
Chapter (4) The Machine Wrapped in Flesh

"The machine has no feelings, no warmth, no appreciation. But man does; and if he treats himself like a machine, he becomes one." - Pearl S. Buck


(3rd Pov)

And time marched on. The unbearable seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks piled onto each other weighing the galaxy with their stress. What was continued to be, What could be was, and what didn't wasn't.

Soon the day at the grey world in the Outer Rim of the galaxy had come for the dawn of a creation that no universe should have seen. Though perhaps they were the unlucky ones rather than this galaxy being the unfortunate misnomer.

The cloning pod's timer ticked away the final seconds before completion. Bubbles releasing pockets of air signified the pod's opening as the fluids slowly drained away. Slowly but surely the pale white aliens plucked the human baby from his electronic womb and swaddled him in cloth. The simple gesture is the one thing that the boy would experience (not that he would remember it) that resembled anything close to what a normal child's childhood may look like.

Nevertheless, the medical officer was not the sentimental type and even the cloth had its own purpose. That purpose being a type of thermal regulating blanket, made to balance out any infantile creature's body heat. The product was cheap but effective for the purpose it was tasked with.

Before long months had passed into the child's development. Those days were filled with strenuous gene therapy combined with any supplement, drug, or compound that would benefit the Kaminoan lab's creation. By the time the first phase of the infancy of the subject had ended the Kaminoans had successfully completed the required maintenance and work required for some of the clone's more… special traits.

At the onset of the fourth month, the clone's training and conditioning began. Due to the clone being a newborn, no physical applications could be implemented, nor any in-depth mental simulations. Instead, the Kaminoans began conditioning the clone's mind and body to stress and intense tasks. This was done by simply inducing artificial panic or increasing the clone's heart rate to which one would believe they were in danger.

The goal was to eliminate any sense of hesitation, to completely dull the edge of fear's blade through continually burning one's self on the figurative stove top. Perhaps, the researchers hoped that the human child would over time adapt to the level of shock and artificially induced anxiety. Or perhaps they were simply looking for an excuse to test a long-running theory in early human development.

Either way, if any of the staff were to walk near the chamber the clone was held in at night, they could hear the frantic cries of an infant. That noise lasted for weeks until it eventually stopped and only silence was heard by everyone in the facility. The infant was silent from there on. Lengthy tests proved that the clone simply chose to not cry after having his cries go unanswered for so long. The scientists were gleeful with this development claiming their hypothesis was correct, and noting it down into various documents for further experimentation and research.

The Kaminoans continued these actions of phase two until the clone reached three years of age, from there the third phase was implemented before the clone was to be sent to continue his training… and begin his mission.

The clone had grown into what would appear outwardly, for the most part, a normal human child, perhaps a bit taller than average but unassuming at first glance. The boy had short grey hair covering his head contrasting against his pale white skin. While his miscolored, or rather lack of color in his hair was a common symptom derived from a deficiency in Magnesium. The other issues that stemmed from that lack of elements were subverted thanks to an introduction of more Sodium ions, but the lack of hair color was unavoidable. His facial features depicted at least a partial heritage of Mandalorian blood (though the scientists worked diligently to hide some of the expression in his genes). 

Besides that, the only stand-out feature was the boy's eyes, he had genetic Central Heterochromia. Likely, due to the extensive genetic tinkering the boy had experienced so far from before his birth to finally being born. Though the feature would only be noticed if one actually cared enough to look closely in his eyes, once they did they would notice that his clear blue eyes weren't actually so clear. Instead at the center, they would find that there was a ring of green surrounding his pupils.

[Author's note: Before anyone says aUtHoR WaNt'S a EdGy ChArAcTeR. Because of my decision to give him Central Heterochromia, just know that your own author has the same genetic condition. Though mine are Green with brown/hazel rings at the center]

'Cypher' as the boy was appropriately named by Nala Se was appropriately prepared for the beginning of actual simulated combat. The mental strain testing turned into full-blown virtual missions that grew in scope and difficulty as the clone aged. From simple scavenger hunts to work on creativity in solving objectives to basic blade work lessons with blaster training. The clone was living true to his heritage of a Mandalorian, the warrior lifestyle (if it could be called that) was etched into his body, his blood, and now his mind.

