
Stay With Me (Our Story)

Amaya Jones is 23 years old and a single mother to Bailey King. She used to live with her family until she became pregnant with Bailey. Her father was furious so he cut her out of their life. Aiden Carter a 28 year old billionaire playboy and heir to his fathers company is surprised when his father contacts him and says he has a benefiting deal for the company. He wants Aiden to help an old friend of his whom was on the verge of bankruptcy. Aiden has no interest in helping the Jones's, but his father insists so he gives in. When his father tells him what the contract entails, he's against it at first but agrees later on. After all, a joint company means more money, which Aiden doesn't mind. Amaya's parents sign the contract without her knowledge. They didn't care about what she wanted they just hoped that when they inform her about the arranged marriage, she would accept without any fuss. Amaya declines the offer. She doesn't care if her family was on the verge of bankruptcy, they cut her off long ago. After getting bad news from her mother Amaya chnages her mind and agrees to help them. All she ever wanted was to focus on her daughter but now she's stuck in an arranged marriage with a man she that she detests.

Intoxicating69 · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

3. Aiden Carter


Only a fool wouldn't sense the obvious tension at this table. The eerie silence amongst us would have been extremely painful and long if not for the occasional boring questions they throw at each other and sometimes at me, from mother anyway, to be precise.

My mum clears her throat before she sets her cutlery aside. She picks up her napkin to dab the corners of her lips gently with it "Maya how do you like the food?"

"It's amazing. I'm sure Maria has already packed some up for Bailey and I, for later" I give a short smile trying to merge it with my horrible example of making conversation.

"Who is Bailey?" One of the two men speaks up. I'm guessing this is a Father and Son duo because he looks younger. I catch Dad's movement from my side eye as he gives them a slow awkward glance "Bailey is my daughter" I answer and take another bite from my chicken

"You have a daughter?" the older one of them asks. But his eyes are on my Father.

What the fuck is going on here?

"Yes i have a daughter." I stare at everyone at the table one after the other trying to see if my parents will acknowledge or explain why these people seem surprised or bothered about me having a kid "Who are you people?" I ask abruptly

"Maya!" My father calls out sternly

"It's okay Kevin. We're in her house, we owe her an introduction" The older man speaks gently with a smile.

My eyes drift to the other one who has a fork in one hand and his phone in the other. He lifts his eyes slowly and looks at me,as if he knew he was being watched. I look away swiftly and focus on the other man.

"I'm James Carter and this Is my son Aiden." at the mention of his name he doesn't even lift his eyes from his phone "We're old friends of the family"

"Hmm" I mutter and take a sip from my drink

"So are we gonna tell her or not?" My brother speaks up for the first time after so much silence

This draws my attention "Tell me what?" i turn to him waiting for him to talk, but nothing. I turn to my mother she just avoids my gaze "Mum?" She meets my eyes for seconds before looking back down.

I turn to look at my father, "So are you gonna tell me, or just stay mute like the rest of em?" i face him completely.

"Mind your words, Maya" he replies grumpily as usual

I roll my eyes "Get on with it, please" I say irritatedly

My father turns to look at James and I notice James nod at him then he turns to face me. "Maya, the Carters are here because of a business deal we made long time ago and uh-

"Get straight to the point! what does any of this have to do with me?" I ask, my tone coming off a bit harsh

My father sighs loudly "I'm getting there! We and the Carters want to merge our companies"

"Why? What's wrong? I thought your company was going well." My father is to quiet for my liking so I look at my mum and my brother for answers but nothing. "Can someone please answer me!" i turn to the Carters. if my own family won't answer me atleast they can since they're involved as well.

I see Aiden massaging his fore head slowly, He looks agitated before speaking up "Our companies are to merge after we get married" he said abruptly

I scrunch my eye brows in confusion "Who? You and my brother?" I turn to look at Austin "I never knew you like guys!"

I hear a small chuckle from someone "No Maya, it's you and I"

I laugh loudly at the joke "He's joking right? He has to be joking. Tell me he's joking!" I turn to look at my family one after the other, but they all ignore me.

"Darling, he's telling the truth" My mother speaks up and finally decides to look at me

I ignore her and stare at my father "Why?"

