
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs


David Peterson's Pov:

She hugged me, damn this feeling. Her hug was comforting which made me feel secured and useful. All these years of agreeing myself as a useless brat to everyone I finally got this strange feeling in my heart screaming at me, telling me that I am useful. No one comforted me when I needed and no one listened to me when I wanted them to. The euphoric feeling which I've never felt in my life was actually inside me......the feeling which I was searching for all this time.

I felt like I was in cloud 9 scratch that or was actually like the feeling of whole universe. I hugged her back as few tears escaped my eyes making her shoulder wet.

"Are you alright?", Isla asked me as she broke the hug. Her eyes was telling the truth that she was worried.

"Yup I am, are you perhaps worried?", I asked her trying to change the emotional rollercoaster into a funny car.

"ofcourse I am, you are someone I know that's why", she said as she took the apron and wrapped it around her self and trying to tie the knot but failed.

I made my way behind her and made her come more closer to me by her waist. She didn't give any reaction but didn't said anything too. If it was any other girl then she would've turned around and kissed me thinking this was a sign from me but I was surprised at Isla's behaviour. To be honest, I loved it.

"W-what are-", she got cut off by her body being crashed against mine and this feeling was something which I wanted to feel all this time but failed miserably. The curve of her waist against my palm was making me feel so many emotions with unholy thoughts about her. Her body against mine was something so much..... I can't describe the feeling. I tied the knot at her back and left her waist.

She quickly moved forward and cleared her throat.

"So.... what are you gonna cook?", I asked her as I made myself cozy on the countertop.

"M-maybe some Dakgalbi, rice and banchan", she replied as she took the ingredients and started cutting down cabbage, followed with carrots and sweet potato.

"Where did you learn these things?", I asked her because she was actually doing it like a pro which is a bit difficult to admit.

"This is my mom's favourite dish which she always cook it for special occasions, I thought this is your special day and made it", she answered as she smiled. Maybe thinking of her mom.

"So where is your mom?", I asked her while I took something to eat.

"Oh actually she died in a car crash, infact my both parents died", she said as she looked up and smiled to me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to remind you again about it. Are you fine?", I asked her as I looked at her adding spice to the food.

"I don't remember it so well because I had amnesia for a while after that accident", she continued which made me a bit guilty for thinking about her in a wrong way.

"Let's not talk about this", she said again while giving a small smile.

I nodded and looked at her face. I mean i was admiring her beauty because i didn't had chance to admire her and I'm not disagreeing it because she is damn beautiful. 

She had long eyelashes which are actually touching her cheeks when she closes it. She had long brown hair which is till her small waist, flowing as she mix the ingredients using the spatula. It was complimenting her skin tone. She had naturally long eyelashes and cute plumpy lips which were pink without any tint. Everything about her just made me think about my childhood love because she is familiar.

'Nope, she can't be her', I thought in my head as i shook my head.

She was naturally beautiful not only from the outside but also from the inside. I can't judge her character too fast because it has just been 3 weeks since I met her. It is absurd to think too fast. But judging from the thing which just happened, she seemed different, her body language was so much different than the other women I've met.

I wish my mom could've been here with me to help me choose the right thing in life. I never knew that a once happy child can become so upset and depressed in just a short span of time.

I wish someone was there to guide me out of this mess in which I never knew could be this bad. Maybe in all this bad chaos there might be someone who will be my star in the dark shade of my life.

"David, are you even mentally present here?", I heard Isla's voice and turned towards her.

"Yup I am, are you done with the dishes?", I asked her as I plopped down from the kitchen counter.

"You can share it with me if you ever feel like talking to anyone because I have experienced this before. I.... I might atleast help you forget those things for short Period....... because I know how it feels to be like there is no one to listen to us when you want to speak your thoughts to", she said as she smiled to me.

But she can't hide that deep gush of sadness behind her smiling face because her eyes says it all.

She took the delicious looking dish from the counter and kept it on the dining table outside the kitchen. I followed her and made myself comfortable across her.

I took a spoonful of the dish and ate it. My tastebuds were earning for this food for ages and finally it is here. This food tastes exactly like my mum. Damn.....she is a good cook.

"How is it? Is there something missing in it?", she asked me. Let's tease her for a while.

"Yup, i guess you should add more salt in it and it doesn't exactly look like food", I kept a straight face while she was glaring at me. God...she looked cute.

She took the salt kept on the table and came across the table where I was sitting. She was about to sprinkle the salt in my food but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

I looked at her and started laughing, she looked confused at me.

"Damn, you look funny when you glare", I said to her and started laughing again. She went to her place again and sat down.

But i couldn't hold down my laughter. She looked at me and started laughing. We laughed for some more time and I looked at her.

"This might sound strange but....... Starting from today, let's be with each other", i said to her as i held her wrist. "We both know the feeling of loneliness and practically we have experienced almost the same situation. You....... lost your parents and I lost my mom so let's be friends", I continued and smiled at her.

"I don't like girls because there is something behind that and that is the story for some other time, I hope you will understand me", I made myself clear to her as I looked at those round brown eyes.

She looked at me as if she was in some kind of a maze house where she didn't know what to do. She had that expression which was actually difficult to figure out.

I can see, bedlam in her eyes. And other expressions which weren't really clear.

"Then why me? You told me that we shouldn't be friends then why now?", she asked me as she looked me in the eyes.

"You are saying as if I'm telling you to be my girlfriend. Staying with you for few weeks made me realised that you are something more different than other girls I've met. I just want to be your friend and it's because you are different than other girls in the school or other places...... and also you seems familiar to me", I murmured the last part to her and she continued eating her food.

"Actually I never had a friend other than Lucas. I had a childhood friend but it didn't turn out good. I never had time to make friends because I was always busy with work and I never allowed any people in my life", she said with a sad smile.

"And why is that?", I asked her as I pour water into the glass and took it to drink.

"If you let more people to enter your life and be close to you then it's difficult to carry on when they leave you. The feeling is actually more worse than a heart-attack", she said as she wiped her hands using the tissue.

"It feels like multiple knives are stabbing you simultaneously", she finished and gave me a small smile.

"I will not leave you. Just give me a chance to be your friend. I'm not forcing you. It's all up to you if you want to befriend me", I smiled at her.

"Let's give it a try, I'll be your friend but nothing more than that", she told me and gave me a small smirk. "In this way i can always tease, annoy and irritate you".

"Join me in, you will get tired of annoying me", I said to her.

And finally the evening passed by us teasing and torturing each other. It felt as if i was finally home, not physically but mentally. The feeling was so strong but i don't know what this feeling is called. It was actually new.