I was bored so I thought why not make character intros and so here I am writing an intro to characters that will most likely never get used, also if you do happen to want to use one of my characters make sure its damn good story
Faint sounds of sobs and sniffling could be heard as a casket was lowered into the ground. Those who had the courage to look up would read the stone, "In death may I find peace" it created quite a sad scene. Watching this, sad, scene was a man, no, a skeleton in a tuxedo, a smile plastered on its face as it slowly faded into a place no living being could be. The faint sound of rain hitting the ground intensified as the thunder roared and lightning struck the ground the skeleton took its last look at the group of beings that could only be described as family.
The clouds parted as the rays of the sun shun upon the planet known as Arche. Dragons roared as they took flight and soared over the mountains, the sirens sang as they lured prey to Scylla. The winds whistled as raced across the flower-covered planes and the pure white snow took its place among the mountain tops. It was a world that some could only write about it was a world that only had one word to describe it, "Elysian" a voice declared in a soft tone.