
No body wants me

She was shocked to find Brandon standing in the woods with her and looking so handsome.

She didn't see his cuteness at the time, because it felt like she was in a dream.

Didn't she just leave him and his family at Dunamis?

What then is he doing in the woods? She had to ask, maybe by asking the obvious, she could wake up from this nightmare.

She ciukd actually be dreaming, because, somehow, she doesn't want to believe that her mother said all that about her.

She doesn't want to believe that her mother is making out with another man on the bed, and she is still there even as they speak.

"Brandon, what are you doing here?

She asked him, and he gently walked close to her.

"Saving you apparently".

Duncan sent his guards to the house, after I sent you off, as a matter of fact, I met them at the house, holding my mother, sister and niece on their knees, begging to be allowed to go free.

They wanted to know if we were holding you at our house, and after they searched, and saw that you were not there, they left.

My inlaw Stephon got the message the next day, so he asked us all to come down to Springfield.

My mother was so worried about you, that she said I should go after you.

I told her I didn't know how to locate you, but Stephon told me where I could find you, by showing me your house".

She just nodded, knowing that with a chariot, they could get to anywhere they were going, faster than she would, jumping from one horse to the other.

"I am happy you came, but from what you have said, you cannot be seen with me, I don't want to endanger your family".

She says, trying to hide her tears, then she added.

I thought coming home was all I needed, I thought that when I come home, I would be safe and happy, but obviously, they don't want me at home, so I just have to keep going, till I meet my death".

Brandon looked shocked at what she said, and though he doesn't want to ask her what happened, he felt a stronger urge to help her.

"If I go back without you, my mother would not be happy, she really wants me to bring you back abd so does Stephon..

"Yes Stephon, I knew him, he is a good man.

His father is a friend of my dad's.

He was supposed to marry me, or so I heard, but along the line, he changed his mind, and I didn't know why, all I saw was that, months later, Duncan came for me".

Brandon was shocked.

He didn't know they know each other like that, though the way he was worried about her, showed that he cared for her.

"What excuse did Stephon give, for not marrying you?

He asked, apparently, he feels it is only an insane person, that would find a beautiful girl like her, and not want to marry her.

"He didn't give me any reason, but at least, he is married to your sister, and that is all that matters, which is also why, I wouldn't want to come with you.

"You are still inlove with him?

That was more like a statement, than a question.

"I don't love him, I never did, but I was hoping to get to know him and love him, but I didn't get the chance, though I would like to find out from him, why he cancelled the marriage plans, which spoiled the relationship between our fathers".

"I am sorry, I didn't know that".

Brandon apologized, coming even closer to her.

"You don't have to apologies, I have seen ninety nine, what is hundred, it's just that other suitors had a good reason for not wanting me, and they stated their reasons clearly to my face, but Stephon never said anything".

Her voice held no emotion, a d she doesn't sound like one who was broken hearted, she just sounds like one, who wants answers.

"If you had said you are still inlove with him, I would have said, you couldn't go back, because of my sister.

She loves her husband so much, and she wouldn't like anyone to come between them, I won't like it too, but since the issue isn't about love, then, it is something we can work on, and I can help you find the answer you seek".

She glared at him, she nodded her head, for she knows, that he isn't going to take a negative nod of the head for an answer, so she reminded him again, for that was his first fear.

"Brandon, I am really worried about getting your family hurt, I am a total mess, no one should be associated with me, like I said, no one wants me, no one wants to be with me, no one wants to help me, so I guess I am going to have to find my own self".

Brandon was finding it very difficult, believing what she is saying, for she is so pretty, that every man, would be more than proud, to have her as a wife, or even a friend.

Her sister had been very happy, just seeing her, and here she is, speaking down on herself.

"Stephon is ready to protect them, and I am more than ready to protect them too, and I believe that if you are with us, we can protect you too".

She was about to agree, to all he had been saying, when she heard his question.

Hope you don't mind me asking, but, what did your mother say?

She paused for a long while, then turned to face him, looking directly into his green eyes, she tells him.

"I didn't meet them, and they didn't meet me".

Brandon started to wonder, if she was mentally sound.

She just told him a while ago, that they didn't want her, it was almost as though, they sent her back the moment they saw her, and now, she is telling him, that they didn't meet her and she didn't meet them.

She noticed his confusion, and decided to clear the air, so she cleared her throat and said.

"My mother was in the room she share with my father, when I got there, but she was there, with another man, who is not my father, and she was spouting ill rotten things about me.

My mother, is fucking a man right now, who is not my father".