
LOG 04 - Space Chase Mind F**k [PART 2]

[I said it once so ill say it again: Warning this story contains the following: nudity, violence, sexual innuendos, actual straight up fucking, and profanity of all kinds. Readers discretion is advised, so if you're not of age, if it's not too much trouble please be so kind as to FUCK OFF!]




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{Birth is Justified with the youth of the creator and rebirth is another form of a second chance at life but what if they were mixed in hand-in-hand in the way of being remade, rebuilt, reestablished, along with rebirth in a short term of reborn…}

Within Purgatory (Underground City) the doctor was flipping switches along with getting all their tools ready While their patient, who was a young man lying on a table naked with a breathing-mask over his mouth…

"Are you sure you wish to continue this? I can refund you this money but the moment you do this, It will be like you are a newborn child with no family, no connections , only a tag on the back of your neck that will allow you to work like walking hologram card but everything that you have worked for beforehand will be obsolete…. So once again I'm going to ask you Daniel, are you sure you wanna go through with this bio operation?" Asked The Doctor with a bit of concern in their voice.

The young man didn't turn to the doctor, he looked away to look up at the light above him. "First off place don't call me Daniel as we agreed that once this operation is done Daniel [XXXXXXXX] my name will be Duke J Wright and second you got your money already, along with an added bonus when it comes to my bones plus with the organs that I don't need anymore... I'm tired of being beaten down for things that I didn't do. I'm tired of trying so hard to succeed just to be put square on my face…. It's time for me to have my time."

The doctor could see the look on the young man's eyes and knew that he truly had given up on life, not even the toxic fumes could wake him up from all the suffering and pain that show upon his body as no one could not see the cigarette burns along with the scars of lashes.

"If this is what you wish then I will not stop the proceedings."

With those final words, the doctor gave up trying to convince the young man and began their work, they first put the young man that was once named Daniel to sleep and began by scanning young man from top to bottom then commencing surgery by taking off body parts one by one putting them in jars or wrapping them up then after using the scanning process to form the young man body over while still keeping the brain alive so that all the data from the young man's brain signature continues…..

Oh it continues to function while little by little all the data until it was confirmed complete. Once everything was complete the body was slowly formed from the next morning into the next day, once formed all the data was placed in the new organic cybernetic body. Once that was all done the only thing the doctor could do was wait and hope...

Sadly, even after a few jolts, the body of the young man didn't move so the doctor decided to send the body off to see, which means down the drain in the deepest parts of the sewers.

"I warned him of the results….. All I can hope is that he finds peace in his next life…."

Unknown to the doctor, the young man slowly started to wake with the help of an electrical wire that became loose that started shocking the hell out of the water that was filled with mutated animals.

The man opened his eyes Wiley feeling the charge which led to a loud whale leading to a sewer burst and

Purgatory having a tsunami of sorts, the top side had water rising from the ground.

Authorities never found the source of the problem that day as Purgatory had to do its part to drain the water the best they could.

The doctor had a sneaking suspicion of what it could have been but he stayed hidden to not interfere….

A Few Weeks Later, one of the hatches in what used to be Death Valley, Alaska (that was now a desert mutated insects and desert animals) now known as The Dead Lands there was a sewer lid lift it up and the man that was once known as Daniel popped the lid then tossed it a good distance before coming out wearing the fur that looks to be a giant rat and use it as a cloak since he was naked…. He looked around to see nothing too suspicious but his guard was not down, he quickly dodged a giant scorpion the size of a pickup truck., before he could think or come up with a plan more came out of the sand along with sandworms that were big as subway trains. Duke was tossed around by a bunch of them until he was sent flying across the sky until he hit the rocks hard. "*Cough* *Cough* FUCK! These sandy pussy bas- wait what do we got here?" The naked and bloody Duke says before seeing a dirty bag that smelled of piss and shit but was filled with supplies especially blades and guns sticking out. It was attached to a soldier skeleton that was covered in decaying green mold. "Well this is WAY too easy but FUCK IT! I'll be taking this soldier as I'll be taking over this war as of NOW haha." When Duke went over and grabbed the bag the skeleton of the soldier grabbed Duke's arm.

"Ppppplllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeee Killllllllllll THHHOOOOOSSSSSEEEEE SHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTTTS!!!"

Duke saluted the skeleton before picking up the spiked bat wrapped in wire which led to the skeleton letting Duke go while feeling the ground shaking leading to the sandworms and scorpions coming back but Duke-













"FUCK! You guys taste good as chicken, if you guys disn't try to kill my buddy here maybe I would give you some little fucker of a sandworm but well id have to kindly say thats not fucking happening HAHAHAHA!" Duke said stabbing the baby worm and roasting it and eating a bit of scorpion with the skeleton by a campfire and surrounding them was a whole bunch of dead giant creatures that came from the sand or others who tried to get Duke like giant coyotes and huge opossums.

