

Ethan Blaze survives death by a whisker when his whole family gets wiped out in one particular night by brutal feral creatures. Him being seven years old, he only remembers vague images and scenes of that disturbing night. Being an orphan and the fact that he doesn’t have any known relative, Ethan Blaze transverses many foster homes and orphanages. He runs from most of them due to the abusive treatment that he receives or in other cases, becomes such a thorn to the foster parents that he gets kicked out. With time, he became a child no foster care or orphanage was willing to take in. This led to him being signed up in a juvenile correction facility, a place he would never even dream of escaping until he became old enough. As he grows older, his mind develops many more questions of the night when all his family got murdered, when all his life lost meaning. Headset on unravelling the mystery behind the murders, Ethan Blaze sets back home on his eighteenth birthday, when he finally gains his freedom from the juvenile correction facility that had held him hostage for three years. Ethan Blaze discovers that his family’s death was more than just an unfortunate misfortune. He also unearths many dark secrets about his family that he never knew of, secrets that also incorporated him.

Sam_Reigns · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

The giant descendants

I retreated back to the abandoned building where I previously spent the night. As I prepared to get comfortable and sleep, the cat from earlier today in the morning seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Honestly, if not for the car headlights that had coincidentally flashed on the building, I wouldn't have noticed the car sitting on its hind limbs, intently gazing at me from a corner.

"Jeez," I exclaimed, refraining from cringing back in fear "what are you doing over here?"

The cat purred in response then made some cat coughing sounds, like it was being choked by a bone or something.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I was slightly offended. Aspersion and insults from people, those I would gladly take, but when they came from a small cat, that was unacceptable even for me. I was still baffled how I could perfectly understand a cat, something I was incapable of doing in the past.

The feline creature stood up then briskly walked over to the illuminated part of the room, where I could clearly see it. It resumed its former position after cleaning up the small space using its paws. As I gauged it, I figured that the cat was too well fed and clean to be a stray, it was without mentioning its unrivalled otherworldly proud nature.

I chose to ignore it after a minute and lay on my back.

It didn't take long before it broke the silence with a soft purr, in a cute way

"So you can be adorable?" I asked, inwardly questioning myself why I was conversing with a cat. Either way, it purred back as if it understood me.

Smiling, I opened my bag and took out some remains of supper that were supposed to be my breakfast on the morrow.

"Here kitty kitty…" I whispered

It growled angrily, its furs standing on its edges, claws drawn out and teeth bared

"You don't like that name" I figured

"Well then, here…" I refrained myself from christening it lest I receive an exaggerated over-reaction. I mean, what cat didn't like being called a kitty, every other cat I met liked it. The cat calmed down as it sniffed the meal that I pushed towards it. It scrunched up its nose then proceeded to put one paw over it, like it couldn't bare its stench.

"Wow, I sympathize with your owners" I rolled my eyes "goodnight"

Sleep was like a serene patient marauder waiting to pounce on an injured prey. Immediately I had closed my eyes, I was lost in the sweet world of slumber.

A couple hours later,

As quick as one would sigh, I was woken up with the chirps of early morning birds and the insistent nibbles of the cat. I chanced upon touching its white fur and I swear, it was the softest thing my hands had laid on in my entire life. It kinda reminded me of snow

"Imma call you Snow" I smiled

The cat held its head high as its tail flickered rapidly, I could almost see it smile in my head.

"And oh, you finished it" my eyes wandered to the meal which the cat was earlier to proud to eat. It streaked outside like lightning before I could gloat over it.

As I walked to the Vamps bar, a weird name which they must have named it after the popular music band, I felt a strong gaze bore on my back. When I looked back, I spotted about a dozen shirtless brawny men standing protectively outside a mountain truck. They had long hair that did little to no purpose of hiding their muscular features. Despite their interesting physiques, they didn't capture my attention as much as the young woman sitting inside the truck.

She had blood red hair, shiny in a way and difficult to tell if it was as long as the men's outside. Piercing blue eyes, the hue of the ocean giving a deep and turbulent feeling of waves and tides. Her complexion was slightly tanned but supple, like she had spent half her life by the beach. Natural dimple dips accentuated on her cheeks as she deeply conversed with a much older man on the driver's seat. Admittedly, she was the most beautiful creature I had laid my eyes on in my entire life. Strange as it sounded, I really wished that she would tilt her head and look at me just as I did her.

But, good luck with that, I felt like I had zero chances with her.

Unknowingly, I bumped unto something after the prolonged stare. The collision made me feel like I had hit a mountain or a rock, or a rocky mountain, making me fall butt-first on the dirt.

"Watch where you are going punk-ass" a deep voice rumbled

I looked up at the huge shirtless guy who probably stood seven and a half feet from the ground, pounded with thick, hard-not to look at muscles. A literal mammoth of a man, I was starting to believe that giants really existed.

Wow, and the way his muscles were defined,

He almost seemed sculptured like an ancient Greek god. I figured that my head was probably the size of the palm of his hands, he would play with my head like it was a tennis ball.

"I'm sorry, "I quickly apologized as I stood from the ground

As fast as lighting, and unexpected of a man his size, he placed a leg in front of me such that I fell yet again to the ground, face-first. He roared with laughter.

Since I couldn't afford to pick a fight with the giant descendant, I timidly stood up and started walking away

" punk-ass" he taunted as his fellows joined in the laugher.

I left wondering if the young woman had seen me get terrorized, she probably saw it. I felt sad and gloomy that my 0.01 chances with the woman had probably dropped to a negative.

And why would men grow that huge? Was it proteins or just sheer genetics, or gym?

My chain of thoughts were interrupted by a distant wail of sirens. I spotted the red and blue lights of an ambulance and two police cars racing towards the hospital's direction. Normally, I wouldn't have given it much of a thought but this was the third time I was hearing the sounds. Seemed like FiendVille was as dangerous as I was earlier warned.