
Fighting against two three-star mages[2]

[Bonus Chapter! Thank you Echelon_5 for gifting the dragon to the story <3]< p>


Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he glanced at the hole where a Mana dagger was vanishing.

Shing! Shing!

Before he could stabilize his footing, two more daggers flew toward him at breakneck speed.


Mana surged out of him and converged below his feet before he shot to the side like a bullet, dodging the Mana daggers once again.

Just as he was preparing to dodge the following attacks, the attacks paused before a peal of arrogant laughter rang out in the air.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect elves' high and mighty honoured guest to run around like a witless mouse. Why aren't you pretending to be calm now? Hahaha!"

"Hm?" Max, Belen and Leticia turned around and looked up to witness a large black-winged hawk with glittering red eyes slowly descending to the ground.
