
Stay With Me (Our Story)

Amaya Jones is 23 years old and a single mother to Bailey King. She used to live with her family until she became pregnant with Bailey. Her father was furious so he cut her out of their life. Aiden Carter a 28 year old billionaire playboy and heir to his fathers company is surprised when his father contacts him and says he has a benefiting deal for the company. He wants Aiden to help an old friend of his whom was on the verge of bankruptcy. Aiden has no interest in helping the Jones's, but his father insists so he gives in. When his father tells him what the contract entails, he's against it at first but agrees later on. After all, a joint company means more money, which Aiden doesn't mind. Amaya's parents sign the contract without her knowledge. They didn't care about what she wanted they just hoped that when they inform her about the arranged marriage, she would accept without any fuss. Amaya declines the offer. She doesn't care if her family was on the verge of bankruptcy, they cut her off long ago. After getting bad news from her mother Amaya chnages her mind and agrees to help them. All she ever wanted was to focus on her daughter but now she's stuck in an arranged marriage with a man she that she detests.

Intoxicating69 · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

7. Two can play this game

Even with the repeatedly flickering blue and white light, becoming annoying. I walk to the edge of the section we're seated and lean my arms against the railing before looking down. I watch the crowd of men and women down there dance against each other, as they move to the rhythm of the song. My eyes drift all over the place slowly using the view below as a new form of distraction. I look towards the bar and I notice a familiar figure. She's leaning against the table with her head against her hand looking at the guy thats speaking while she pretends to be paying attention. I smile as an idea comes to me and I make my way downstairs. "Yo? where you going man?" My friend James asks when he sees me leaving

"Gotta take care of something" Is all I mumble before walking down and making my way through the crowd to her.

I walk to her from behind and place my hand on a small part of her waist before standing beside her in front of the guy "Hey baby" I turn to look at her and smirk. The way she tries to stay calm and collected after seeing my face makes me smirk.

"Who are you?" The guy that was with her asks. She turns to face me with a pointed look expecting an answer too.

"Her husband. Now get out" He immediately scrambles away from our sight, leaving us.

"Wow, we're not even married yet and you're already obsessed with me. Good to know what i won't be getting myself into" She tells me and then signals for the bartender.

"Won't? I know you're going to be my wife, Amaya. As for the obsession you seemed to be enjoying bits of it when I had my hand around your waist"

She rolls her eyes "Oh please don't flatter yourself, thought you were my someone else"

"Yeah right, But whatever makes you sleep at night i guess"

"Fuck off. I'm going to dance. You can watch and obsess over me, or crawl back to wherever you showed up from" she smirks before walking off into the crowd of dancing people. I notice her back and the way the dress she is wearing sways perfectly with her movement. Hugging her voluptuous frame like an extra skin and defining the outline of her figure.

I look away so the thoughts of her can leave my head before I blame it on the alcohol I've had.

My eyes drifts to her direction and this time I'm not turning away because she's looking at me too. I watch her run her hand all over her body slowly teasing me. The way she keeps her eyes on me without breaking contact. I grab the empty stool by the bar and sit on it. She's still dancing when this guy from no where comes around and stands behind her. At first he's not touching and just stands watching her move slowly against him. He brings his face closer to hers and whispers something. With her eyes still on mine she smirks and let's her hands fall to her side before using it to guide the guys hands to her waist. Exactly where my hands were, then higher and she starts to grind against him. At first it's just slow with her eyes still on mine. Then she grabs his other hand and places it around her throat with the other one is on her waist. The poor guy, he's definitely enjoying the entire show not knowing she's only using him to get to me. I stir in my seat trying to make sure my boner isn't evident enough. I also want to look away from her but i can't. It's like her gaze and movements have me locked and rooted to this spot to witness agonizing torture first hand.

She turns around and faces the guy leaving me to stare at her back. I watch how she wraps her two hands around his neck but not before placing his hands on her waist directly above her ass. She starts grinding on him slowly and sensually again but this time without the eye contact. I watch his hands slip downwards and grips her ass.

"Fuck it" I groan before getting and making my way to them "Excuse me, I'd like to dance with my wife"

"I-I... swear man I had no-"

I cut him off and stand in behind her "Yeah, now leave"

She turns to me with a smirk "Possessive much?"

"Over you? Never. I just don't like being teased. Now show me how you made that jerk touch you"

"Why? Were you jealous?" She places her hands around my shoulder

"I don't like being teased intentionally" I pull her to me closing the small distance.

Her body is against mine and I feel her lift her knee and trace it slowly around my bulge before moving across it " Did i do this or were you turned on by him?" She teases before dropping one of her hands from my shoulder and running her fingers over my stomach slowly then moving down to stroke my dick through the thin material. "Tell me Aiden, don't be shy" She whispers against my face, making sure to leave traces with her lips. The words are lodged in my throat and I notice my breathing pace up, so does she because she pulls away steps back a little to look at me and smirks and pats the space above my heart.

"I guess you're going to have to figure that out on your own" She mutters with a smile and turns to walk away from me. I grab her arm protesting her movement and pulling her back.

I turn her so her back is facing me "Seeing as you did this, it's only fair I return the favour. What do you think, wife?" her breathing quickens with her chest heaving profusely. I move my left hand to her thigh before going lower and lifting a small part of her dress up moving closer to her vagina and i find she's wearing no underwear "Tell me to stop and i will" I mutter against her face but she just shakes her head No, so I continue. "Look at you, hot, bothered and no panties. It's like you planned all this ahead"

Her breathing is still heavy when she says "I did. Just not with a horny two pump chump" i catch her wink after that statement. I smile and move my fingers to her clit and her legs instantly part wider for me. To the rest of the club we're two horny people dancing sexily.

She lets out an uncontrollable moan as I slowly move my fingers up and down her clit completely ignoring her opening for now.

"You remember what I said about not liking to be teased?" I ask her

She doesn't answer, fully focused on my fingers between her legs "Answer me, babygirl" I slip one finger into her and she gasps

"Yes!" She moans out

"I also believe in payback" I pull my finger out of her and adjust her dress with my other hand

"You asshole!" She frowns when she realized what I just did.

I smile at her and bring the finger that was just in her to my mouth before licking it clean "Hate the game not the player, dear wife." I turn towards the bar to face a woman who I'm guessing is the friend she came here with and I wave before turning back to face my wife "See you on our wedding day, darling" with that I walk off and I don't stop till I got to my car.

I need a cold shower!