
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs


"I didn't lie, Dad."

"That guy mocked me."

"I know."


"You don't need to know and forget today's things."

"Rest well."

Henry gazed at his father as he walked out of the ward. He is well aware that this was the most humiliating experience he has had since birth.

How could he have forgotten? He must do something or he would be unable to live in peace.

"Master Henry, Wilson was also defeated by Axel."

When Henry heard his butler's statements, he was taken aback and chuckled.

"Haa...good for him..."

"Where is he?"

"He was in the next room."

"Take me there."

His butler assisted him in getting into the wheelchair and escorted him to Wilson's room.

In another room.

Wilson stared blankly at the ceiling. On the way to the hospital, he awoke. But his heart was filled with fury.

Axel smashed his face hard, and his face was ruined. His entire head was wrapped with bandages.

He doesn't know which bastard spread accusations about him being gay, but if he discovers that bastard, he crushes that bastard into a thousand pieces, causing him to be sleepless for several nights.


Wilson turned to face Henry, who had just entered his room.

"Oh, Wilson."

"Your head is covered with bandages. It appears to be severely disfigured."


Wilson calmed his emotions.

"Don't worry, Henry."

"My face will heal, but you will not be cured of your impotence."

"You...Wilson, you don't have to lecture me after all, you're also a special person."

"That was a rumor," Wilson screamed.

Henry is aware of it because he is the one who made it.

"Leave us alone."

Henry Butler walked out of the ward.

"Wilson, what did your father say?"

Wilson remained mute, and his father told him to forget about it.

"My father told me to leave this alone."

"But I can't do it."

"I'm going to smash him to a thousand pieces."

After hearing Wilson's words, Henry nodded.

His father was the same, but he couldn't let this go.

"Wilson, my father said the same thing, but I can't."

"I want to kill that jerk who insulted me."

Wilson's brows narrowed as he heard Henry's comments. To be honest, he wanted to kill the jerk as well. If it fails, death awaits them.

"Are you certain, Henry?"

"Only death awaits us if it fails."

"After all, he was the son of the previous city lord."

"Don't worry, I'll invite Star Master, and he won't be able to leave."


"I can't wait to see that bastard die."

"I'll be there to witness that bastard death."

"Also, Henry, it's best to make contact with more killers."

"He might have secret protection."

"You are correct. My butler is a grandmaster who will also act."

"We will witness his death personally in a month."


Axel does not know all these things. After Edward's birthday, he stayed at home peacefully and began practicing fourth layers.

Axel's strength reached an advanced level after the third layer, and he reached 10,127 pounds.

The fourth layer refines all of the body's blood vessels and meridians. All of his vessels and meridians will be more strong after refining. The circulation of star force increased dramatically as well.

He spent ten days refining all of his vessels. In the meantime, he continued to practice martial arts.

He also learned sword and movement techniques. Axel was not skilled with swords, but he was skilled with daggers as a weapon. In his past life, daggers were the main weapon he used.

In 10 days, a lot happened in the city. Following Edward's birthday, word spread that Axel had advanced to the intermediate level.

Some believe he was a genius, while others think he achieved it by using rare drugs. Whatever it was, people appeared to be pleased.

Henry also becomes renowned while also becoming a laughingstock. The news about him spread like wildfire.

After all, he openly admitted to being impotent. That video was also widely circulated.

Henry's family attempted to suppress it, but it was futile. It spreads like a virus across the internet. This operation was carried out by Axel's hands.

There was some news about Wilson, but it was limited. After all, they don't have an issue like Henry, but suspicions about him not being straight have been spreading.

"Young Lord, everything was done just as you instructed."

"How was Henry and Wilson's situation?"

"As you mentioned, they have secretly contacted certain killers, and there are also some eyes around the house."


"We'll start in a week."

"All right, young lord."

Ethan walked out of the room.

Axel is aware that his strategy was not perfect, but it was the best option he had at the time.

He doesn't know much about his devoured talent, but he can gain additional talents. He will be able to have as many talents, and his growth pace will be horrifying.

He is bound to draw the attention of his opponents and other forces.

If his strategy succeeds, he will have more time to develop by tricking everyone's eyes.


In the room.

Ethan stared at the number, took a big breath, and dialed a number. The phone soon began to ring. After some while, someone picked up the phone.

"How have you been, Uncle?"

A sweet voice answered the phone.

"Young lady..."

Ethan was choked and unable to speak. He controlled his emotions.

"I am a fine young lady."

"How was he?"

"Very good. You may not believe me, but the young master is quite talented."

"Oh...tell me."

Ethan soon explained what had happened up to now.

"It appears that they gave birth to a genius."

"When are you going to return, young lady?"

"Not now."

"Do you want to tell him about you and his parents?"

"No, it's better that he doesn't know. After all, there are so many people involved in this."

"Let him grow; I'll see him sooner or later."

"OK, young lady."

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