
Space Battleship Omega Sahara 9-1

Basically, this book is my first book I am planning on writing it's probably going to suck, but it's going to revolve around 3 main characters 1 from the past 2 out of 9 in the present as well as involving a legendary spaceship connecting these characters together in some way or another as well as set up for another book to add to make it a series, and also revolves around a couple hundred or 100 side characters it is going to be edited a lot, with empires other made up legendary ships, probably some side characters that seem to be main and you end up loving which then end up dead hence the dark/tragedy aspect some may go out like a Bad A$$ others not so lucky and end up Betrayed/Assassinated/ Gone just like that dead or the worst way to go Brutally tortured to further aid the Main villains plans on killing the Sub Main Good characters and winning in their own way. Full Warning this story might get Gory, and use Cuss Words, Main characters can die their just way harder to kill besides the True Main character the other can all die you have been Warned!! Enjoy.

ZetaGrid · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

Info Dump 2# Important

Ranking Classes: Goes From Supreme Category to Low Category.

This is the ranking classes of each of these Categories Apocalypse-Nightmare-Experimental Classes-Weapon Classes-Ship Classes-Titans and Animals Stronghold, Space Stations, and City Stations and Planets.

Basically, a lot of information to the story and I'm just giving a ranking layout and these rankings might not even be mentioned in this book it might be split into 3 or 2 books, depending on my skills, Support, and motivation.


These Categories are considered Supreme-Category the highest you can Achieve and everything to Ship, Stations and Weapons are able to be built only by The Eternal Empire and Old Empires, however only The Eternal Empire Can Build anything related in the Apocalypse Category.

!!! Apocalypse-Class: Apocalypse Class Objects Can Only be in these 3 categories, Strongholds, Spaceship Titans/Animal Titans, or Superweapons.

When You face anything related to an apocalypse Class Object you probably 90% Dead or if your ship faces one it's going to be 99% crippled in the fight or presence of these objects all why praying to not be next and have your as$ spanked out of existence.

Apocalypse class label is anything that can do up to 500k True Damage and has 500k health and is normally a Planet Killing Nightmare Class Super weapon, A near Impenetrable Stronghold, A titan Classes Warship or A titan class lifeform and all of the objects are the size of planets or close to half.


*Nightmare-Class: Nightmare Class Objects can be found in these Categories, Super Weapons, Strongholds, City Stations, and planets, and Ships.

When you face against theses you will probably fail if you don't have something another object class the same or multiple Armadas and Fleets. Around 80% of death or 95% of breaking your legs, As$ or Nutts "Only applies to boys".

Nightmare class label anything that Can do up to 250k Damage and has 250k health and is normally a Void-Class Ship, a Stronghold, a Super Weapon Armada Destroyers, A Capital Planet or a Capital Station.


*Experimental-Class: Experimental Class Objects can only be found in these Categories, Super Weapons and Capital Ships such as Battleships, Carriers and Battlecruisers.

In this aspect is where the legendary Omega Sahara-9 will deviate from these categories and is the only ship labeled as Unique in ship builders, Admirals, and Universal Legends where it will claim the title legendary.

Experimental-Class Ships are normally Omega-Class Capital Spaceships, or Fleet Destroying Superweapons.

For those Wondering and reading this The Eternal Empire or Old Empire is just a label Not their actual names its just there clasifacations statues on the Unifversal scale I'll be sure to explain it on a later info Dump.

ZetaGridcreators' thoughts