Vivienne Parker, a young graduate finds herself entangled in a love web. Vivian Parker, first daughter of the Parker family and step sister of Mary Parker, signed a contract to be a substitute bride for five years to a man who was supposed to married to her step sister. just to save the life of her father Robinson Parker. For Vivianne Parker she was been saved by the enigmatic and handsome billionaire called Aaron Richmond from her step mother and sister maltreatment. As Vivienne Parker is been thrust into world of Luxury and intrigued unknowing to her that she signed a contract to be a kidney donor to Mrs Daisy Richmond, Aaron's mother. What will happen to Vivianne Parker when she finds out she was just a kidney donor for the Richmond's Family? What will Vivianne Parker do when she finds out that after five of marriage to Aaron Richmond. He still see her as a substitute bride? Will Vivienne withstand the pressure and betrayal or will she fight back?