
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

22. The Guild

I arrived in my dorm and it was a private one in the Royalty District.

I was feeling nervous and my skin wss literally shivering.

I slowly entered in my room, and my sweat isn't enough to show my emotions.

In reality... this fucking new system function is way too fucking fucked up.


[You Can Reset All Your Power And Knowledge For A Wish]

It sounds way too simple. And it seems unfair. But actually it isn't really that unfair. Because it had absolutely no restrictions.

My problem now is wether doing it or not. I mean it may say any wish, but if I wish to get out, my father will find ojt about it soon anyways and I will definitely meet a lot of problems.

Which puts this function probably the pandora's box of chances.

I do not know what it will be useful for. Losing all power and knowledge? It didn't even say forget. It said lose.

And at the same time escaping is only a sabotage. So my wish can be to regain powe again, but then what is the point of the wish.

Or maybe it is for more power, that could be an option. But then how about the patch that my father will do when he gets back.

In reality, this wish thing may seem to be omnipotent. But my father can just say no to them and make my life worse if he doesn't want what I do.

So my best choice is to monopolize it until my father comes back. I really don't know what to do. My skin has been shivering since I got here.

I mean I can just ignore it, but it's such a great deal too! Ahhhh!

Anyway, I was at the dorm of the royalties. The place where only the royal family of Valhalla can live in. And suprise, suprise, I am living there.

I don't know what I just did, but I am inside of such house now.

It is a grand mansion with actual maids inside of them.

Of course I have no idea where they exactly are as I have just been standing beside the door the entire time. And if I just walk straight and to the right side I will probably see the dorm.

And so I did. And there stood a servant of mine and a gigantic fucking dorm.

This wasn't a fucking dorm, this is a mansion. This room is unecessarily big.

"I greet Master Ryu."



"Nice name, so what can I offer you."

"?" She was confused.

"What do you want to stop monitoring me. I know you are not a real maid. You are a mage put here to gaurd and spy on me."

"!" She was on alert. She thought it could just be a joke and paused with no reaction.

"Get out."


"Tell your boss next time, to get me a maid eho can clean with a broom and not magic."

She was annoyed and flicked her tounge. All I could do was laugh at her inside my head. To get exposed by a kid like that, oh her pride must be hurt so bad.

And she even wsited for s long period of time there as I just stood beside the door for almost an hour.

It truly was an experience for the lady.

I went to sit on my couch, but it seems like I am not allowed to take a slight breath. But at least I can be closer to the fun I wanted.


"!" I was alerted, it was someone even I did not notice. But I did not panic and go to an attacking stance. Just mainly because I forgot to register my fear as I had none.

"Or I guess it should have been expected."

"..." I stared at him in the eyes.

It was a man wearing a white robe with a long black hair. He doesn't even look like a mage. He looks like a cultivator. 'Does this world have cultivators too?'

"From the man who can break through one of my barriers. At that age? Who the fuck are you-!"

"Stop pulling tricks."

The man tried to put me in the air using magic, but I stopped it by intercepting the flow of his mana.

"Oh, well I should just stop doing 'tricks' and get the real ones."

I was flown in the air, I wasn't even able to stop it. It was magic leages above my own.

It was something I couldn't even stop.

"So we good on tricks now? Ryu of Hannan?"

But what he should start learning about me isn't my origins. But my ability thanks to being a God.

"Well yeah, if you want me to stop it too!"

All I could do was remove his magic and slowly land on my bed again.

"So what do you want."

He stopped his shenanigans and went straight to the point.

"I could admit you now despite your age."

And there comes the question I have been looking for.

"I'll do it next year."

"And why is that?"

"Cause I want to be an adventurer first."

"At that age, your not even allowed."

"Who said I will do it in this age."

I transformed, a magic I was sure even he couldn't do.


He was alerted and impressed he just smiled and stopped his steps.

"I'll get going now then, have fun in your ventures, you can use this room whenever you want."

I did not get the name of the person but at the same time I just can't imagine someone could still be so strong.

If that was not the chairman of this academy, I don't even know what to do. For the first time ever, my soul has been halved.