"We need the help Amaya and this deal was the perfect one, we didn't have a choice" My dad said before pouring himself another glass of wine

"Bullshit! We? what do you mean we! i wasn't consulted on this. None of you asked for my opinion! You just decided to make an agreement and only involve me right before you signed it" I yell at them angrily

"Maya, it's already been signed" My brother Samuel speaks up

"What?" My voice breaks along with my heart "You signed it? Did you even stop to think about what I would want? Dad?" I call out to him but he says nothing "Mum, say something please" i beg

"I'm sorry baby but this was the only way we could think of" My mother speaks up again

"Selling me off was the only way?" I ask completely irritated by all of them. I didn't care if there was a third party witnessing our argument

"We're not selling you off! We're saving our legacy!" My Father replies

"Our? Don't you dare say that! it's your legacy! it's your company I have nothing to do with the company, remember? You said so yourself!" I glare at him angrily

Dad sighs as he places his cutlerys on his plate with a little noise "Amaya for heavens sake not now! We have guests!" he yells as his eyes finally meet with mine longer than usual for the first time since this dinner started.

"Why? Are you embarrassed? I mean you just sold your CHILD! to them like ram for a slaughterhouse might as well let them know the kind of family they're marrying into" I'm fuming and can't hold back the words I'm saying

"Maya calm down. We can talk about this later" Samuel grabs my arm

"No!" I pull my arm away. And turn to face our guests "Mr Carter, Mr Carter's son. I don't know what they may have promised you, but I have no interest in getting married to your son or anyone else."

"Maya, I had no idea that your parents did not inform you about the agreement-"

I cut him off "Now you do. And now you know my take on it"

Aiden who has been quiet and just watching for the past minutes speaks up "But that's the thing Amaya," He pushes his chair back and stands up as he fixes his suit "You and your family don't really have a choice, seeing as, if they don't keep up their part of the contract they are obligated to pay me an amount of money. And seeing the state of your company" He turns to face dad then continues "I'm sure i don't need to tell you that you cant afford it. Thank you for dinner Mrs Jones, my regards to the chef." His eyes land on mine for a brief second before looking away "Father, I'll be in the car" he speaks then walks out leaving me shocked and rooted to my spot

"I'm really sorry Maya. But what my son said is true" He turns to face my father "I really didn't expect this from you Kevin. You don't tell us your daughter is a mother and you also go ahead and make an agreement on her behalf without her consent? That's messed up, even for you. Once again I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope we can all come together again under better terms and discuss what may be suitable for us all. Dinner was lovely as usual Tiffany." He walks to where she's seated and gives her a kiss on the cheek before nodding at me and then walking out to leave.

Couple of minutes later after the guests have departed Maria walks into the dining room and the sound of her shoes clicking against the tiles serve as the only sounds that have passed our midst since they left. I raise my eyes to look at her and the tears I've been holding back come rushing at once

"Oh sweet child!" She coos softly as she embraces me

"They sold me of Maria, like i was nothing!" i sniff loudly as the tears keep coming uncontrollably "I don't want to do it, I-I don't want to"

"It's okay mi amore, it's okay" She speaks calmly while rubbing my back in a rythmic motion, gently. "It's going to be okay Amaya"

I pull away from her hold and look at her "It's not. You don't know what's going on! I don't have a choice" I utter loudly not caring if they could hear me "They didn't even give me a choice in the matter!" I sob uncontrollably

"Amaya, I know" she says gently as if she was owning up to a crime

"W-what?" I clean my face as i try to control the sniffs "You knew about the contract with the Carters?" I can already feel my heart breaking from the incoming answer

"No. That i wasn't aware of, i assumed it but I wasn't sure. I only knew about the company going bankrupt" at the sound of that word, I could almost hear my fathers jaw clench and see the frown on his face even though his back was to me.

My father sighs loudly "Amaya stop being a brat and come sit so we can talk about all this! it's for all our sakes after all"

"Our sakes?! you're so selfish and wicked that you don't even see what is wrong with this entire situation!" I yell angrily

"Mija!" Maria warns sternly "Don't be rude to your father!. Talk to them, please. We'll talk about this when you're done" She pleads with me silently

"No" I have no interest in speaking with them "Goodluck finding Mr Carter's money, because I'm not marrying him." I've received enough bullshit from them.

I pick my things and head to my car to leave.

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