Duke's eyes shot open, waking up trying to regain a sense of this situation that he was in while hoping that he wasn't too damaged. Duke had cuts and bruises on his face along with the rest of his body. Oh yeah, Joy Boy was destroyed the same moment Duke crashed through the windshield. "Waking up among a bunch of books were not my images of true hell." Duke picked up a book that came from earth which led to Jimmy appearing then nearly hologram throwing up. "The cookbook of Julia child? This is EVIL!"

" It seems that we are in the group library, fuck…. Fucking Planet Illutis. We had to land on the one planet that has every single piece of literature that has and has not been created, every book, every scroll, every hologram, every lesson, every creation, every moment…. Fucking hell, Jimmy this is bigger than I would have thought it was gonna-Jimmy? Jimmy? Help! Talk to me! Talk to me dammit!" Duke tapped his side of the head where the ship was got no response from his A.I. then suddenly the book got shot out of his hand which led to him running for the hills, meaning running through the library while avoiding gunshots, he couldn't activate his speed for some reason but his sight was still intact which was at least a benefit. "Fuck fuck fuck! Jimmy, why aren't you answering? if I could have a little bit of help or even some wisecracks that would be appreciated right about I don't know um, NOW!"

Duke ended up turning a corner and hiding. "A broken arm, brain damage, messed up leg with no A.I. to watch my ass. Ain't this a kick in the fuckin-" Duke noticed something that ended up hitting the wall which led to him running for the window but-


Duke didn't have enough time since he went flying out the window thanks to a gravity bomb and it hurt more going down since they were on the 12th floor tower.

Duke was able to catch his fall, breathing heavily, running as fast as he could with gunshots still coming down on him from ships but the moment Duke saw the ship was the same moment he took out a mini bazooka from the back of his pants and shot it.

Duke was trying his best to move as he had to tuck and roll just to get out of the way in time, Duke was completely tapped out of that stuff he jacked into his veins leading to him hiding behind a tree to puke up every color of the rainbow. Once he had his second wind, Duke ran for main part of the city to hopefully find a teleporter but the moment he turned the corner to the nearest street on Illutis leading to everyone already evacuating, the worst was yet to come since Duke was met with A shocking sight that he was not prepared for….

"What the fuck?"

Duke was ambushed with police combat robots, hover tanks, Police Mechas, along with the cherry on top which was police officers with plasma weapons…. When Duke tried to make a single move, a gunshot was made grazing his cheek.

"Drop any weapons that you have and get on your knees or we will shoot to kill."

"…Fuck~. That. Shit…"

It seemed that Duke's time was up until the sound was heard over the intercom before the man had a chance to shoot him down.

" It seems someone needs some help, doesn't he?"

From that Duke was happy to hear Jimmy's voice for once along with the fact that one of the robots started to glitch out and ended up falling down onto the ground.

"Man I definitely think he needs some help as the man seems to be dealing with, well the man that is truly being most heinous."

With the words this time coming from Joy Boy, Duke no longer felt alone as Joy boy ended up hacking into one of the ships ejecting the officer and shooting up two of the tanks.

"Well he's already lasted longer than I would have expected so I guess you win this bet, Joy Boy."

Jimmy operated the police robot that was hacked and led to him shooting at the others which led to him having to fight off officers along with the police robots.


J.B. said excitingly, changing the skin of the ship into a more tie-dye hippie look to it along with turning the entire ship into a mecha of its own.

Duke watched everything play out but with everything happening something in them was twitching his anxiety as if he surroundings started to go black as voices were calling to him as one sounded like a little girl being taken away, another girl wanting to know where he was going, plus a young boy yelling at him considering him a traitor.

Duke Felt his heart pounding quicker with the images becoming more clear. "I don't want to remember I don't wanna remember FUCK I- I- I!"

Duke didn't realize that outside his mind one of the officers had a sniper pointed in his direction which seems easy since the fact that he was distracted in his own world along with his A.I.'s already dealing with everything else.

By the time Jimmy noticed..


Duke deflected the bullet with what seemed to be dark blue energy the moment Duke looked in the sniper's direction he shot a blast at the sniper along with any that were hiding in different directions but tried to shoot him down. He ran towards each of them, his body was healing itself, bringing him back the glow to his back and speed to his legs!

Duke ended up using his energy to leap into the chamber of the Intergalactic police mecha which led into an all out brawl which leads into blood squirting out of the machine just for it to fall backwards onto a bunch of police officers along with One of the taller buildings which leads to a cloud of smoke being formed from the hit.

Jimmy yelled with a glitch. "DUKE!!!"



Through the dust, Duke came out with scars with two guns in hand with the dark blue energy making them explode just to become mostly energy based.

Duke had that crazy look on his face, he began to laugh like a cybernetic hyena before taking the safety of both guns with teeth.

He dashed over with amazing speed over to the ones making orders pointing a gun at both of their necks which startled both the man and the woman intergalactic police officerS!!


Star PUNK!