
Sukuna's Conquest

I used to be a nobody who roamed the streets, feeding on scraps and struggling to survive. People treated me worst than trash and my life was one big rollercoaster of pain. Reading the novels and comics I found in the dumpsters of bookstores helped me get by. Who would’ve thought that after getting murdered, I would be reincarnated in a manga world as the greatest villain ever, Ryomen Sukuna? To attain the full strength of the God of Cursed Energy, I need to recover Sukuna's Arcane Rings. Cursed Artifacts that contain unimaginable power. They are sealed in several Manga Worlds but to acquire them, I'll have to pass through the Heroes and Villains of each world. I will make Madara Uchiha kneel before me and Eren Yeager beg for his life, while of course, devouring beautiful Nezuko beneath me. I won’t stop and I’ll never lose! I, Sukuna will rule over everything! Power? Wealth? Beauties? In this life, I will acquire all! UPDATES: 1 CHAPTER DAILY 100 PowerStones = 2 Bonus Chapters 500 Collections = 5 Bonus Chapters FROM THE AUTHOR: While writing this fanfiction novel, I’ll accept any logical correction or interesting suggestion to the plot from my loyal readers. I’m a very big fan of Sukuna and I believe no other anime villain is as awesome as he is.

PurpleGenius · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 3

"For you to send me back to my Dimension with your powers for thirty minutes. I have a score to settle with the fucker that killed me." I requested, getting up and then crossing my arms on my chest.

The instant I said this, the smile on Sukuna's face disappeared. He narrowed his eyes on me. For someone who claims to be the God of Cursed Energy, that's not asking for much, so why is he looking so pissed.

"Why am I getting the impression that you are knowingly risking your existence by making such a demand?"

That's because now I know you need me and you'll do whatever it takes to rip out the heart of Gojo and a couple of other jujutsu sorcerors.

"I can hear your thoughts!" he roared, but I remained unshaken.


"Let me make this very clear, Human." Sukuna stood up from the throne and in an instant, got in front of me. He lifted his hand to my neck, squeezing so hard I could barely breathe. "What I need is your soul. You have no idea how much I would enjoy torturing your body in every way possible to get what I want. Don't push me!"

Sukuna let go of my neck and I gasped uncontrollably in pain. He turned his back to me, then spoke over his shoulder, "You have fifteen minutes."

As soon as those words left his mouth, a portal opened up in the ground and I fell through. Turns out the other side of it was in my alley. I landed hard on the ground, forming a little crater beneath me. I got up without so little as a scratch on my skin.

"Those fuckers are going to pay!" I fisted my hands, looking at the familiar environment around me.

They completely trashed the place after killing me. I know I didn't have much valuable stuff but it still hurts.

I opened my palms and with a bit of concentration, created balls of fire the size of a baseball. A lot of thoughts started invading my mind. There were a lot of people I had scores to settle with but at the moment, I only had time for one- Jaden Thorn. It was already nighttime. In haste, I walked out of the alley with firm steps, heading for the one place I knew Jaden' would be by this time of the night. His nightclub.

If it were the former me, walking to the part of town he lived would take twenty minutes. New York is a big city after all. But with the speed of the King of Curses, I was able to make it there in two.

The place was crawling with henchmen. It seemed like there was some sort of party going on in the building.

"I am so going to enjoy this."

I continued walking in the direction of the entrance. I cut past the long line of people, straight to the entrance

"Scram kid! We don't run a charity here," said one of the guys standing guard at the entrance.

"Get out of my way!" I warned, linking eyes with the idiot.

"Hey! Didn't you hear what he just said?" I heard another annoying voice call out to me, but I didn't pay any attention.

"You have three seconds to move," I said, my voice dripping with disgust. "One…"

At the count of three, I rushed at the man in front of me with divine speed, plunged my bare hands into his chest, and ripped out his beating heart.

"Fuck!" The man beside him brought out a gun to shoot me, but before he could pull the trigger, I used DISMANTLE on him. He instantly exploded in an outburst of blood.


On seeing what happened, everyone in the line took off and ran for their lives. I ignored them and walked into what appeared to be a club. The place was practically saturated with cursed energy. Using the power Sukuna had lent me wasn't that hard. All I had to do was picture what I wanted to do in my mind and use the right ability to make it happen.

