
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · ภาพยนตร์
26 Chs

Shadow Command

( <b>If you'd like to make a donation you can paypal me at jeromewelcome39@gmail.com)</b>

September 8, 10 BBY

Outer Rim


"My mother once told me about a band of mercenaries that came to a peaceful planet. They had a resource there, these mercenaries coveted. So they took it. And they kept coming back, taking more and more until….

…Until Finally the people resisted. When the mercenaries returned demanding their tribute, the people shouted back in one voice . "No more!". But the mercenaries didn't like the sound of that , so they cut off the tongue of every last man, woman and child . Do you know what that pack of animals became?

"Tell them" enfys said to the elderly women, who then touched/pointed on a painting of the crimson dawn sigil emblazoned on the wall.

" Crimson dawn and the five syndicates have committed unspeakable crimes across the galaxy ." Enfys continued

"Says you?" voiced Beckett

"No…says them" said Enfys as she gestured towards her comrades.

"Each of our worlds has been brutalized by the syndicates. Crimson Dawn will use their profits from the coaxium you stole to tyrannize system after system, in league with the empire."

"And what will you use it for ?" Asked Beckett still not looking sympathetic after the sad story the marauder leader gave.

"The same thing my mother would've used it for if she had survived and still wore this mask. To fight back. We're not marauders we're allies… and the war's just begun" said Enfys.

(Ten minutes later)

"You know we can't give the coaxium to Dryden Vos right ." voiced Han.

"You joining the cause Han Solo?"Beckett slightly mocked.

"I'm just trying to make it out alive." Han replied.

"You've got a plan then ?" asked Beckett still not looking pleased.

"Yeah , the beginning of one. A way to get our money, and get out from under the thumb of Crimson Dawn at the same time", Han stated optimistically.

"And maybe get your girlfriend back while your at it huh? You don't tangle with Dryden cause unlike us, he actually does travel with hired guns. His own private army." Beckett stated

"So does Enfys." Han retorted "Just listen . Here's what I got so far." Han added.


"What do you think they're saying ?" asked Enfys as she stared at the two men conversing.

"He's going to help you." Qi'ra replied, remembering how annoyingly righteous and kind hearted Han could be .

Dryden's Yacht .


"I knew it! I knew you would complete this mission. My men, they all said you would fail, but Qi'ra, you have proven them more than wrong" voiced Dryden looking very pleased as he stared at his lieutenant.

"…Where's Beckett?" Asked Vos.

"Beckett didn't make it." Qi'ra stated flatly

"Oh I see, tell me" said Vos

"Job took a bad turn on kessel,he died saving my life", Han muttered sadly .

"How you holding up ?" Asked Vos seemingly sympathizing with Solo.

"I'm …okay", Han replied.

"All right, good , good. Colo Claw Fish , anyone ?" Dryden offered

"No thank you" said Qi'ra as she stared skeptically at the platter of seafood offered up.

"You know whatever Beckett's shortcomings may have been. I always admired him. He was a man of principles. When he made a commitment he honored it. And I think we can all take solace in knowing how proud he would've been seeing you here, following his example", Dryden voiced as he stared at the two.

"Han and Chewbacca behaved …admirably. They'll make reliable smugglers should we ever have the need …when they get their own ship." Said Qira.

" Show me the product then. I want to confirm its … quality" Vos uttered.

"You want me to open it?" asked Han

"Oh yes Han I really do." Said Vos as he stared at Han intensely .

"Heh… I don't think that's a good idea Dryden, it's very explosive stuff." Han replied almost jokingly .

"Bring me one! And you should know that I never ask for anything twice Han " the crime boss said sternly.

"Careful"said Han as he handed a cylindrical case, full of smaller Coaxium viles to the crime lord who took it , and now looked very pleased.

"It's beautiful". Dryden muttered , staring at the hyper-fuel in awe .

"How'd you do it?" Vos asked , still not taking his eyes off the coaxium.

"Well it wasn't easy". Han replied snarkily.

"No i mean how'd you do it…, it looks exactly like the real thing .

"That's cause it is the real thing" voiced Han

"Yes , and i'm saying that I would believe you. It's that good . But my associate already told me of your plan to rob me of my money and give the real coaxium to Enfys Nest." Dryden grumbled, as he pointed at Han.

"Dryden I don't know what you're thinking or what , Qi'ra may have told you but…

"No, no, Not Qi'ra. Qi'ra, it turns out has a weak spot for you that we'll deal with later. No, i'm talking about my other associate". Said Dryden as he looked at his lieutenant intensely.

"Can you come in please?" he added as he turned away from Qi'ra.

Only for Tobias Beckett to enter through the doors.

"I am … sorry, kid" said Beckett, looking sadly at Han.

"Beckett… Why?" Asked Han in disbelief.

"Come on kid don't look at me like that. Weren't you paying attention? I told you … don't trust anybody. Am I wrong about that? A deal is a deal and besides, if it weren't for Enfys , then Val'd would still be here and i'd already be strumming a Valachord." Beckett stated as he pointed his blaster at Han.

"Ah- Ah-Ah-Ah, back away from that put your paws where I can see 'em. Check that lid." Said Beckett as he urged Solo at gun point.

"It's too late , the Coaxium's refined and Enfy's has it ." Han Stated defiantly.

"Welllll… we figured that" said beckett clearly scowling.


In orbit above Savareen.

Two Imperial Star destroyers followed by five Arquitens class Light Cruisers . The small Fleet controlled by Admiral Garoche Tarkin , appointed to him by Grand Moff Tarkin and Emperor Palpatine , to continue his hunt for rebel dissidents and enemies of the empire. His skills in rooting out rebel fighters and rebel cells over the years, thanks to the advice of william , had impressed the Emperor . Who in turn rewarded him with his own fleet. Which is now comprised of, one of the best, if not the most well equipped and one of the most highly effective unit in the entire military. Especially after the former republic clone commando now Imperial stormtrooper commander on the Authority , retrained the stormtroopers in advanced combat tactics and better operational maneuverability . And so they became more battle hardened , highly trained and more fearsome warriors than before.

And thanks to the confiscation of illegal funds from pirates ,smugglers and the raiding of the secret separatist vaults over the pass months and years , the admiral had amassed a personal wealth , comparably to even the richest families of the core, all of which was stored and hidden in accounts back on Eriadu.

A small fraction being spent on improving and upgrading his fleet's equipment Such as :Adding more Durasteel armor to ship hulls , tie fighters and walkers especially the AT-ST. He repainted all of the standard grey military hardware to black, just like his own flagshipThe Authority.

Every stormtrooper in his fleet now used the E-11d blaster rifle, the same blaster rifle which the infamous death troopers used. And just like the death troopers their armor were repainted in black to camouflage themselves in the night , whence they mainly strike against their enemies.

Shadow trooper

(E-11D Blaster Rifle)

The Imperial Propaganda machine on Coruscant took advantage of theAdmiral's actions and deeds within the outer rim, Portraying the empire in a good light as they always do, preaching to the populace about the order and security the Emperor's forces brought to even the most distant and unlawful regions of the galaxy.

And now Admiral Tarkin's fleet now deemed Shadow command , Has set its sight on a world that has been over ran with crime , its people oppressed and enslaved by their criminal masters , taking from its populace, but return nothing in exchange . Shadow command was here to stamp out the criminal organizations on Savareen and possible build a base while leaving a garrison to patrol its towns or its points of interest which were few. The main goal was to obtain a place to refine raw Coaxium far from the preying eyes of High Command.

To be continued …

Only through death can life be protected.

Gs9Gosohardcreators' thoughts