always smilling princess sudenly put on a discusted expression.

[Pfft, Kaine is so weak. I always thoght he was weird.]

[Yeah, he never talks to anyone. It makes me uneasy.]

Gossip spread among them.

[We don't need someone like you here, I'm sure your classmates agree. Guards, get him out.]


No one objected. It wasn't because they thoght it was the best thing to do, but they weren't close enough to Kaine to risk objecting to the princess of the unknown kingdom they are currently in. Kaine was almost speechless, this really wasn't how he thoght this was gonna go.

[Wa-wait, I may have low stats but I have some good skills. You can't see because there's a race restriction or something.]


[He is really desperate huh? Telling such stupid lies...]

[I didn't think he was like this.]

[Hey! Stop talking like that, he is our classmate. Why can't he stay with us?] seeing Elys saying this, he felt like it was the happiest he had ever been.

Looking at her with the smile she had before, the princess sad [Elys, I understand that you are a good person, but he doesn't deserve to be here with you. All your classmates agree, you have to respect their opinion.]


[Guards! Take him out!] the princess interrupted Elys in a hurried way.

[It's okay, Elis. There's nothing you can do, I will find you so we can meet again] said Kaine with a smile.

Upon hearing those words, Elys started crying. Kaine didn't understand very well why she was so worried, but it made him happy. Five guards blocked his view and continued to walk toward him, forcing him to walk out of the room. He was conducted to a large garden. When he arrived, the beauty of the garden distracted him. It was at this moment that a one of the guards managed to hit his head very hard, making him faint.
