
Chapter 311: Brother Xue, What Happened to You?_1

"It seems that Brother Xue has spent too much time in the Crown Prince's Mansion, concerned about national affairs and seldom stepping outside, which is why your complexion isn't looking so good," Xu Ran said thoughtfully. "Brother Xue, sometimes you should go out more; understanding the sentiments of the people is extremely important. Moreover, sometimes the wildflowers outside are even tastier than the ones at home."


Qian Renxue was directly infuriated by Xu Ran's words.

What nonsense was Xu Ran spouting, and what was this about wildflowers being tastier than those at home...

Incredibly such shamelessly outrageous words were being spoken by Xu Ran so confidently!

Fortunately, he was now Xue Qinghe; otherwise, he would have had no idea that Xu Ran's true colors were so vile. On the surface, he appeared like a modest gentleman, but in reality, he had the heart of a beast!

"Brother Xu, we should be discussing national affairs now. Other matters can be put aside for later," Qian Renxue said with an increasingly darkened expression.

"Eh? Brother Xue, what's wrong with you? We can discuss matters even while outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Don't tell me, Brother Xue, that you're incapable. Actually, I have some good medicine here..." Xu Ran moved closer to Qian Renxue and said.

Since having more contact with Qian Renxue, Xu Ran had discovered a special spice on him. Underneath the suppression of the spice, there was an extremely rich and mellow fragrance of a woman. That scent, although faint due to the spices, was incredibly enticing.

"Incapable? How could I be incapable? I, as the Crown Prince, am indeed capable," thought Qian Renxue, his heart skipping a beat and his body tensing suddenly. At that moment, he realized the problem.

Previously, he had neglected the Crown Prince's imperial concubines and arranged for some people from the Martial Soul Hall to act as his concubines, so it didn't arouse any suspicion for the time being. After all, no one would pay special attention to how the Crown Prince fulfilled his duties to his concubines.

Now, he was still the Crown Prince, quite young and in good health, so the courtiers didn't pay much attention to his progeny.

But Xu Ran, that bastard, was a womanizer who had no idea how many girls he had laid hands on.

If she wasn't careful, she might very well give herself away in front of Xu Ran.

Firstly, it could expose her identity, and secondly, Xu Ran might think he wasn't interested in women. Xu Ran's own preferences were unstable; it seemed he was open to anything. If Xu Ran misunderstood, wouldn't he think that she, too, liked men, and then find a reason to make advances on her?

Suddenly, she became nervous.

Even, she began wondering whether she should visit the "Harem" more often in the future?

Putting on an act would be good, to avoid arousing Xu Ran's suspicions.

"Let's go," Xu Ran said as he grabbed Qian Renxue's hand and headed outside. Qian Renxue's appearance was still disguised as Xue Qinghe, but his skin was very soft and delicate. Even though Qian Renxue made it look aged, the feeling when held was different.


Qian Renxue was taken aback and tried to pull her hand away, but after trying to shake it free twice without success, she let Xu Ran hold onto it.

On the street, the crowd surged.

Many people looked at Xu Ran and Qian Renxue with strange expressions, occasionally pointing and whispering.

It wasn't for any other reason but that two men walking hand in hand like that was just too odd.

Qian Renxue's face also turned unsightly. However, it was fortunate she wasn't wearing the Crown Prince's attire; otherwise, her reputation would have been completely ruined by Xu Ran.

"Brother Xu, you couldn't possibly be taking me to..." Qian Renxue eyed the place in front of her, known for indulgence in pleasures, and was suddenly alarmed and even a bit annoyed. Xu Ran was so disgracefully unrestrained. And if she went there, it was almost certain she would reveal herself.

"Brother Xue, as the Crown Prince, your grace is invaluable. How could I possibly take you to such a place?" Xu Ran curled his lips and looked at Qian Renxue. Did he really have such a poor image in her mind? Although he might have been a bit of a flirt, it wasn't just anybody who could catch his attention.

With his status, was it not exceedingly easy for him to find something clean?

"Oh, that's good," Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief. She was actually a bit worried that Xu Ran might do something silly. However, if that time came, she could directly refuse using her identity as the Crown Prince.

But for now, she had to maintain her disguise in front of Xu Ran, lest he discover her true identity.

Xu Ran led Qian Renxue towards a quiet and exquisite loft.

The food and drinks were already set up.

"Brother Xue, let's discuss matters here," Xu Ran suggested.

Qian Renxue surveyed the surroundings of the loft. Positioned beside the lake, looking out the window revealed a beautiful exterior view. The place was not bad, only...

As Qian Renxue was contemplating, a soft and tender female voice rang out.


Ye Lingling was dressed in a black dress with tight black pantyhose underneath, and no shoes. Her delicate and exquisite bare feet wrapped in black stockings seemed to have no place to rest, her toes incessantly wriggling.

That one word, "Master," instantly hooked back Qian Renxue's wandering thoughts. She stared blankly at Ye Lingling, who was dressed as a maid. When in the imperial palace, as a nation's Crown Prince, she was always dressed properly, and rarely wore women's clothing. Even those she encountered in the "Harem" never dressed quite like this...

Without revealing anything unduly, yet how alluring it was.

And those small and delicate animal ears added, simply...

Qian Renxue's small mouth hung open, staring at the beautiful and youthful girl before her. Such a girl, with such appearance, could surely be considered among the peak of excellence across the Continent.

A girl like this would typically be incredibly proud on the inside. So why would she be serving as a maid for Xu Ran?

Absurd, it was utterly absurd!

Xu Ran was truly depraved!

All at once, Qian Renxue's resentment towards Xu Ran reached a peak.

She wished she could pounce forward and beat Xu Ran mercilessly, to show him a lesson. Was he really taking her to watch him play with a woman? This was utterly shameless! She had never seen such an unashamed man before.

Qian Renxue's chest heaved slightly as she struggled to contain her emotions.

Damn it, Xu Ran truly deserved to die!

If it weren't for the fact that she was currently Xue Qinghe, she would have already taken action against Xu Ran. As Qian Renxue, the Young Master of the Martial Soul Hall, she had never experienced as much frustration with anyone as she had with Xu Ran.

However, she was now Xue Qinghe, and even if she was angry, she had to suppress it. But she had already concocted a plan: when the time came, she would secretly dress as a woman and then thoroughly infuriate Xu Ran, and incidentally see how he corrupted girls. That scoundrel, if she didn't teach him a good lesson, all this pent-up anger would suffocate her.

"Brother Xue, what's wrong with you? This is my personal maid. Even if Brother Xue has taken a liking to her, it's out of the question," Xu Ran declared, pulling Ye Lingling into his embrace, feeling her tender and boneless slender waist.