
A Song Of Fire and Ice [Part 2]

“Don't stop, Garnet!” Ethan shouted as he and Luna used Faerie Fire and Moon Beams to prevent the Ancient Wendigo from focusing its attention on the Scarlet Witch. “Burn everything to the ground if you have to!”

“You really want to see the world burn, don’t you?” Garnet retorted. But she had to admit that seeing the flames blaze around her was making her blood boil. “Just don’t regret your decision later!”

“Ignis Tempestas!”

The Scarlet Witch once again unleashed a barrage of fireballs, intensifying the coverage of the Forest Fire.

She even started laughing wildly, like a crazy Witch, making the Magical Beasts in the forests run away in fear of being burned to ashes by the flames that were now turning the Deathseeker Forest into a hellish environment.

‘Crazy!’ Cedric screamed internally. ‘These people are crazy!’

When he heard Ethan order the red-haired Witch to start burning the forest, he thought that the handsome young man was just joking.