When the boy wasn't accomplishing virtual missions programmed and designed to hone his skill as a murderer he was placed into a sensory deprivation chamber for unbearable lengths of time. The procedure was another experiment to document the effects of sensory deprivation. The worry of the scientists was that prolonged exposure to such isolation would drive the subject insane, but this was not the case for the clone. The combination of the training and his genetics led to all senses being enhanced. The adverse effect led to the boy adopting an almost mechanical way of moving and interacting with his surroundings. Both of these findings were filed under several encryptions that protected all of the notes and information about the project.

For the most part, the clone- Cypher was unable to begin his training in the force yet. Information on either side of the force light or dark, was scarce when it came to training methods. Being cautious they strictly forbade any interactions with the force, and the clone, like their perfect soldier, acquiesced. Even with the pull of his emotions that became increasingly quieter, he remained steadfast turning away from the draw of the force that bound him to all living being in the galaxy. 

Though none could know, this absence from one of Cypher's naturally born senses would lead to a stunt that would be detrimental for years to come when he finally interacted with the force fully.

And so time ticked by until the dawn of Cypher's departure from Kamino arrived…


Kamino, 38 BBY

(Cypher's Pov)

"You have a very important mission Cypher," my headmaster, Nala Se told me as I stood upright in front of her.

She had been foreshadowing that I would be given a task in the near future for a couple of months at this point. I made sure to apply that knowledge during training, and it ended up giving me a new perspective on some of the objectives that I was to accomplish.

I believe the word to describe it was 'creativity'. Yes, I got creative and was able to find alternative methods that aided me in my mission. I was informed that my efficiency using some of these methods had increased. Therefore I shall endeavor to continue being 'creative'.

"The details of your mission are simple," she said as she turned on a blue hologram display beside her, "This is the planet Mandalore, home to a sizeable Jedi temple," a large spherical planet was shown through the hologram's lights.

"Your mission Cypher, is to attract the attention of nearby Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters so that you may be adopted into the order. From there you are to develop your abilities with the force while sending reports on your progress," Nala Se said as the hologram transformed into the image of the large stone Jedi temple displayed on Coruscant.

"This will be a long-term mission," I voiced and was answered by a short nod from the white alien in front of me.

I went back to silence as she continued what I considered to be a short briefing for a mission, "This will be all the equipment you will be deployed with," a droid appeared from behind her back.

The droid was painted white with a cylindrical body the size of a wooden barrel. Attached to it were 3 pairs of hands totaling 6 that were all equidistant to themselves going around the perimeter of the main body. The hands couldn't have been more than 2 feet long when fully extended and had three joints mimicking most humanoid species. The main processing piece or 'head' was the shape of a trapezoidal prism but with a round smaller base connecting to the body. The head didn't swivel, but it still regained sight of the entire 360 degrees surrounding it due to the multitude of red glowing lights that signified eyes placed 60 degrees away from each other around the perimeter of the 'head'. The droid began to hand me a backpack with one of its hands holding a strap that was attached to the bag at the top. 

Opening the bag I noticed a variety of items haphazardly thrown in to stay in line with the role I was to play to grab the Jedi's attention. Random bits of food were in the bag, mostly food that lacked much sustenance as they would be much more convincing and more believable than a street urchin kid would be able to obtain. Along with the food were two canteens of water with one or two sets of clothes, which were tarnished with dirt and damage. The only remaining item was a weapon in case of street thugs attempting to make the mission a failure.

'Maybe the look of a child being forced to kill in order to survive will stimulate what the cloners call 'sympathy' towards me,' I planned in my mind as I looked at the weapon. It was a blade I had been issued in multiple virtual missions. A 'machete' was the name of the tool and its appearance was lacking when compared to blasters and the supposed legendary light sabers of the force users. The blade was made out of an irrelevant material and it stretched out 19 inches long with serrated metal on the spine of the blade. Small triangles had been cut out to reduce weight and allow for more maneuverability through the air, though the lack of material would impact the overall durability, that factor would be negligible upon completion of the first objective. The long dagger was more of a short sword for someone of my stature, but I was more than capable of wielding it with one hand, similar to a regular combat knife.

