
Answer and Avengers

I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- [System Speaking]

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3rd person pov

Some days went by after Susan confessed to Peter. Peter still didn't answer her but Susan already gave the divorce to Reed. Susan and the kids still living at Bexter building for some time cause Susan is still part of the Fantastic Four team. She already Purchases a home for herself and her Children. That house was in renovation right now. That's why she decided to stay at the Bexter building for while. Reed didn't show any effect of being affected by his Divorce. He was still the same. Always staying in his Lab. Peter told to Susan that before he give his answer to her confession. He needs to make something clear between them. So they decided to meet in the evening at a Coffee Shop.

Both Peter and Susan are sitting in the Coffee Shop. Susan was pretty nervous right now. Cause Peter was going to give his answer to her. She is afraid that Peter will reject her because of her past mistakes but still, she has a Job.

Peter: Okay, Susan Before I give you my answer. I have something to make clear.

Susan (Nervous): Yeah, I am listening.

Peter: I get to the Point. I already have a Fiancee.

Susan (sadly): So that was true.

Susan knows this but didn't believe it before or she didn't want to believe it before. She never had a chance, to begin with. She wanted to cry but she promised Peter that she will accept his answer with a smile on her face.

Susan (sadly and forcefully Smile): C.. congratulations.

Peter: Thanks, But I am not finished yet. I have a Fiancee. But I am also in a relationship with other two women and yes, my fiancee knew this and she was the one who give me approval to date them because I have special circumstances.

Susan was shocked. At first, she thought that Peter cheating on her Fiancee but after knowing that she knows this. Susan was stunned. But one more thought came into her mind. She still has a chance to get together with Peter.

Peter: So If you are fine with this that we can move forward in our relationship.

Susan didn't even think twice before answering him.

Susan: I am fine.

Peter was surprised by how fast she answered him and smiled at her.

Peter: Thanks for accepting this. Now about my answer. How about we start after I introduce to you, My fiancee and Girlfriends? Then we can go on date to understand each other better then we start our relationship.

Susan was very happy with that plan. She finally had a chance with Peter. She didn't want to miss this chance.

Susan: Sure, I would love that. How about I come to your house tomorrow with the Kids and Meet them?

Peter didn't have any problem with that. Susan will be going to his wife in the future so he needs to show her his home anyway.

Peter: Sure, I will come to pick you up tomorrow at 9:00 am in the morning. Be ready.

Susan (happily): Okay.

Both Peter and Susan separated and went to their own home.

On that day Peter also decided to visit The Avengers Tower. Right now he is on the way to the Avengers tower. When he reached at the Avengers tower. Happy was waiting for him to take him to the Avengers. Peter greeted him and follow him to the tower. When he reached at there whole Avengers team waiting for him.

Peter: Hey guys.

Steve: Hello Peter, How are you?

Peter: Fine.

Carol came and greeted him by hugging him.

Carol: Peter. I am sorry.

Peter: No problem, Don't worry.

After that Peter was also hugged by Natasha, Jessica Drew, and Jennifer. They were all happy that Peter decided to meet them.

Steve: So Peter, How is life treating you?

Peter: Honestly, My life is going very great. Too much great.

If Peter thinks about the past. His life was giving him the best life possible. He gets to meet Diana, Kara, Wanda, Elsa, Linda, and Ellen. He already has a relationship with Diana, Kara, and Wanda and in the future, Susan also will be joining them.

Tony: How did you get so much powerful?

Peter: That's my secret Stark and I will not tell you about that. Even if I told you. You can't get anything from it. But it's safe to be safe. So it's a secret and it will bury with me.

Tony understood that Peter will not tell anything to him so he changed the topic.

Tony: I heard you have Fiancee now. Is it true?

Peter: Yeah, It is true.

Carol, Natasha, and Jessica Drew felt heartbroken hearing that.

Steve: Congratulations. Who is she?

Peter: Thanks. Well her name is Diana Prince. We decided to get married when I become 18 years old.

They talked a lot and at night Peter decided to bid farewell to them. After saying goodbye to them. He went towards home. On the way of the home, he was thinking about the rewards he gets in a few days.

One of them is the blueprint of the Food replicator and Industrial replicator from star trek. He got both rewards in one week. This reward going to be very useful to him. When he took over the Genosha. This invention will helpful to the Public and give them chance to earn money and grow the economy. When he took over the Genosha. His superhero career will be completely finished. Cause at then he had a whole kingdom to take care of. So he wants to make some every preparation he can make. The blueprint of the Replicator Reward comes at a very critical time for him. Now he doesn't worry about the food and other things very much. In Star Trek, a replicator is a machine that can create (and recycle) things. Replicators were originally seen to simply synthesize meals on demand, but in later series much larger non-food items appear. The technical aspects of replicated versus "real" things are sometimes a plot element.

(This sentence I directly copy from Google.)

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So how it's guys? please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments. If you liked this story you can drop some power stones for it.