
SPECTRA SHIFT: A Gamer Quest Through Dimensions

Hoang Minh, a university student, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into a game world he created. In this new reality, he navigates the complexities of power struggles among the Seven Great Families and the City Lord’s Residence, all while trying to adapt to his new life as Hoàng Chấn Minh. With the help of his childhood friend Vu, he begins his journey to become stronger, guided by the Dream Game System and his own determination. As he delves deeper into this world, Hoang Minh faces challenges, battles, and unexpected alliances. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he trains diligently and innovatively, even creating his version of the Multiple Image Splitting Technique. Alongside his faithful companions, Pikachu and Hitokage, he confronts foes and discovers hidden quests, including a showdown with the Wolf King. Despite the trials and setbacks, Hoang Minh perseveres, continually upgrading his skills and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. Join Hoang Minh on his thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and electrifying battles as he strives to unlock the secrets of the Hoang Thien continent and his own potential. After all, in a world where anything is possible, who knows what destiny awaits?

Geovane_Magno · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
105 Chs

Chapter 6: The young master coming of age

Van Nam Kingdom, a vast nation spanning thousands of miles, with a long history, was ruled by the royal family. Can Thien Tru be the reigning king? Apart from the royal family, there were other powerful forces as well, but these forces balanced each other out, creating a circle of power struggles. Of course, the royal family held the highest position, but over the years, several superpower families had developed and seemed to rival the royal family's influence. Among these superpower families were the Hoang, Vu, Khoi, Li, Ha, Mac, and Ngan families.

These superpower families were now on par with the royal family!

Among them, the Hoang, Vu, and Khoi families had a close relationship.

The Li, Ha, and Mac families formed another faction.

Only the Ngan family seemed to lean towards the royal family!

Van Nam City was the residence of all these superpower families and the royal family, and naturally, it was the gathering place for all the martial arts experts, bustling with activity.

To the east of Van Nam City was the branch mansion of the superpower family Hoang. At this moment, in a small study room, an elderly man with a robust physique sat leaning back in a large armchair, his eyes narrowed in contemplation, his silver hair disheveled. The wrinkles on his face were becoming more pronounced. His entire being exuded an imposing aura, the aura of a long-standing leader. He was the head of the Hoang family, Hoang Thai!

The room was originally quiet, but suddenly there were two knocks on the door!

"Come in!" Hoang Thai's strong voice echoed.

An old man entered, wearing old, worn-out clothes and looking somewhat weary. He was the elderly man who had been observing Hoang Minh for the past half month. Upon returning to the branch mansion, he went straight to Hoang Thai's room, feeling a bit tired from the journey, but his eyes still sparkled as ever. Folding his hands together, the old man bowed respectfully.

"Hoang Tinh, you're back. How's the situation?" Hoang Thai asked.

Hoang Tinh, the elderly man with silver hair, used to be a free martial artist. In the past, while passing through the wilderness, he was attacked by demonic beasts but was luckily saved by Hoang Thai. Grateful, he had decided to follow and assist him ever since. The two had been like brothers turned master and servant for over 40 years. Since Hoang Thai became the family head, Hoang Tinh had been appointed as the elder patriarch. "Hoang Tính" was the name given to him by Hoàng Thái.

"The Tam family continues to manage the shops in Thai Minh town, and business is quite good! Young Lady Niem is still living with the divine healer Phuc Khai, and I hear her condition has improved. As for the young master..."

"How's Chan Minh? How is he?" Hoang Thai interrupted, sensing Hoang Tinh's hesitation and seeing a strange expression on his face.

"The young master is fine. His body is healthy, and the tree wasn't very high."

Hoang Tinh said lightly, downplaying the height of the tree. If he were to mention that the tree was about 15 meters above the ground, it might have caused concern. Falling from such a height, even if not fatal, could have resulted in broken limbs, especially for a 10-year-old child who hadn't practiced any martial arts. In reality, when he heard this news, Hoàng Tính was also shocked. This young master seemed to have an extraordinary destiny. Little did he know that Hoang Chan Minh had already completed his transformation. His current physique housed a different soul.

Hoang Thai was taken aback, "What happened?"

"The young master fell from a tree, but he's okay. He's in good health, and the tree wasn't very high."

Hoang Tinh reassured him. Hoang Thai's heart raced as he heard the news. He couldn't help but worry about his son. "How is he now?" he asked eagerly.

"The young master is doing well. He seems to have grown up all of a sudden!"

"Grown up? How?" Hoang Thai asked, his curiosity piqued.

"The young master is reading books and then training physically."


Hoang Thai was astonished. Reading books and physical training?

"Yes, reading books!"

"What is he reading, and how is he training?"

"About the history of Hoang Thien continent, cultivation realms, and the Great Records of Human and Demon, among other things..."

Hoang Thai became more and more puzzled as he listened. This 10-year-old child was reading such profound subjects? Could he understand them all? But somehow, this situation felt familiar to him, reminiscent of events from over 40 years ago when his eldest son, Hoang Chan Khang, also began to engage with books. He felt a warm and nostalgic feeling, mixed with a tinge of regret and self-blame.

"The young master reads very attentively. I've been observing him secretly, and I've noticed that not only does he read, but he also analyzes and interprets correctly. Every morning, he wakes up early and goes to the mountain behind to train until the sun rises high."

"Since when did this start?"

Hoang Thai asked with great interest.

"Since before sunrise. The young master performs some strange movements. Sometimes he stands on his hands with his arms on the ground, or he stretches his legs towards the sky. Sometimes he plants his feet and stretches out his arms behind him. Sometimes he performs martial arts movements, but the speed is extremely slow. I'm not sure if it's martial arts or combat techniques, but it looks very mysterious. Neither fast nor slow, it's extraordinary."

Hoang Tinh didn't know that these were just regular body training exercises like planting banana trees and push-ups. He also didn't understand the martial arts Hoang Minh practiced, the Tai Chi Fist, which was aimed at relaxing the body.

Hoang Thai's eyes lit up, and his mind was buzzing with excitement. He couldn't help but stroke his beard thoughtfully. Now, he looked quite different.

"The young master has a good spirit and a healthy body."

"Very good! He still has three years until the coming-of-age ceremony. I hope he won't disappoint us!"

"The young master is already grown up!"

Hoang Tinh said with a smile.