
Chapter 600: A Grand Moment of Bewilderment

Terenas was cunning, letting Thoras, who was practically a nobody, take the first hit. Did Thoras have a choice? He instantly understood Terenas's intent.

"You need food for Stromgarde, don't you? Then you start this. If you don't accept what others give you, don't expect any food supply next year."

What else could he say?

Thoras could only nod bitterly, "I thank you on behalf of the people of Stromgarde. But we don't need it for 20 years..."

At this point, Thoras caught a slightly reproachful look from Genn Greymane and had to change his words, "Alright, Stromgarde humbly accepts. If Alterac demands, my kingdom will certainly return the borrowed land next year."

The situation now was akin to saying, "Someone's willing to give, dare you not take?"

With Thoras taking the first bullet, would other kingdoms be far behind?

Daelin, Magni, Kurdran, and Kael'thas, kings or representatives whose nations had no need for Alterac's land, all frowned.

On the surface, everything seemed to be in order.

Any discerning eye would instantly realize: this was nothing but the cruel division of a weaker nation, Alterac, by three rogue states and one submissive nation, under the guise of justice and mutual aid.

Each king or representative who did not participate couldn't help but ask themselves, "Is this the alliance that our nation hopes for, wants?"

Then, Lord Prestor suddenly bowed deeply, "The greatness of Lordaeron has won me over. However, Your Majesty Menethil, you can disregard yourself, but I hope you would consider the people of Silverpine Forest who have lost their land. I've heard that your beloved daughter, Princess Calia, is the most beautiful in the world. If I ascend the throne, please allow me to propose to Princess Calia with Brill and Caer Darrow as the dowry."

A stone stirred a thousand ripples.

The other nations that were slightly skeptical finally saw Terenas's several moves clearly.

First, with either true or false evidence, take down Duke Barov, the biggest power in Alterac.

Then support a puppet in the real sense to come to power.

Finally, consolidate their friendship and alliance through royal marriage.

Of course, ten or twenty years later, if this King Prestor 'accidentally dies', then a young prince with Menethil royal blood will be king.

What is annexation?

This is annexation!

"Hmph!" Daelin and Magni snorted coldly on the spot!

Kurdran and Gelbin didn't understand so many twists and turns, but seeing Magni snort coldly, they also followed: "Hmph!"

It sounded like a comedic duet.

Four kings snubbing him made it hard for Terenas to keep a straight face. However, Brill and Caer Darrow were two extremely fertile lands!

The drama had to continue.

Pretending not to hear, Terenas made a benevolent elder's face, "If Calia doesn't object... Sorry, I am a father before I am a king. I must get my daughter's consent."

"That's natural." Prestor bowed deeply again.

Calia, who should have been prepared, came not long after.