
Betrayed & Rebirth

A man holding his gun with his right hand while his left hand holding onto his wounded chest while blood steeping out of his finger "at this rate i am a goner".

"My name is ace fiz".

Ace thought them smile as his memory of his birth to his death can be seen then distant memory came to him.

"Lily and rina i am sorry" ace thought then a man footstep can be heard "Oh ace".

"You bitch" ace said then smile as soon 15 army elite came to his rescue.


A gunshot can be heard and the man got a bullet to his head "No Commander you need to led us in the state final and bring us to victory once again" a teen said while tossing away his sniper while 14 men took off thier mask.

"Guy let us once again reunite" ace said then give the teen a hugs "Goodbye Jim" ace said then close his eyes as his life left his body.

Then everything froze and a golden light took his soul then "Bang".

Ace open his eyes then saw his reflection "is this the afterlife".

Ace then look at his young body then his eyes dash to the calendar "Aguest 8, 2250".

"Shin you backstabber" Ace cruse while saying his name.

"Young man once you experience a betrayal your eyes will open tonthe world and then you will bring our sect to victory"

"This time old man i will lead us to victory and into history never forgotten" ace thought.

Ace then went to park today in 15 years an decided to jog around the place and clam his breathing then stop in motion.

"I am sorry lily, rina" a man said then lift up his long sword while his eyes turn cold as ice then look over the battlefield.

"Ace" lily said then put a talisman on rina then rina turn into a baby girls while "Go".

"Don't die" lily said then "Pixel" lily lef tthe battlefield while killing intent and spirit qi of the saint rank can be felt from miles on ends.

Then bule flame went to the sky and boom the space around it crack then everything with black.

Ace then shake his head "Nothing can be done".

"I'm sorry" ace thought deep within his soul his greatest regret.


"rina stop" a teen with sliver hair and a white dress can be seen playing with rina who holding onto a flower.

When rina body started to turn into mist then it blew by the wind then step out a teenager with blonde hair and bule eyes while her memory came to her "Ace".

When dazzling white light apper from the room both girl nocited it.

"Ace" the unknown woman said and rina nodded her head in sadness then hope fill thier hearts while deep within thier souls sadness.

"Lily be careful" rina to lily then they both open the door at the same time when thier eyes laid into the gems stone then the shards float into the air.

And one word shine bright capturing the girls "Ace".

When music note started to flow out the house into the clan compound.

"La da ta da"

"La da ta da"

The music keep playing while everyone and the clan master and guard stop and pay thier respect but when the music keep playing they stood up then felt pessure descended onto thier body.

Then it dissapper along with the music note then rina and lily both dissaper and the gemstone gone.


Both girl open thier eyes and saw a strange bed while standing in unfamiliar room when one word caught thier eyes.

They both walk forward while looking around thier surroundings.

When lily pick up the letter "Hey ace this is your mom have fun at collage".

Lily didn't finish when she drop the letter while getting rina attention.

"Ace is alive" lily said then saw a picture frame of a child holding onto a flute while a mom smile and a dad holding his child".

They decide to walk out the room into a strange room then walk put the other door into the hallway then stop as soon they felt a familiar aura walking into the buliding they both felt thier spirit saint qi leave thier body then they both stumble backwards then fainted onto a couch.


Ace open the front door and walk up the stairs as soon he saw his door open he ran forward while taking out a knife from his belt and held it closs to his chest.

Ace then took cover to the wall an took a peek when seeing 2 stange girl wearing werid cloths he then look at thier face and froze.


Ace let the knife go and close his door while looking at the girl then he got out a extra blanket and pull it over them while going to his room.

"is Impossible right but if not then how coming i am seeing them both here".

Then ace went to his computer and about to close the tab when a site caught his eyes "Spirit Cultivation Online is now available".

Ace then read the information for the game again and comfirm it, he then ran out the door and ran outside around the connor.

Now the first in line ace then saw people walking and coming in cars while people coming with bodyguards.

"They don't know how the world work stuipd" ace thought then saw the store open and went inside.

Ace went to the counter and ask "I like to buy the Virtual Reality helmet and game please".

The manger came then took out a box while went to the back and took out a flashdrive".

"Here you go young man" the manager said then ace put the money on the counter and left.


A few min later.

Ace set up the helmet while scaning his iris and body scan then put the flashdrive into the pocket and wait for it to load while waiting for the girl to wake up.

(Chapter 2 is in progress)