Two gamers, both taken to another world. Mine Sekimoto is an ordinary and lazy high school senior who attends Seji High School and lives in a small town in Kyoto, Itoha. When he is away from his overprotective mother, he indulges in fantasy video games. Azusa Kadokawa is a spirited and self-assured high school freshman who attends Seji High school and lives in a small town called Seita in Kyoto. She is very intelligent in the subjects taught at the academy and spends her free time purchasing fantasy video games. The two have a childhood conflict and never get along on any occasion. But, on one regular evening, they both happened to open up a game called "The Amazing World of 12." When they opened the game a question came up. A bit hesitant they clicked "ok" and were transported to another world leaving everything and everyone behind...