
Path of doom

Above, thundering clouds loomed ominously, their roars echoing the turmoil in the heart of the storm. Heavy rain lashed at the trees, leaves quivering under the relentless downpour. This tempest was unlike any other, and the reason was simple – it marked the day that had been etched into everyone's minds as the ominous fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.

Adeline fled through the muddied path, clutching her skirt tightly in her trembling hands. Her home, a once tranquil haven, had descended into a ceaseless cacophony of screams and agony. Her parents' union, for reasons she couldn't fathom, had become a source of unending torment. She often pondered why they had ever wed, but never had she witnessed such depths of despair in their marriage.

Adeline's thoughts wandered back to happier times, times when despite their mutual disdain, her parents had painted smiles for her sake. She had always known their charade, but she chose silence over confronting the painful truth. Yet, today was an exception; today, she had exhausted every avenue to mend their fractured relationship. Her parents remained unyielding, and on this fateful day, Adeline resolved to seek her own path.

This day bore a dark reputation – it was known far and wide as the "Time of Doom," an event inexorably linked to a menacing figure called the "Lord of vorthrax". Adeline scoffed at such fantastical stories from her childhood. To her, they were nothing more than superstitious tales, embellished and distorted over the ages.

Unbeknownst to her, as she ventured further into the stormy wilderness, the myths she dismissed would begin to unravel, revealing hidden truths and challenges beyond her wildest imagination

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