I lost mana in that endeavor. I realized that I truly was not strong enough. Even after knwoing every magic, just what else is making me this weak.

Well I didn't want to think about that so I just went to sleep.


Adventurer, or a Mercenary. You can really call it whatever you want.

Is a job that is suitable for anyone. A place you can show your strength with no price.

A place to umprove upon yourself and make a name that will be heard throughout.

It is a dream for many, and it is also... well not a dream for me.

But I still wanted to be an adventurer for a simple reason.

It was just to remove bordom. I mean I did get admitted and could have joined the academy already, but still, I planned this out already and I just had some petiness so I rejected the offer.

'I wish I accepted it!'

There was one reason I dislike the adventurer's guild.

Because they turned my angel into that monster. How dare they taint my angel! I was talking about my fiance, if you are stupid.

And so I first had to get out of the Academy City. Which was simple. I just walk out the gate. Cause even the gatekeeper got informed about me, and sll of them just seems scared and terrified just to be around me.

'I'm not a monster what is this exaggeration.'

Well that was that encounter, next was to go to the Adventurer City. And this time I can just ultimately teleport.

My escorts are already gone. It is sad as there was a spy of one of my single digit brothers in those escorts, and showing them my achievement would have been amazing.

I teleported in the direction using a map I got from the gaurds. While I was teleporting and travelling I just stared and thought about the rebirth system.

Of course I was weak, but rebithing didn't mean I would get far stronger. It just gives me a gift with no limitstions but does have a big problem of me having that man as my father.

And so I arrived at the city. After sneaking out of my dorm to getting out of the city, I am back now.

To a familliar feeling.

"The Home Of Bastards!".

I couldn't help but yell it. But I wasn't hesrd or looked at. The city was already so loud you can hear the sounds kilometers away.

This place... just why...

I entered a registration area in the hardest way possible by sneaking myself in sweating men and women.

It was tiring but it's not like I can do anything about it.

"I would like to register."

I was at my older body, and as soon as I talked for some reason the room got quite and all stared at me.

I ignored it and looked back at the receptionist as she was checking things out.

I poked my finger for some blood sealing, and then boom done. The room was still quite and the place was quite weird.


"Ryu Reinhart."





Your all done. She handed me a card that finally registered me.

"You are now an E- Rank, you can choose one of the quests at the E rank houses."

She handed over the card and as the room was still way too quite I just looked at the receptionist and I think I could finally understand why.

She was blushing heavily and was not even looking at my eyes.

I then just left to not cause any more annoyance. Even though I really wanted to say "Heh, virgins." Even though I am the same, it's just funny hahaha.

And so I headed to the E rank district and my fucking god. This place never runs out of people. Just what in the fuck.

If you could see it, you wouldn't even be able to spot me at all. I am just being covered like a mush.

It is absolutely annoying. Anyway, just like the Academy Capital, this place is also organized in districts or streets.

And that is ehere I am right now, the E rank district where I could get my missions.

And to my suprise as I got closer to a building that gives quest, it wasn't actually compacted.

I entered and the place had a line to the quest board and there was still a receptionist.

It is truly weird.

But I guess it is better than that cramped one. But there are still many people just how the hell can I still get a mission here.

So I lined up in a line and waited to reach the board. After I reached it, a few quests just appeared for some unknown reason. There was not even magic applied to it, but I guess I don't really care.

I picked a quest to pick up some herbs and I went to the receptionist with not quite a long line as there were a lot of them, instead of the two quest boards.

I went to an empty line and gave out my quest.

"Do you not have a dimensional bag?"

She took the quest and looked at me and asked the question.

"What dimensional bag?"

"Did you never get to the F rank district?"


She looked confused and then looked all over my body till she reached my face.

"Ohhh... makes sense. Anyway here you go."

"Thank you."

Was I really that good looking. If she was here I would be dead by how much the people here fall in love with me at just one look.

Anyways, a herb quest, you may ask why herbs. Aren't the normal quests killing monsters?

Well let me tell you something. Something very important.

There are no fantasy monsters in this world.