


Once upon a time, there was an orphan boy. His father died when he was born and people labeled him an evil child Who wants to be the only male in the mother's life resulting in the death of his father the same day he was born. His mother died when he was just ten years old making him an orphan and a rejected one at that. No one would help him or associate with him because he was an evil child, as they say.

The Orphan lived all by himself in his father's house and took care of himself by himself. No one helped, no one got close to him, they were all afraid to 'die' by getting close to him.

Years later, the Orphan boy is now a man, he was fetching firewood for his dinner of bush rabbit soup with the Rabbit his trap caught when he heard some young men at the same age as him discussing in a place in the bush not far from him.

"I tell you, the Princess is back from her mother's village where she was taken to in other to learn how to be a royalty" A young man said

"And I hear she's all beautiful and ripe for marriage, soon the king will start looking for a suitor to be the princess's husband and next in line to the throne." Another young man replied

"Well, as for me it has always been my dream to be the next king." The First young man said

"Me, I don't want to remain poor o, so I will marry the princess." The other young man argued

"It's okay, the suitor would be known soon, the king will eventually call all eligible men to come to his palace for some screening. You know, wrestling, elegance and all that." A young man who has been quiet since, said

"Yes, you are right. Let us go home and start preparing, very soon the town crier will spread the news." The first young man said and they all left.

The Orphan boy heard and decided to marry the princess, he will prove to the whole village that he is just like them and not evil as they thought he was.

Weeks later, the young men were told to come to the palace for the test of strength, kindness and elegance. The young orphan didn't have any good clothes and couldn't let this opportunity pass by, he went to his mother's grave and cried when he saw that there wasn't any chance of winning. Suddenly, after crying, he turned his back and saw some beautiful and expensive clothes on top of his mother's grave. It magically appeared.

The young orphan was happy, he got dressed but on his way, he saw a beautiful girl who seemed stranded. He wanted to ignore her and continue his way to the palace, he eventually did.

But when he turned back, he saw other young men neglecting and passing her and he remembered his mother's words when he was little; "my son, do not neglect anybody in need especially when you know that you can help them".

The Orphan boy eventually went to meet the young girl and took her home. He gave her water to bathe and food to eat, she seemed tired and went to sleep after eating, it was getting late anyways. The Orphan boy soon fell asleep too.

For the next two weeks, the girl stayed with the boy, she told him that she was chased out of her village and she ran to the neighboring village which happened to be the Orphan boy's village, being ostracized made the Orphan boy to understand her plight and allowed her to live with him. They went to the bush to hunt and look for food together, fetched water together and did almost everything together, they gradually began to fall in love with each other. Even people began to talk about them.

Later, news went about that nobody was eligible to be the princess's husband, the princess herself was never seen by anybody. The Orphan boy didn't care about the princess anymore, he has found happiness with this girl and every other person does not matter to him.

One night as they were looking at the stars together, the girl told the boy that she had to take him to her people so that they could get married, and the boy reminded her of how they chased her out. They then concluded to meet with her relative that she was sure would accept her wholeheartedly.

Eventually, they left the next morning but as they were going, the girl took the boy to the palace of his own king. He looked confused as the girl went to the king and hugged him.

"Father; She said, this is the man I want to marry, he isn't only kind hearted but strong too. He had fought with a leopard in my presence and not only that father, he is elegant. He might be poor but he is elegant in his ways.

Above all father, I love him and he loves me just as much."

"Good my daughter, let's prepare your wedding." The king replied happily.

The Orphan boy was so surprised that he couldn't move. The king walked up to him and hugged him warmly. He ordered for him to be dressed beautifully and they got ready for their wedding that same day.


Moral lesson: Do not laugh and stigmatize people, especially those who you don't know if they are responsible for being the way they are. Be kind always and especially when you can be of help to that person.
