
A rough day was about to get worse

The morning sun lit up the busy streets of New York City, many of whom seen were either white-collar workers on their way to work or students attending school.

Among them, one could see a man who seemed in his late twenties speeding across the pavement. One look at his face and it wouldn't take a genius to figure out how much panic this man was in.

The man was 28 years old Jonathan Hill, now unemployed and looking for work.  This month alone, Jon had seven unsuccessful interviews and today would be the eighth.

Jon had been prepping himself for this interview for the past week, yet even after all the planning for the day of the interview, on the key date he had woken up 40 minutes later than what he had originally planned.

Due to the panic that came after waking up, he had hurriedly taken a shower before changing his clothes and leaving the house, even forgetting to eat his premade breakfast from the night prior.

Taking a cab, Jon looked outside the window preparing himself for the questions that had yet to be asked. After what seemed to be forever the taxi finally arrived to the destination. After paying the cab fee and exiting the vehicle, Jon looked ahead to see the massive 10 floor tall corporate building and although he had prepared himself many times, seeing the real thing still gave him a fright.

"There is no way I would fail an eight time right?" Jon thought, consoling himself.

After entering the massive building, Jon didn't waste any time before heading straight to the elevator. On the way to the elevator Jon started to feel the urge to piss.

"Not again, I used the toilet 3 times before leaving the house" said Jon frustrated "No way I am doing an interview like this! I have to pee first."

After asking a man passing by where the restroom was, Jon hurriedly rushed to the direction the man pointed out. Arriving in front of the toilet door he grabbed the handle and turned before opening the door.

What greeted him next was not the toilet but the blinding lights of the sun! Jon covered his eyes to block the sudden sunlight, after a while he opened his eyes and looked ahead, only to be stunned by what he saw.

As far as he could see it was flat grass plains and in the distance, mountains with snowy peaks could be seen. Even more unbelievable was that in the sky two suns shone!

In his stupor he unconsciously walked forward into the 'toilet', As soon as he was fully inside the door suddenly shut behind him.

After Jon finally came back to his senses and looked behind him, the door which he had entered through could not be seen! In its place was a jungle with trees as far as the eye could see.

Jon stood there frozen not knowing what to do, it had all come and gone too quickly and his brain could not fully process what had just happened.

During these moments Jon experienced what could have been called the six stages of grief.

1. Shock

"What just happened" Jon asked, still very much confused. "Where am I?"

Moments later....

2. Denial

"Did I drink too much last night and end up in some unknown forest?" Jon asked himself. He then looked down to see his ironed suit and briefcase, then upwards at the two suns in the sky.

15 minutes of coping later...

3. Anger

"Is this some-kind of futuristic experiment? Jon yelled loudly, his voice full of anger. "Do I need to do this to get the Job?" Jon started to run around flat grasslands yelling at the top of his lungs.

30 minutes of screaming later.....

4. Bargaining

"Maybe if I do this correctly I can get the job directly and get a promotion" Thought Jon optimistically. He sat down feeling very tired.

4 hours later.....

5. Depression

"Is the experiment done?, Can I leave now?" Jon asked dispirited. "I haven't eaten anything all day"

3 hours later...

6. Acceptance

"Did I transmigrate?" Jon asked himself perplexed and finally coming to the realization of his situation. Jon suddenly heard a loud noise in his ears.

<system initialization complete>

<survival system activating>

<deactivating camouflage>