"Cypher be sure to watch over your equipment while in the field. You will be unable to get any replacements for anything that may be lost," Nala Se warned as I dragged my view away from the analysis of mission-critical instruments.

"I understand director," I nodded showing my acknowledgement of her warning.

"Good," she said smiling to display satisfaction with my response. 

Suddenly the door opened and another pale white Kaminoan walked in before simply nodding in the director's direction, 'It must be time for my departure,' I concluded from the hints I had been given.

I turned away from the doorway to face Nala Se once again as she seemed to have some parting words, "Be on guard Cypher many will be trying to change your mind and alter your opinion, but always remember what your purpose is," 

"Peace," I said remembering the word that had been ingrained in me since I had begun to think. 

Peace, to be free from conflict and disturbance. That was my purpose and ultimate objective, to usher in an age of peace into the galaxy. My peace will be eternal, everlasting as the director has taught me. No war, no hate, no cause for bloodshed, and no conflict will be present. That is the reason behind my creation and the same reason for why I continue to draw breath.

"That is correct, and never let anyone tell you otherwise," she said again smiling with delight. She reached out with a hand that she had previously kept hidden behind her back. In her hand was a blood-red bandana.

I had always worn a bandana as a headband around my forehead during missions. The piece of cloth was meant to keep sweat out of my eyes and another method of protecting my forehead, due to its tendency to bleed unceasingly if cut or scraped. Though I hadn't planned on using one it seems Nala Se decided to give me one, perhaps this is what is known as a 'gift'.

"Now, it is time for your departure Cypher. May you be fortuitous during your mission," Nala Se bowed to me as she finished. I bowed in response showing the proper etiquette she had taught me before following the Kaminoan in the room to the hanger. 


(3rd Pov)

A starship flashed out into the horizon of the world of Kamino. Today was one of the few throughout the Kaminoan year that had clear skies allowing for the sun to be visible to any resident in Tipoca City. A single star's rays glared down upon the surface of the violent tides churning below the superstructure of the city. 

The sky had turned into a vibrant orange as the day was slowly beginning to turn to night. The small spaceship heading to one of the galaxy's many public star ports seemed as if it would fly straight into that sun. But in no time at all the craft's pitch was shifted and in a blur vanished from the atmosphere of the planet.

Inside the city, the pair of Nala Se and her minister Lama Su watched as the project they had cultivated for over half a decade departed their custody.

"And so there he goes," Lama Su remarked. His eyes were focused into a glint as he traced the starship's path with his vision.

"Indeed, Cypher's mission has begun," Nala Se nodded in agreement similarly starting at the blue thrusters pulsating from the back of the metal ship.

Lama Su frowned before sighing, "You should not have given that clone a name. He should have simply been issued a number. After all, he shall be disposed of once we have no use for him," Lama Su said 

Nala Se continued staring out of the viewport, "Perhaps, but it does allow for a better cover during his mission," she remarked.

"That is something that he will need," Lama Su rubbed his eyes with his hands, "I believe we were overzealous with his training. He seems to be no more than an automaton wrapped in skin,"

Lama Su agreed almost immediately nodding her head, "Indeed, thankfully that will be to our advantage," she said a chill spurring into the air from her words

The minister's lips eventually curved into a rare smile, "Yes, it is rather quite poetic that the Jedi's own compassion will lead them to welcome in our hidden piece. Subconsciously planting the idea of wearing that bandana was a nice touch as well, he at least appears human to a certain degree,"

Nala Se nodded agreeing once again before turning towards the minister and bowing, "If that is all minister then I shall take my leave. I would like to rest," she said with the utmost calm.

The minister waved her away, "You are long overdue for some rest. Please don't waste any more time and take as much of a break as you need," he said generously.

As Nala Se departed Lama Su once more turned towards the window. The sun had gone down and all that was left was a glow of light barely illuminating the dark skies and darker water below them.

The minister's eyes were filled with ambition as his heart spurned the thoughts of greedily taking everything in the galaxy as his own, 'In due time. In due time….' he thought plotting his future rise to power.


1 more chapter to go before I actually "drop" the story. Thank you to all who were able covertly able to read it. Do me a favor and tell me your honest thoughts and ask questions if you have them

Thanks, Memes.
