
Strength of Chaos

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Amidst the shadows that stretch beyond the precipice, a realm of unspoken desires and unrevealed pains beckons. It is a domain where the harbinger of sorrow and pain, a specter of darkness, casts its haunting silhouette. From within this abyss emerges a vow—an oath that cuts through the veil of obscurity. "Justice shall be my mantle," the whisper echoes, the promise etched with determination. In these hands, a power takes root, heedless of the chaos it sows in its unrelenting path. As the abyss gazes back, the abyss of vengeance, a choice is made—a choice to wield the forces that lie within, regardless of the tumult it unfurls. And so, within the tapestry of darkness, a narrative unfolds, where justice and chaos entwine, and the enigmatic journey of the "Strength of Chaos" takes shape. --- Hey there, So, guess what? This is my first-ever book, 'Strength of Chaos,' and I'm stoked to share it with you. Just wanted to give you a heads-up – it might start off a bit slow. But hey, I promise you this: stick around, and you'll see the story pick up pace, the plot twist and turn, and my writing groove get seriously dialed in. So grab a comfy seat, maybe a cup of something warm, and let's dive into the world of Chaos together (Most of it though hehe). Your patience and excitement mean the world to me. Catch you on the flip side, [Golden_Essence]

Golden_Essence · สมัยใหม่
80 Chs

Awakening Ceremony

The highly anticipated Awakening Ceremony had finally arrived, captivating the attention of the entire Thalassian population. In the past, the ceremony took place at a single location, but with the country's growing population, it had to be divided into sections across every city.

In the heart of Varia City stood an imposing Victorian-style building, occupying a vast area to accommodate the influx of people. Despite yearly renovations, the architectural style remained intact, carrying the legacy of the ceremony since ancient times.

Jaden and his mother found themselves amidst the bustling crowd, making their way towards the entrance of the grand building. As they reached the entrance, Jaden received a bracelet that would display numerals when his awakening occurred during the ceremony, which left him feeling nervous.

Walking alongside his mother, they entered the building, a colossal space comparable to three stadiums combined. Adorned with statues and paintings, the walls showcased high galleries filled with seated spectators. The venue buzzed with excitement, housing both teenagers and adults eager to witness the event.

Jaden spotted Alex a few rows ahead, sitting beside a burly man with a full beard and a bald head. As Jaden's gaze wandered, he caught sight of a familiar red-headed girl, prompting a smile to grace his lips.

The seating arrangement formed a circle, with an elevated platform in the center. Jaden and his mother settled down, waiting for the ceremony to commence.

Soon, the lights within the structure dimmed, leaving only the central area illuminated. A majestic figure descended from the air, donning a long white garment adorned with intricate designs and holding a staff.

With arms outstretched and eyes closed, the man floated gracefully towards the ground, emanating a powerful aura that enveloped the entire building. Landing softly, he slowly opened his eyes, which emitted a faint glow before extinguishing. A profound silence fell upon the crowd.

The man began addressing the assembled crowd, traversing the stage as he spoke. After a brief introduction, the moment everyone had been waiting for finally arrived.

The spot where he stood started to vibrate before ascending to a higher platform. Simultaneously, all around the wide platform, hatches on the ground began to open, revealing towering crystals emerging from them. These crystals reached a staggering height of twelve feet, surpassing the average human stature.

The spectacle unfolded across the entire stage, with thousands of crystals adorning the platform. Each teenager seated in the crowd began descending towards the platform, captivated by the awe-inspiring scene before their eyes. It was a timeless ritual that never ceased to amaze, evoking tears of joy from parents who watched their children awaken their abilities, marking their transition into adulthood.

Jaden remained seated, his chest pounding with nerves. Lilian, sensing his anxiety, reassured him by wrapping her arms around him.

This ceremony held immense significance, occurring annually to determine one's fate. Historically, some awakened with a strong affinity for their elemental powers or as aura users. On the other hand, many faced the challenge of awakening with low affinity, which often posed difficulties in advancing through the ranks. Unless they could afford costly scientific procedures to enhance their elemental affinities, typically only nobles could avail themselves of such means.

Jaden was acutely aware of the ceremony's importance and dreaded falling into the latter category, fearing his inability to progress.

Finally mustering the courage, Jaden rose from his seat and made his way towards the central platform. Arriving there, he approached a crystal, just like everyone else, and stood before it.

"Please, let it not be a low affinity," Jaden whispered to himself, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Every teenager in the crowd reached the platform and stood in front of a crystal, with enough for everyone.


Please place your hands on the crystals," the man's calm voice reverberated.

Each teen followed his instruction, pressing their hands against the crystals.

"Throughout time, humans have forged a connection with nature, harnessing its formidable power," the man explained.

"And today, my young ones, today you shall tap into that energy," he added.

With closed eyes, everyone sought to establish that connection.

Jaden closed his eyes, calming his racing heart. Placing his hands on the crystal, he focused on establishing a connection. After a few seconds, he began sensing a faint energy emanating from the crystal. Growing stronger by the second, he felt a surge within himself, attempting to forge a connection with the crystal. The connection intensified. Then, suddenly, the energy vanished.

Jaden kept his eyes shut, hoping to regain the connection, but nothing happened.

Opening his eyes, he noticed the other crystals in the distance shimmering with various colors. Some emitted a dim light, while others glowed slightly brighter or shone brilliantly.

Jaden glanced at his crystal, which remained devoid of any light or response. Confusion clouded his mind. "Why isn't my crystal lighting up like the others?" he pondered, his face etched with worry.

Examining his bracelet, he found no displayed numbers indicating his level.

As other teens began heading back to their seats after awakening, Jaden continued gazing at his unresponsive crystal. Determined to try again, he placed his hand on the crystal with closed eyes. Minutes passed as he focused, feeling the energy once more. The rush in his core grew stronger with each passing second. Suddenly, the energy dissipated again.

Opening his eyes, Jaden realized he was the only one left standing on the platform. His crystal remained dark and unresponsive.

"What's going on with that kid?"

"Is something wrong with his crystal?"

"No, it can't be the crystal."

"He can't awaken."

"He's useless at this point."

The murmurs of the crowd reached Jaden's ears. He felt their penetrating gazes, heard their mocking words. Frozen in place, he couldn't move, haunted by the audience's harsh comments.

In that moment, a tug on his arm broke his trance. Lilian pulled him away from the stage, guiding him towards the building's exit.


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