
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · ภาพยนตร์
41 Chs

I am back! xon!

William looked around, he was in an alley connected to the main street where several people passed at all times, he didn't teleport directly to the palace because of one thing.

" well let's go!" William put on a cloak and entered the shadows of the alley disappearing, moments later noises of boots quickly approached the alley, soon after several soldiers entered the alley and began to search.

"Scatter, the tower has received a space disturbance signature, find anything!" Under the captain's command the soldiers will run through other alleys and look for clues or anything useful, a few moments two soldiers carrying a machine that has started to scan the place William was before.

"The scan was done, starting hologram!" a soldier spoke and pressed a button on the machine, soon after appeared the figure of William falling from the ground from nowhere and leaving through a dark part, the soldier was following with the machine but the hologram did not form again.

The captain frowned as he realized they were dealing with a professional and alerted the city authorities to reinforce the guard and arrest any suspicious elements, "Search the city, I want the figure who entered a cell here until nightfall!"

The entire battalion went out and spread out through the district, some went to the road, others searched the alleys, the captain took one last look at the alley where William entered and left when he saw some soldiers enter the dark alley.

"I don't know who you are but I swear, you will not roam freely around Asgard!" The captain mentally swore and went to fetch more soldiers, in the alley where a patrol entered the sounds of porpoises suddenly stopped.


" Worf!"

Small muffled screams came out of the room and a body fell into the light before being dragged into darkness, 5 minutes later a patrol soldier came out of the alley and onto the main street, this was William.


Like a shadow William deceived, cheated, and overtook all the Asgardian troops with his disguises and little psychological games.

As he approached the palace the number of guards and scouts steadily increased, eventually having an entire regiment in front of the main gate asking for identification for anyone who wanted to pass.

Too bad William could teleport using ice, it allowed him to enter the place without a hitch.

"This place is amazing!" William exclaimed looking at the ceiling which was full of historical figures and images from the heroic tales of Asgard, of course he did it from the shadows and just for a moment.

He had a mission in the palace vault, and in his eyes it wouldn't be very easy to get in there, "Guards, more guards, traps and that damn golem he doesn't remember the name but which can use a disintegration ray!" William he looked through an opening for all the forces protecting the room and formulated a plan in his head.

If he were to isolate the place with a small wall of ice he could muffle the sounds and communications temporarily before they discover something abnormal which gives him about 10 minutes, in which time he would have to defeat 50 soldiers armed to the teeth, go through the traps and finally defeat the golem.

The guards were separated so that if one was attacked others could help him immediately but not close enough for an area attack, as it was a straight corridor there was no way he could sneak past without the guards detecting him.

In the end the only plan left was a direct attack," (Sigh)" William retracted his head into hiding and took a deep breath, he made a small bend with his hand and a cold air moved down the hall.

The soldiers did not notice the danger nearby and will continue to stand without saying anything, William looked at the corridor before starting to put his plan into practice, in the next moment all the torches in the corridor went out, scaring the soldiers.

"What's happening!" One of them yelled and went into attack mode but didn't see William approaching from his right, the last thing the guard felt was a chill in his neck before frozen blood exploded in the air and formed another blade.

" Intruder!" The guard in front of him yelled and tried to strike with his spear but William had already taken the knife made of blood frozen in the air and stuck it in the soldier's chest, with a choking cough the guard fell and began to fall to the ground .

Before the corpse even hit the ground William turned to the other soldiers who discovered him and were stunned for a moment which he took advantage of, in William's hands five ice shuriken formed before he fired at the closest soldiers.


The first shuriken hit the soldier's eye in front of him while the other four cut his opponents' chests causing them to contract slightly in pain. William reached out and grabbed the guard's spear with the pierced eye and thrust it into his companion a right.

The spear pierced the man's armor and made him come out of the ground and spit blood that stained William's suit, but the latter didn't care and grabbed the sword at the soldier's waist and pulled.

Without even looking back he swung the blade at the recovered soldier in front of him and raised his blade to block his, "Clunk!" The soldier's wrist twisted and he ended up dropping his blade.

However this ensured he lived for a few more seconds, frowning William punched the soldier in the face causing blood to fall before stepping back and dodging another soldier's sword.

With a flash of lightning, William's sword cut this soldier's neck before returning to the head of the one who was hit with his fist, all of the previous events happening in just 20 seconds.

But it was enough for the guards deeper in the corridor to recover and advance towards him, William saw the guard approaching and took a deep breath before opening the palm of his hand making two blades of ice come out and he jumps towards the soldier more next.

The next 2 minutes and 35 seconds were followed by lots of screams, blood, and frozen bodies.

Clank! Peng! Clank!

Using his sword mastery William deflected a soldier's blade and carved his own into his stomach, the soldier froze for a moment as the sword pierced his stomach.

His companion seeing William's sword become unusable attacked with all his strength, but his sword didn't find his enemy, William pulled his blade along with the soldier body and made them switch positions.

With a loud slashing sound the soldier's sword cut his companion's head and a large amount of blood splashed in his face causing him to close his eyes tightly, seizing the opportunity William pushed the headless corpse with the soldier towards the wall and pushed with all his strength.

"NO!" The soldier with blood on his face screamed when he felt the blade slowly passing through his companion's corpse and entering it, he struggled screamed and tried to break free but it was useless.

"Shhhh!" William began to make a noise of silence as he felt the blade in his hands enter the soldier, little by little the life emptied of the man before the two bodies fell hard to the ground.

William looked back, a corridor full of bodies met, anyone who saw it would wonder what kind of animal would be capable of something so atrocious, but he didn't have time to reflect on his actions as there was still an opponent to defeat.

Tum! Tum! Tum!

From inside the room the Destroyer slowly walked in and locked his vision on him, "I was getting tired of the appetizers, it's time for the main course." William said solemnly and entered the room as well.

He will face a big opponent now and time is not in his favor.


Hey guys here is the author and did you like a more detailed fight?
