
Chapter 203: A Beast Tide? Meng Yiran Is Terrified_1

Aquipeia Forest.

At this moment, the largest soul beast gathering place on this continent seemed to have entered some strange state. Suddenly, all soul beasts, whether animal or plant, became more spirited.

All the soul beasts couldn't help but howl at the sky, expressing their joy in this way.

For the lower level soul beasts, they didn't understand what had happened, but they could clearly feel the changes within themselves.

From the moment Xu Ran entered Aquipeia Forest, they felt as if their bodies were filled with endless strength. Even the pain from recent injuries had dissipated for some soul beasts, and minor wounds were slowly healing.

Plant-based soul beasts also felt their absorption rate of nutrients from the ground had significantly increased.

The entire Aquipeia Forest fell into a frenzy of celebration.

And this scene terrified the soul masters who had come to hunt soul beasts in Aquipeia Forest to the core.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? Is this the onset of a beast tide?"

"Beast tide? Brother, don't scare me, I don't want to die yet."

"But if this isn't a beast tide, what is it? These damn soul beasts seem to have all gone berserk."

On the outskirts of Aquipeia Forest, a group of soul masters who came to hunt soul beasts witnessed this scene, and it nearly scared them to death.

It was just too terrifying.

Right before their eyes, a pack of hyenas went into a frenzy; hundreds of century-old and millennium-old hyenas howled at the sky, and this sight scared them senseless.

At the same time, the roars of various other soul beasts resounded around them.

The simultaneous roars of countless soul beast species refrained them from even daring to move as they hid behind a few large trees, trembling.

It was not their first time hunting soul beasts in Aquipeia Forest, but they had never seen a scene like today's. It was one thing for the clan of hyenas in front of them to go into a frenzy, but all the other nearby soul beast groups seemed to have gone mad as well.

What on earth was happening?

This time, they had only intended to hunt a century-old canine soul beast, never expecting to encounter such misfortune.

"Big Brother, what do we do now?" A trembling youth asked. With so many soul beasts, wouldn't they be completely devoured?

"Shut up, don't talk, don't attract all the soul beasts here," a middle-aged man said with a grave expression.

He knew the soul beast race had a strict hierarchy, and that different species didn't submit to each other. The one who could command the hyena clan in front of them could only be the Clan Leader of the hyena race. With so many different species acting so unusually at the same time,

it could only mean that a presence regarded as a leading figure in the hearts of all soul beasts had emerged in Aquipeia Forest.

Only such a presence could explain why so many soul beasts were acting so unusually at the same time.

But how terrifying must a soul beast be to stir up so many soul beast groups?

Even the two Kings of the Forest in Aquipeia Forest, the Titan Ape and the Azure Oxpython, did not seem to have such power.

At this moment, it was not only their situation that was difficult. All the Soul Masters who had come to the Aquipeia Forest to hunt soul beasts had fallen into a similar plight.

Because of the intrusion of an Auspicious Beast, the instinctive excitement of soul beasts was triggered. Countless creatures of the Aquipeia Forest were on the move, which naturally brought disaster upon these Soul Masters. It could be said that at this time, if a Soul Master in the Aquipeia Forest did not have a "Cultivation Level" above the Soul Douluo Level, their survival depended on luck.


At this very moment, there were two people on the outskirts of the Aquipeia Forest, slanted towards the inner edge, hunting soul beasts.

They were in pursuit of a snake fleeing across the sky, specifically Snake Granny and Meng Yiran.

Snake Granny appeared to be in her sixties or seventies, with neatly combed white hair. Despite her age, she was extremely spirited, with eyes that shone fiercely. She held a three-meter-long snake-headed staff in her right hand. Six Soul Rings pulsated up and down her body. Perhaps due to her Serpent Martial Soul, there was a chilly presence about her.

Meng Yiran was strikingly beautiful. She wore a neat white attire that accentuated her youthful and radiant figure. In particular, a pair of pure white women's trousers outlined the curves of her lovely legs.

Meng Yiran also held a snake-headed staff, though shorter than Snake Granny's at two meters in length. The Soul Rings on her body were merely twin-century ones.

At this moment, both Meng Yiran and Snake Granny were startled by the abnormal behavior of the surrounding soul beasts.

The soul beasts around them suddenly became as frantic as if they were injected with adrenaline. They also noticed the two of them hunting soul beasts, and immediately, the surrounding soul beasts swarmed towards them.

Fortunately, there were no large groups of soul beasts nearby, just a few scattered ones. Yet, even so, they felt an indescribable sense of danger.

"Granny, what's happening?" Meng Yiran asked in panic, her heart racing out of control. Her graceful body instinctively quickened its pace as she ran.

She looked back in fear at the three or four soul beasts that were chasing them. What was more, the ferocious cries of countless soul beasts around them terrified her.

Being one of the most talented young girls in the Exotic Beast Family, she had never witnessed such a scene before in her life. Not to mention, she was now sensing a thick danger of Death.

Soul beasts have long lifespans, and so most of them spend their time in slumber. However, all the slumbering soul beasts had now awakened. The strong auras of countless powerful soul beasts were chilling like venomous snakes, making her feel a creeping panic.

"I don't know either. It seems like a beast wave of legend, but not quite," Snake Granny said, observing the strange movements of the surrounding soul beasts. If it were a beast wave, these soul beasts wouldn't be so excited. Moreover, a beast wave is typically organized by powerful soul beasts, but the scene before them seemed more like an impulsive excitement on their part.

It could be some kind of treasure or something else that had the entire Soul Beast Race stirred up.

Regardless, they were in trouble now because the number of soul beasts chasing after them was increasing. If they stopped running, they would be torn to shreds by the beasts.

Yet, they couldn't keep running forever; there would come a time when they would be at the end of their strength.

At this moment, even though she was the somewhat famous Snake Granny of the Martial Soul World, she felt somewhat powerless.

Not to speak of her, even if Dragon Grandfather were here, he could not possibly face so many soul beasts.

"So, what do we do now?" Meng Yiran said. At this moment, she was terrified, her beautiful face pale with fear. Even if she were to die, she did not want to be devoured by soul beasts. The thought of being torn apart and eaten by them gave her goosebumps all over her body.

"There's no other way, we can only run. When your grandfather comes, we will think of something," Snake Granny muttered, carrying Meng Yiran in her arms and running forward at full speed.

She also felt a touch of despair. She and Dragon Grandfather were the strongest of the Exotic Beast Family, and Yiran was their most talented genius. If the three of them were to perish in this beast wave, it would be a devastating blow for the Exotic Beast Family.

However, currently, as humans, they were extremely conspicuous in this beast wave, and gradually, more and more soul beasts would discover them.