At the very sight of me, all the lower-grade curses became frozen in place. They must recognize Sukuna's cursed energy emanating from me.

"Guard the other exits, and kill any human who doesn't use this exit." At the hearing of the last word, they zoomed off to do as they were commanded.

I created a fireball and threw it at the DJ stand. At once, the music stopped and a couple of lights went off. Silence gradually filled the room. Everyone turned to the direction the fireball came from.

"Everyone out!"

I didn't have to shout for them to get the message. The large hall filled with humans was thrown into a state of complete disarray. Some people tried leaving through the back exit but experienced horrible deaths at the hands of the cursed spirit there. Only those who used the entrance point I came in through were unscathed unscathed.

As I walked around, looking for Jaden, I used DISMANTLE on every person that touched me. Thereby creating a trail of blood behind me. True evil doesn't need a reason to exist. With this much power, I can do whatever I want and nobody can tell me shit.

"Found you," I said, opening the door that led into a fancy office. Fancy for the leader of a street gang.

"Y-y-you," Jaden stammered, letting go of the briefcase of cash in his hands. "I killed you. You should be dead."

Looks like the bastard was just about to leave with the night's spoils. I looked around the small room. There were five other men. His bodyguards I presume.

"You're right. You did kill me. Just get back to what you were doing. Pretend I'm not here," I said, shutting the door behind me.

"Well?" he glanced at the henchmen around him. "Don't just stand there, shoot him!"

I should have about five minutes left. I'm going to enjoy every second of it. The tough guys took down the different kinds of heavy-duty guns hung on the walls in the room and pointed them all at me. I held my hand out as they started shooting continuously and a shield of cursed energy blocked the bullets. It wasn't up to a minute before the guns ran out of bullets.

"My turn," I said, levitating 5 bullet-heads from the ground.

I infused them with DECAY and one by one, flicked them with a finger to each of the guards. Before they could reload their guns, the bullets came at them and pierced into their bodies. In a heartbeat, there were five heaps of ash in the room.

"Now, where were we?" I smiled, sauntering to the idiot who was shaking like a leaf with a gun in hand.

He fired the gun at me while moving backward until his back was against the wall and the gun became empty.

"What are you?"

"'I'm so going to enjoy tearing you apart.' Do you remember those words? Because I certainly never forgot. It's only befitting that I do to you, what you planned to do to me," I say with an evil smirk, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Please. Have mercy on me. I'll give you whatever you want. Just let me go," Jaden begged, his voice as shaky as his legs. His eyes were turning red.

"You see, that's the bloody thing." I directed CLEAVE on both his knees and a force of cursed energy slashed at them, separating their legs and leaving a massive scar on the wall.

"Argggh!" Jaden cried out in utter pain.

I did the same thing to his arms and he screamed even louder. I was the only thing holding his armless and legless body from falling on the ground.

"All I wanted was something to eat. You knew I had no choice but to steal, yet you came after me and put a bullet through my chest. All I've ever known is pain, but with this power, it all fucking ends." I paused, watching the life in his eyes diminish. "I should thank you though. Probably if you hadn't killed me when you did, I wouldn't be able to do this-"

My fingernails morphed into the long claws of a tiger and I sent them slowly into his chest.

"You hear that? That's the sound of me breaking your fucking ribs," I whispered into his ear as I went deeper into his chest, grazing on his heart.

Ripping out his heart would be too kind of me. I would rather prolong his suffering. I pulled my hand out of his chest. The rest of his body instantly fell to the ground with a thud. He was still alive though. Barely.

The time is up for me.

"In your next life, don't murder a kid who reads manga," I said, noticing the portal opening beneath my feet.

I fell in and it sent me back to the malevolent shrine. Sukuna was still seated on his throne. His lips widened and then parted to form a smile.

"I'm impressed."


I'm so sorry for the inconsistent updates. I had to take a few days off to rewatch some episodes of the first anime dimension Sukuna will conquer- Konoha. Thanks for being patient and the loads of Powerstones too.

True evil doesn't need a reason to exist - Primodial.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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